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Everything posted by triforce_keeper

  1. Wow haven't posted in quite some time! Day has been filled with college work, hurrah. Also watched last nights x-factor with some tea and biscuits mmmmm.
  2. LOVES IT! I have loved everything that Leighton has done so far, cannot wait for the album!
  3. DreamGirls One of my favourite films, easy. The songs are perfection throughout the movie, and if you can watch it in HD, the clubs and stuff look AMAZING. Great performances, even Beyonce, although Jennifer Hudson clearly steals the light. 10/10
  4. Bolt Didn't think I would like it, but I LOVED it! The characters made the film (I'm talking about the animals, the humans were a bore fest, except for maybe the granny <3) I think this is the first solo Disney 3d film I have saw in ages! 8/10
  5. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind First of all, I loved Kate Winslet's character, and her performance was excellent. A wonderfully weird film, and loved every second of it. Whatthefuckjusthappened/10
  6. Yeah, not really what you want to hear when you just spent 60 odd quid on a pair of shoes... Sorry :P
  7. :/ And I thought I was bad. Those shoes don't even look nice...
  8. Purchases over the past week! £10 £4 £4 £5
  9. Moulin Rouge One of my favourite movies of all time. I just love how weird, and wonderful it is. The showiness, the dark dank streets of Paris, the "underworld" as they call it. I just want to be in the middle of it, living it, ARGH I fucking love it. Roxanne is my favourite musical number, you can really feel the aggression and the power coming from the dance, aswell as how it is sung, amazing. The ending never fails to make me cry, such an emotional scene. 10/10
  10. PINOCCHIO I did have a nose, although it annoyed me and I couldn't drink with it on
  11. Sisters 21st Birthday Party Friday, Disney themed! Guess what character I am Yayayay.
  12. The Little Mermaid I want Disney back to the way they were, when they were making these incredible magical films Oh and the film, perfection. 10/10
  13. Yesyesyes I'm actually so hyped for this album, gunna be mind blowing Yesyesyes. In any duet, group, blah blah, she pisses over everyone.
  14. You, my brother from another mother, just made me fall in love with you 10x over. SHE SAID, "HELLO HEY JOE" YOU WANNA GIVE IT A GO, WHOOOOOOOOOOAH UHUH.
  15. I'm bloody brilliant, in a gay sort of way. We so need to meet sometime and have music sex. That really didn't come out sounding the way I wanted it too.
  16. Agreed, also "Yummy" is a fucking brilliant song, I sadly know all the words and pretend I'm Gwen for a couple of minutes, then the rapper who comes in.... I will stop talking now.
  17. I thought I was the one who looked like the beauty queen
  18. Lol! I don't actually know, maybe she isn't telling me something...
  19. This thread has been lacking some triforce keepers. Heres a REALLY RARE ugly/out and about photo of me from last night for y'all, as I only seem to put nice ones up here
  20. It's decent, good for a comic relief single anyway. The video is awesome though, bloody love it.
  21. Ahhhhh, it's a good dance track, can't get it out of my head, I have it in high quality, and it does sound better than that. Blasted, bass up high, its bloody awesome. On Lopez, I was just listening through her albums today, and what a great back catalogue she has, remind me so much of when I was younger , listening to my sister music in the next room
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