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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Was that meant to be for cubechris? XD Heres a shameful "just got out of the shower pic and made it black and white to make me look better" pic
  2. Haha, I have seen all the ones in the top section, Moulin Rouge is also one of my favourites I just love the quirkyness of it ^_^ Haven't seen Nightmare and Corpse Bride for a while now, will give them another watch, Sweeney Todd I liked, but I tend to go for more....colourful films :P Romeo + Juliet I have to see again, I watched it in English, like over the spread of 5 lessons, so can't really remember it that well. Sound of Music :heart: Mary Poppins I love aswell So I guess I have seen a few :P
  3. No I haven't, as many don't appeal to me. But would love to try more... Recommendations?
  4. Chicago My favourite musical, and one of my favourite films, just superb. 10/10
  5. Legally Blonde Didn't like the start much, got better as it went on. There was something about the film that I disliked....can't think of what it is though. Anyway, enjoyable little chick flick, watching the second soon XD 6.5/10
  6. You look like my ex chris XD Thats a good thing btw ahaha
  7. Samantha Who? - Pilot Nice little start to something that could be great ^_^ Love the fat girl 7/10
  8. Wasn't saying you purposely posed.... Was just saying I loved it
  9. WTF Vista has only just come out :/ Well not just...but you know what I mean. Piss take ¬¬
  10. Heavenly Sword Seeing as I don't normally like hack and slash games, I LOVED this. The story was great, the graphics were gorgeous, and killing loads of baddies is hell a satisfying ^_^ 8/10
  11. Love them chairdriver ^_^ Also loving the pose XD
  12. <3 I adore this game, must play it again sometimes ^_^
  13. Happy birthday!
  14. The tee hee made me lol ^_^
  15. £5 £4 Oh and "The Devil's Beat" by Sandi Thom - £0.79
  16. YAAAAAAAAAAAY *explodes with happyness* You make such a cute couple Also, Flinky you have a great smile ^_^ And Eenuh, do I really need to say you gorgeous? :P
  17. WTF. lol. and Jordan good on ya (Y)
  18. Thanks for that Haggis Looking forward to it, loved Blackout. But it is rather soon after Blackout. Meh.
  19. *hugs* I'm reading "Chasing Harry Winston" the latest book from the Author, just getting into it now ^_^ Btw, big shock if you see this, then Mamma Mia XD
  20. Only 4 bears?!?!?! It's one of my favourite movies
  21. No problem ^_^ I had the same issue a while back, it's horrible to see everything muddled up! I spent an hour correcting song names/albums/artists and artwork the other day, my iTunes has never looked so pretty
  22. Hey, I'm just going from personal experience :P And I did say in one of my posts, that some of the womens stuff is nice!
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