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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. So I got on this. Thanks for the invite N-europe.. NOT! you're about as much use as a used teabag at times. anyway If anyone wants an invite from here on, just PM me.
  2. Highly tempted by this game. Seems to be checking all the correct boxes for a good sonic game. I'm still a little concerned by the handling but it looks a lot of fun and certainly better than sonic 4.
  3. I'm so shit at that game. It's great fun though!
  4. The earlier Books are better than the later books but yet the later movies are better than the earlier.. It's weird like that.
  5. I have heart attacks a LOT in my dreams. It's actually been happening to me constantly lately. I'm not sure what's wrong with me.
  6. 43: rayman 2 48: portal
  7. Haha ya that's why I threw the post in bad stuff. It's a bad addiction for me. Although for the summer nobody is around posting. That's not to say I don't have other hobbies, but I spend more time on it than I should. Ya I threw a post in the google+ thread. I didn't think of checking tech before( I know duh right)
  8. Cmon guys the cover wasn't THAT bad? I quite like it. hard to judge it from a youtube video as well to be fair.
  9. Hey can I have an invite from someone? I can't repay you in anyway, but I'll give you a virtual hug thanks guys
  10. Kinda dying to try out the new google+. I'm a bit of a social network madman. It's only invite only at the moment however, so it's pretty difficult to get on it.
  11. Ya I don't get a lot of comedy these days. Up in the air was meant to be a comedy and I thought it was shite. I don't even find movies like the hangover utterly hilarious anymore... I'm really a fan of the airplanes, naked guns, Dumb and dumber, trains planes etc etc Meh I'd take it over most American sitcoms anyday.. and to be fair to it it has gotten better with each series. The first 2 are unwatchable however.
  12. If it helps upon a bit of further research this is pretty much what I get. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2009/08/sleep_paralysis/ It explains why I tend to always get it when im hungover too. Lack of sleep and such.
  13. Words on pictures!
  14. Had never come across this one.. hm I remeber Bad influence, games world, Big boy barry and gamesmaster mind. The latter being fantastic. Big boy barry was strange lol
  15. I meant to say than when you are awake.
  16. turns out I can't find a single thing on it actually. This site seems to have started it all http://listverse.com/2007/11/14/top-10-amazing-facts-about-dreams/ Problem is I can't find where they found this info from.. but I HAVE heard this being mentioned before, I defo didn't pull it outta my ass ha. I do believe that everything is based on SOMETHING. On ther other hand though, in your dreams aren't you using more of your brain than when you are awake?
  17. Nope, it's pretty much a proven fact. How do you know you've never seen the person? Subconsciously you have seen 100,000's of people in your life. You cannot possibly remember every face.
  18. Personally I find the idea of dreams and nightmares quite interesting. One thing about dreams I always find cool is that your brian NEVER invents a single person. Whether you remember or not, everybody in your dream is real. Persnally more often than not, I've been experiencing lucid dreams. This is dreams, where you figure out you are actually dreaming inside the dream. Something unrealistic might trigger it. I tend to have these kinds of ones more often than not, but trust me they can get terrifying. In my case I get tortured a lot lol. I believe people when they tell me you are parylyised while you sleep. I try to stop someone in the dream and I can't move. Anyone ever experience anything quite like this?
  19. and by the way none of those songs are as bad as this.
  20. To be fair most of my facebook posts are on friends pages but when I do update, it's usually youtube vids of simpsons footage
  21. I usually get VERY bored on chatrooms but I'll give it a go for a bit
  22. I don't know what a swagger jagger is.......I just know I want it dead.
  23. Tis a shame there aren't as many as there used to be. Silent hill hasn't been great since the second one. I love these sort of games. Also games like silent hill and fatal frame are "supposed" to have limited controls and gameplay, which helps fuel the atmosphere than you are "isolated" and helpless. Things like ink ribbons in classic resident evil help too. You'd think with all the graphical advancements we've made, there would be more. Games have the potential to be a LOT more frightening than movies could ever dream to be.
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