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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Lol, you miss the point. They whistle at me, thinking im a girl, then realise im not and say that.
  2. Meh, its only cuz im leaning to one side. The problem is it being too long at the back and it keep covering my eyes. Also chavs walking past whistling at me then going"OMG ITS A FUCKING CHAP HAHAHAHA" But thats because I look a bit feminine I think. lol....
  3. Me and my best friend on Boxing Day Just for lols. Oh and yes, I need my hair cut really bad
  4. With my new Samsung NC10 netbook, it came with windows xp. And I have to say, have much faster xp is compared to Vista. I have skinned my xp to look like vista, and now I can't think of anything that I miss about Vista. I still have Vista on my desktop, but I'm actually preferring xp now :/
  5. I seriously recommend people check out V V Brown. Just discovered her tonight, please, just check her out. http://www.u-download.co.uk/ You can download (legally) two of her tracks there, "Quick Fix" and "Refresh me" I love her already, such a good sound, gogoogogogogogo!
  6. KRISTEN CHENOWETH It all fits now! I got the Wicked soundtrack a few months back, and could swear I recognised the voice of the good witch, its been nagging at me for ages. AND ITS THE GIRL ON HAPPY PILLS ON PUSHING DAISES!!!! LOVE IT Hahahaha. Im easily pleased. I have a new love <3
  7. Meh, I disagree. But anyway, Solange, I got her album the day it came out, and it really is amazing. It has that retro sound throughout, and I think you would particularly like "Cosmic Journey"
  8. What? Meh, I think they are fantastic. Smash into you is probably my favourite off the Beyonce disc, or ava maria...
  9. "The Show" is my fave Girls Aloud song. Also I LOVE the "Single Ladies" video <3 So simple yet so powerful. Loving Beyonce's "I am..." at the moment, the extra songs on the Deluxe edition are well worth it, "Ego" is one of my favourites from the album. Dunno If I prefer the Beyonce half of the album or the Sasha Fierce half....
  11. I know you wont like this, but this is why I love Christina Aguilera so much, she cares about her music, and puts passion, heart and sole into it. Saying that, people can be amazing singers, but have no talent at all in writing songs, which is where song writers come in... Your forgetting the whole performance side of things....theres a lot more to music than the song part :/
  12. I totally agree, I was so emotional for her last night, you could see she was hugely overwhelmed by it all. I didn't think it was too much at all, considering what had just happened to her (singing with Beyonce, winning the x-factor, getting a record deal, single just being released) all in one night! So happy for her, she deserves this, just hoping her album next year isn't covered with the normal x-factor offerings.
  13. LOL really? Hmmm, I think a slow song is in order next, and should deffo be "Unusual You" best slow track on there. And yeah I agree, Phonography is great, just makes u wonder how many other great tracks were dumped from the album :/
  14. Most people know on here, Im not really a big Britney fan, but... I got "Circus" (deluxe edition) for my birthday....and.... Wow O.o I'm in love with this album, seriously, it's, in my opinion, her best album yet. My favourite tracks: Circus Kill The Lights Unusual You Mmm Papi Shattered Glass If You Seek Amy My Baby (i thought it sounded so shit at first, but its just so soppy, you gotta love it XD) Now if you haven't got the bonus tracks, download these (from somewhere) Phonography Rock me In Amnesia Quicksand And especially.... TROUBLE Why was this just an i-tunes exclusive? Its one of my face tracks. Such an amazing album, so glad I got the tickets
  15. Chicken Tikka Misala, Pilau Rice, Naan Bread. Mmmmmmmmm.
  16. Tickets were £50 each, also travel and stuff. All the rest added up to about £100 aswell, not bad me thinks :P Usually get less than that. And yes, its an awesome album, totally in love atm. What he said
  17. My parents are separated, it helps lol
  18. Birthday presents yo Deluxe edition Deluxe edition Then a few little things, and.... THE CIRCUS: STARRING BRITNEY SPEARS 2 TICKETS IN LONDON!!! Yay
  19. Thankyou all, had a fantastic day
  20. Yaaay thankyou guys LOL Meh, Circus was one of my pressies, and so was Britney tickets, so, it fits :P
  21. Meh, Alexandra's one step ahead of Leona I think, Leona can't PERFORM like Alexandra can, in the way of dance and everything. I also prefer Alexandra's voice to Leona's.
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