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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. My anticipation list for 360 from starting from most... Banjo - N+B Viva Pinata - TiP Fable 2 Dunno whether Fallout 3 appeals to me, as I hated Oblivion :/
  2. I haven't seen one of those utter peices of crap since "Date Movie" I loved the Scary Movie series, well, 4 was abit shit, but the first three were hilarious. Oh and on a slightly related note, anyone heard of Anna Faris' new movie? House Bunny. Looks like a laugh, and I LOVE Anna Faris
  3. Add away ^_^
  4. Letty: You are actually the most awesome person, ever. And I ALREADY know that without even having to meet you. Jordan: lol
  5. Look on sites like http://www.avforums.com and http://www.hotukdeals.com People are selling second hand PS3's there all the times, I got a bargain off avforums, £225 for a new unboxed 40gb ps3 with GT5-Prologue and Spiderman 3 blu-ray If your looking to buy from stores, I recommend amazon as I think they give you a free HDMI cable, and it's still cheaper than anywhere else (I think).
  6. Same here Daft I didn't know there was a second finding Nemo in the works :S Also, a teaser for "Up" Made me laugh. Teaser - Up
  7. My most anticipated movie for this year is coming out 25th December! The Princess and the Frog, woooo The princess is going to be voiced by Anika Noni Rose, who I loved in Dreamgirls ^_^
  8. There is "Up" that is out next year.
  9. Spott.....spotted dick? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Oh, and mine is Chocolate fudge cake with custard... mmmmmmmmmmm.
  10. Did she ever go ahead with those plans to open her own chain of strip clubs?
  11. Love P!nk's new song, but I agree Paj, her best songs were on those albums.
  12. From Kotaku Sounds good
  13. LOL at the end of that. Why haven't I heard of this movie?
  14. What size is your tv? I have a 26" and I can't tell the difference between 720p and 1080i....but I suppose you could on a bigger screen. I run mine at 1080i for no particular reason XD And I think when you download stuff, I think if it says it runs in 1080p, it just means thats the maximum. It will happily run in 720p/1080i And anytime ^_^
  15. Ya know, I have no idea how I came to type that and didn't realise it :S
  16. Well, with the guy I'm seeing now, we had (sorta) sex on the second date/meet up... I don't think it's slutty if you don't do it [having sex on first/second date] too often...
  17. Bedazzled Fun movie, and even though I'm straight, FUCK Liz Hurley was hot 7/10 EDIT: Was meant to say gay....:/
  18. Why? Because I'm totally in love with her Ahaha. Yeah anyway, someone who can help?
  19. Anyone know a place that will have 2 year old singles/EP's? I'm looking for Christina Aguilera ones in particular, found a couple on eBay, but can't find some others that I want ANYWHERE :/ And I already have the albums, but I want the cases/cd's
  20. :bowdown:
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