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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. And that's far from everything.
  2. We will. Wii speak worked for me, the Switch voice chat doesn't.
  3. It's actually not since Wii speak was incorporated into the system.
  4. I don't think I'll be going for collection of mana actually.. After actually checking out the contents.. The vague idea popped up in my mind that I already had some version of Secret of Mana. So I wanted to check out my Wii E-shop collection, but I checked the list I posted on this forum and it wasn't on there. Seems like I actually own the original version. It was one of the games I bought when I bought my 2nd hand SNES years ago, as I never owned one back in the day. I also didn't realize "Final Fantasy Adventure" was the first game in the series, and was called Mystic Quest over here. And that game I actually played back in the day. That leaves the 3rd game, and to be frank, after watching the Treehouse footage, I think I'm more interested in the 3D remake. Though if there will indeed be a physical release I may get that one just for the collection.
  5. I'm super annoyed I have one game that's bloody and one game that has a lot of coins. I actually liked the retro coin effect, but I'm more annoyed they didn't just choose one style and stuck with it. Obviously the blood would never have been a problem in the first place. I hope there's an option to get both styles actually, with perhapns Travis making a joke about it.
  6. Can someone with a Japanese account check for me in the japanese E-shop if the game has English text?
  7. I don't especially need to see more of it either, though it does serve as a bit of a tutoral for someone like me who hasn't played Mario Maker 1. But! They did show off Super Mario 64 sound effects and music! That's awesome.
  8. Wait what? I was looking at the title, before I saw the replies, and was wondering why I missed the (real) Capital letter. So I edited it.
  9. Super Lucky looks good so far, and is getting a physical release. But damn Astral Chain is looking more amazing the more I see! I finally pre-ordered a whole bunch of games for this year, but not this one, since I was undecided if I wanted the special edition or not, which wasn't available yet on the shop I used. Think I will go for the special edition.
  10. Sméagol


    And that will be end of the month. This will be my 3rd Special Reserves games, and my 8th game from these limited physical release distributors.
  11. The real sequel coming 2020!
  12. I updated the OP once again. Anyone up for a quick session of Double Dragon tonight?
  13. And another season 2 coming up:
  14. For those interested: there are games added to the voucher program. https://ec.nintendo.com/GB/en/pretickets/70020000000081
  15. Haha, what is this monstrosity? Well I guess it doesn't look too bad, the extra bulk can't be helped. Could be useful for other games as well obviously, though it's missing some features, at least rumble.
  16. I'll need to see actual gameplay eventually, but at first impressions it seems like I want to reward Ubisoft for their efforts.
  17. Because that's what they do. A sarcastic rant in text-only form would go unnoticed between all the other comics. They've done similar comics before where they used a abstract generic figure if they wanted to depict a hypothetical "average consumer". Regardless.. the message is exactly why I think this is going to be a flop.
  18. I don't mind turn-based at all, but so far I've never been a fan of the FF battle systems specifically. I'm unlikely to ever go buy or even just play the original FFVII, but this one? I'm interested.
  19. I was about to. I'm getting that complete edition. Still need to get those Nendoroids..
  20. Because you like being wrong? You don't listen. You don't press a convert button and be done. You don't. They have a starting point, which they need to optimize for the new game, depending on technical and stylistic factors, then add any new features, then test this, and they'd have to do this 800 times. Then balancing. And sure they'll most likely have shortcuts.. But in software, if you add something, you test it. Then fix if anything brakes. There's no way around this.
  21. I've already told you. It's not that simple. You can't just press a button "convert" and then expect it to be done. You are seriously underestimating the time it takes to put a character in a game. Me personaly, I don't care. I'm actually glad I don't have to catch 800 Pokémon. I also never understood the need to transfer your Pokémon between games. They've served their purpose in their own games.
  22. Why this will be the best Pokémon game: I'll leave you to wonder whether I mean the giant Wooloo or sexy Nessa. ♥ The anwser is of course both. And Sofia.
  23. That's funny, that game also crossed my mind when watching the gameplay..
  24. I think the game looks awesome! Except that cover artwork, that looks horrible.
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