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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Saying someone needs to be shot for making a decent film.. Even if it was shit, being shot for it? Yeah because that's intelligent of you :/
  2. Yeah because that's a pretty intelligent thing to say
  3. So glad they did Hairspray, such a fun/happy/bubbly film which is actually good, as well as having a serious issue raised in it. Never seen Footloose, so this is welcome in my eyes ^_^
  4. I won £200 on a radio station when I was like...8 XD It felt like a million quid back then, <3
  5. Yay you got it Haggis ^_^
  6. Saw 2 Horribleleeelelelelelelelellelryuickk Twist was great too. 6/10
  7. This guy I have been after for ages, has finally started taking an interest in me, saying he wants to meet up more and stuff.. Then he goes to a party last night and hooks up with his ex, now he is caught up in him again. *mumbles to self*
  8. Alexander did an Aguilera song *cheers* She did it quite good aswell, although she couldn't pull off the super long note at the end :P
  9. Pre-ordered - £2 £2.30
  10. Mmmm, I'm undecided. It is a pretty good song
  11. Mulan Bought this on dvd the other day, forgot how much I love it! Such a charming film, and I just love the song "reflection" (not because Christina Aguilera did a cover for it for the soundtrack :P) Also, Eddie Murphy as Mushu was hilarious ^_^ 9.5/10
  12. Sabrina <3 Fucking loved it. ... *crys* I miss my kids tv shows, OMG and errrm S.M.T.V CAT THE DOG
  13. SHIT! HAPPY BIRTHDAY :D:D:D:D sorry!
  14. Yay! I have just broken my first 1000 plays for Christina Aguilera ^_^ *high fives CB*
  15. Love this song, heard it on the "surf" advert, and looked for it on iTunes, downloaded it last night ^_^ It's so beautiful
  16. Am I right in saying you lost a lot of weight Serebii? I think it was you anyway..... Looking good ^_^
  17. Christina Aguilera's new single "Keeps Gettin' Better" is out tomorrow on itunes YAYAYAYAYAYAYA Can't fucking wait. I have only heard it twice, first time when it premièred at MTV's Video Music Awards, then again on the radio. Since then I have been avoiding listening to it and stopped myself "acquiring" it until it officially comes out here in the UK.... So excited
  18. Yay Courtney Cox ^_^
  19. Where the hell you get it at that price? *Grumbles at paying £23 for it* Although worth every penny ^_^
  20. Whoah, didn't expect so many (long) posts. I can see a lot of people feel very strongly on this, and has different opinions. As most people have said, it must be something terrible happening inside of your head to put your family/friends through this, I mean, imagine the family member who finds you, or the friend....their lives would be scarred.. I have thought about it before when I was going through a very bad period in my life (2-3 years ago) but never had the courage to even harm myself. I did a lot of crying though...A LOT. Sometimes I would wear myself out from all the crying :/ It was horrible. I just can't imagine, people being so young, throwing their life away, when so many great times are ahead of them....such a waste of a life.
  21. Hahahaha XD Shes so cute and cuddly even when she says the F word ^_^
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