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Everything posted by Tphi

  1. TMZ.com reporting: Guess we'll know in the next few days. The autopsy has now begun.
  2. Roundtable = letdown Zelda Wii stuff sounds interesting. Why no one asked about Pikmin 3 is beyond me though.
  3. The finale's just finished, and to quote several characters: "Son of a bitch.." An amazing two episodes. So many questions. How can it be another 9 months until the next one?
  4. You mean America??

  5. Rayman hasn't been selling the past three titles!
  6. What are these mystery titles?
  7. 'Virtual Console Arcade'?
  8. We're on the new server now, but it seems AMN moved over a 24 hour old version of us. *facepalm*
  9. Get well soon Sprout!
  10. Good to see all the Sprout comic strip veterans being included
  11. I recognise those shades.
  12. Ahhh. Thanks guys. I have always meant to play SS/PiT but never got around to it for some reason. Crazy. Been a fan of the Paper Mario games for a long time so I think I'd like it.
  13. Who is that guy?!
  14. Yeh I'm poking our graphics monkeys about this one. Hard. In the eye. With sporks. Sit tight and it should be fixed soon. Edit: And I think we're about sorted
  15. Muppets Christmas Carol is one of the integral parts of Christmas for me
  16. Aw, I love Gadd. He should have been a trophy in Brawl!
  17. So true! I'm already all waiting for episode two
  18. Great to have you back dude - looking cracking! Sprout's comic will of course be getting the front page treatment
  19. Tphi

    Doctor Who

    He said he was tempted to stay on for Moffett. Damn shame. http://www.bbc.co.uk/doctorwho/s4/misc/news/
  20. They aren't doing it to change the film. The film is almost completed post production already - and likely will be completely ready in time for its old November release date. They'll just hang on to it for eight months until next summer to release it.
  21. The next Potter film has been delayed from November until next July in a surprise move by Warner Bros. this evening - despite the release of the first trailer just a week or so ago. Some of you are fans of Harry Potter. Some of you aren't. Regardless, here is an astounding example of a very greedy movie studio. In it's press release, Warner Bros. explains its reasons for the eight month delay: “Our reasons for shifting ‘Half-Blood Prince’ to summer are twofold: we know the summer season is an ideal window for a family tent pole release, as proven by the success of our last Harry Potter film, which is the second-highest grossing film in the franchise, behind only the first installment. Additionally, like every other studio, we are still feeling the repercussions of the writers’ strike, which impacted the readiness of scripts for other films—changing the competitive landscape for 2009 and offering new windows of opportunity that we wanted to take advantage of. We agreed the best strategy was to move ‘Half-Blood Prince’ to July, where it perfectly fills the gap for a major tent pole release for mid-summer.” Well, at least they're not hiding the fact it's been done purely to make them more money. The sad thing is WB knows that it will piss fans off no end by doing this, but come next July knows that the same fans will still queue up in line to see it.
  22. Just re-read this. Possibly a bad choice of phrase there I fear.
  23. *pokes head in from behind the scenes* Cheers guys! You're all invited to N-E Headquarters tonight for the party
  24. The internet is serious business.
  25. Zane Lowe is good, though he does play the same records every time. He's been at my Uni the past two years and his playlist hasn't changed!
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