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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Phew, all my shows seem safe, accept ugly betty D=
  2. LOL, that's a first It's the effects. Heres the original...
  3. Because whenever I seem to post someone, I get flamed. Ackacakcakckakckackkackakckackakckack.
  4. Kids messed up. It's fucking disgusting. Even at that age.
  5. Yes, I have a penis and everything. How shocking!
  6. As long as I enjoy the music, I don't give a flying fuck what you think
  7. Me too ^_^ I would say I'm creative, although, Spore proved me wrong So, dunno how much I'm gunna get out of this!
  8. WOO LOVE YOU Got one muahaha EDIT: Are people stupid enough to buy these? If so at what cost?
  9. The Pussycat Dolls new album is great ^_^ A few weak tracks on it, but that's forgiven as it has 18 tracks on it overall ^_^ Some great dance beats, just wish there were more jazz songs on it, I love their version of "Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps" Also, I picked up Jennifer Hudson's new album, still listening to it a few times, got some strong tracks on, her voice is truly magnificent.
  10. Why do pretty gay boys have to be so judgemental? Argh argh. And yes, women annoy me too :/ But they give me so much joy ^_^
  11. I'm talking about the proper stuff here. Is there a difference? Is the difference worth getting rotten teeth? I have just drank a can of Coke, after having only Diet Coke for a year, and YES there is a difference! Although, I don't think I will be switching purely because there's not enough difference to warrant the amount of sugar in Coke :/ So, is there a difference?
  12. Whoah, I agree it's a lot darker. I'm too fucking confused though.... Just watched ep 1 btw...
  13. You look SO much better with short hair ^_^
  14. Superbad i didn't think i would find this funny. But I was laughing all the way through XD Although it dragged abit towards the end. 8.5/10
  15. Haven't give it a listen yet, will let you know tonight (Y)
  16. It is a bit bland. But she looked gorgeous in it ^_^
  17. LOL It sounds so much like "Ooh ooh baby" wtff :/ It's grating how much it sounds like it, *stops listening* Will wait for a better quality version before I decide whether I like it.
  18. Happy birthday
  19. No after you watch his special edition of "my super sweet 16" Eurgh, what a spoilt brat.
  20. canand. If it was free? Yes! But it's not. So. No :/
  21. Oh! *gets all embarrassed* Not everyday you get called hot by a straight guy aha ^_^
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