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mcj metroid

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Everything posted by mcj metroid

  1. .........Now what do you suppose it happening here! I just wanted to post this because it's officially my new favourite thing ever.. I'd like to dedicate this thread to WTF videos!.. Any videos you have come across that really make you say... WHAT!
  2. that's what I was thinking. I'll wear a generic Jersey.. Man Utd or something and deepen my voice. I'll come up with something shit to say on the night i'd say.
  3. Members of the public with annoying over-confidence yes.
  4. I'm really confused here and not sure what thread to post this in so forgive me.. So on monday i'll be doing this Gay blind date thing in a bar for the laugh.. The crowd are going to be a shower of shitheads from college. Ye guys have a sick sense of humor.. Any funny stories or questions I could ask him? The sicker the better I'm going to play a character doing it I'd say
  5. 3: warioware inc the gamecube one ?
  6. I suppose Tracks like Wario Stadium would be prone to even more ridiculous shortcuts.. I dislike shortcuts in general in mario kart. They're fun to find but alienate new players. I'm going to assume that's why they have been toned down I assume.
  7. Wow I did Oakwood crytal maze a long time ago
  8. good god no. It's actually failed already. No redeeming qualities can occur.
  9. This is a classic clip of stupidity. Especially for richard at the end As for bringing it back. It needs someone nuts. I do have a slight bit of faith in ITV though. If it was Sky 1 doing this i'd say instant fail. Sky 1 fuck up EVERY classic tv show.
  10. this one is brilliant actually. check out the realistic looking people? It's amazing they changed it so much.
  11. That is amazing lol! just for the first 5 seconds.
  12. Most of these are terrible but some are decent. Love this one. and here is imagine mixed up JUMP http://soundcloud.com/jackstanleywp/imagine-a-jump-john-lennon-vs-van-halen cool stuff! what are your favourites!?
  13. was going to post the same thing. You'd be suprised and how many closet cases we got. People who never know how unhappy they are until later in life.
  14. I loving scaring the shit out of homophobic people. Never gets old.
  15. he does make some very good points once you get past the bizarre rape humor. It might not be for everyone though His voice is quite annoying but it's intentional
  16. hmm well most of those games are either nintendo or just dance lol.. Just have to wonder what nintendo is doing that third parties don't seem to be able to handle.
  17. OH god why didn't they annouce the launch date and price? Price is a huge factor here. Are they waiting until a day before the 3ds launch to be sneaky? I'd assume so...
  18. Ya at first I hated the voice but you really get into it.... He does tend to get tied up in the "rape scenes" in his videos sometimes though. his star trek generations review was really funny too.
  19. this is true.Cartoon didn't really start to get GOOD until the 90's really. It's hard to argue with classic TMNT though.
  20. If the could get it out for €300 euros it could seriously put a dent in the 3DS... I doubt it'll sell for anything less. It would be hilarious if it did though
  21. As I said on another thread. I truly believe this console has a good chance against the 3ds. I know they are aiming for different audiences but the 3ds is too expensive to be a casual-friendly console.... It all depends on what they do.
  22. and those DKC games. Terrible terrible :p
  23. 17: professor layton and the curious village?
  24. How do ye guys not get bored of these games? I played modern warfare 2 and it was OK in single player and OK in Multiplayer but surely all these games are pretty much the same?, what could possibly change in 3 that would make it a must buy for ye?
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