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Everything posted by Tphi

  1. Find your caps lock key please?! Edit: My orders now gone to "Processing".
  2. Mine changed to "Ready for Dispatch" last night too. Gonna pop down there and find out exactly when it'll be in-store for pick-up (ordered mine the 25th November).
  3. I've long said a DS version could be absolutely perfect. Selecting Pikmin wouldn't be easier than with a stylus. Huge fan of the first two games so hopefully a third is in the works, though we've heard literally nothing about one. Miyamoto once made a comment about a third title, but it's believed this became the second half of Pikmin 2 after the credits - the return to rescue Louie. Everything crossed though!
  4. Lows: Woolworths not having the stock to fufill my pre-order. And still not having it. Highs: Erm..
  5. Got to town about 8am to wait outside John Lewis for their 9am opening where I knew they had ten non-preordered stock. 3rd in line behind an older woman getting it for her grandson who was apparently getting someone to come down to make sure she got to the Wii first as she thought we'd all push past her, despite her standing there the longest in the cold, since 8am. Though that wasn't needed. A brisk jog through the shop after doors opened at 9am, and our group mounted the two escalators to the Electrical department.. to find people already there. Getting up to the counter, a woman was just being told ".. and that's the last one." That was it. All sold. No one from our group standing outside got one. The other people must have come up from another entrance, most probably the car park. Utterly gutted. In the next few hours drove round to various places. Tried Asda, Virgin, Curries, Toys R Us, PC World, Tescos, Bennetts, Morrisons, Woolworths (who said my now delayed pre-order might take two weeks), Boots, Jarrolds and Debenhams.. before finally admitting defeat. So wanted to mug anyone I saw with a GAME bag.
  6. Got the same message too. Pissed off. Very pissed off. This means a dash around the shops on December the 8th trying to find limited stock, or an agonising wait. Very very pissed off. "Nintendo have only shipped part of the promised stock for Nintendo Wii to all retailers within the UK. Due to this, we have only received part of our allocation. We are led to believe by Nintendo that we will receive all stock in time for pre-Christmas delivery. Please accept our apologies for this delay." NO, I do not accept your apologies. Argh.
  7. Dude, just been on there. They guarantee "delivery in launch week". But we're not getting delivery, so all should be cool. Have faith, their net site still has the 8th listed as when they're getting their shipment in-store. Nothing to suggest otherwise. Everything crossed!
  8. As my faithful friend JC said, I was told by Woolies that they wouldn't take orders online for stock they wouldn't have on the launch day. Ergo, once it sold out on the website, that was it - all Woolies knew they'd be allocated. I was also told in store (and it was the Norwich branch, which is HUGE) that they would not be stocking Wii in-store. You would have to pre-order online or there for them to have a Wii delivered for you. Whether this will change in the future as stock becomes more plentiful, who knows. I'm picking mine up in store on the 8th, and mine's still set to "back-order or pre-release". Interesting to hear they'll be in on Thursday, might try my luck. All the best to everyone else, hope Woolies pulls through!
  9. Speaking of countdowns - props to RedShell and Mike for getting our flashy new frontpage flash graphic doo-dad sorted. Respect!
  10. Tphi


    Bring back Angel, that's what I say.
  11. From gonintendojustincase.blogspot.com: Ahaha.
  12. Strewth, was rather shocked by this. Thinking about the lifestyle he lead he was a very lucky man, but it appears his luck has now run out. He had such a big personality I can see his death effecting a lot of people.
  13. Tphi


    The logo's staying. The arrow suggests the whole "Revolution" aspect of Nintendo's theology, which the company is still practicing with the DS and the Wii. Invent, disrupt, revitalise. And its a cute little arrow. The site's gonna stay looking pretty much the same for the moment, though we an idea how to keep it refreshing in the future. Work is more going on a new part of the site, but enough on that. Indeed, the burnt Revo-Europe turning to N-Europe is like a Pheonix rising from the ashes. And it was another newsie who suggested the name Ash, not Arc :P
  14. Long live N-E!
  15. Bring back the Doc's brown suit!
  16. RE going down, again? And the heat. Though pretty thunderstorms tonight - hope that will mean the hot weather will break (probably not).
  17. Jesus. This makes me so mad. First of all, I'm really sorry to hear about what happend mate. Unfortunately this kinda thing occours way too often these days. My mate got beaten up the other week, and I've been assaulted quite badly myself. Report it to the police, it's quite likely these guys are known to them already. And until they're caught, they're going to keep on doing it. These kind of people go out looking for trouble - they get kicks off of it, and it is sick. Best of luck mate, and don't feel paranoid about going out again. Although it happens too much, you were still 'just unlucky'.
  18. Right. And there was me about to head to bed. Damn you Nintendo!
  19. .. They just won't know what it is until Nintendo's conference tomorrow.
  20. I'm on "Stay Tuned" too.
  21. Awesome stuff. First DQ title for a Nintendo console since the SNES!
  22. If anyone's seen the US episode that airs tonight (2x20), then holy crap..
  23. Whenever I say it in my head I pronounce it the "Why-I". Makes it alot more bearable.
  24. It's disapointing they still haven't put this in other languages yet. And it's the same with the main Google site. Even google.co.uk doesn't have as many services as google.com.
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