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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. € 20,- seems way to high for what we're getting. But <sigh>, I'm getting it immediately regardless. Hard mode and a cave of trials is not what I want from a DLC, which leaves 20 euros for just additional story content. Which is good, but for 20 euros it better be great.
  2. Yeah, roughly 10 years. New casting announcements, though nothing too exciting. Looking at the details, I'm wondering why there seem to be 2 ships featured in the series. Sonequa's character seems to be the lieutenant commander of the USS Discovery, while Michelle Yeoh's character is the captain of the USS Shenzou. Either the two ships have frequent encounters with each other, or the Shenzou will be blown up in one blaze of glory for dramatic effect in the pilot, with the 2 crews merging, a bit like Voyager. Edit: Those Klingons look awful by the way. Edit 2: Looking at Wikipedia, Michelle Yeaoh seems to be a recurring guest star, so the Shenzou will be a recurring guest.. ship. I don't think that happened often in Star Trek series.
  3. So we're talking about GameCube games in the Switch thread now? Not that I mind seeing them on the VC. Anyway, I hear people speculating about an incoming Nintendo Direct, since apparently they closed down the 2nd floor of the NYC Nintendo store this weekend.
  4. The consoles are still sold out in The Netherlands (at least, they're not available at the big online shops here), so maybe the UK got some extra consoles allocated.
  5. Laptops aren't meant to be upgraded. Maybe there are some exceptions, but if you did your research, then this have probably come up. Of course, Laptops are just specialised computers, so you can try to upgrade it, but this is going to be a bigger hassle than with a normal computer, and will void your warranty if you still have that. Upgrading your laptop is something only a hobbyist would do.. This seems like an awful lot of trouble and incredibly inefficient to get a few extra FPS for StarCraft. Easier would be to just trade in your laptop for a higher-end model within the same series.
  6. You don't? Four of my favourite games of all time start that way!
  7. They have a preview day in the Netherlands as well, I'm trying to sign up for it but the site's impossible. First I had trouble creating an account (apparently I didn't have one anymore, I vaguely recalling something about that when they changed the star catalogue), and now I have a new account it won't let me sign up. Not a big loss, I didn't intend to do much previewing, I'd skip Zelda, but it would be a nice first experience with the interface and an opportunity to give some games a chance that I don't intend to buy.
  8. I'm deciding what sd card I'm going to get.. Can any Wii U owners tell me how much GB they're using on dlc and downloadable games and savegames?
  9. I'm going to order a pouch, but I realized I probably won't take it with me for the first few months. Zelda isn't suitable for me to take with me for short sessions on the go, Shovel knight would be perfect if it weren't for the lackign D-pad. Taking the pro controller defeats the purpose of it being portable, plus it would need its own pouch or something. I know why they removed the D-pad, but it's a huge mistake in my opinion, bigger than removing the analogue triggers. They shouldn't have designed the joy-cons to be used as two mini controllers, they look extremely uncomfortable as mini controllers. Anyway, If we're going to get old games, X-com 2 is actually one I'd like to see. Graphically not high demanding, it's already optimized for touchscreen controls I believe, and it would be excellent for short sessions on the go. Would definitely consider double dipping in this case, and I rarely do. With motion controls brought back though, what I'd really like to see in Zack & Wiki 2 Imagine the possibilities with 2 joy-cons with better motion controls than a wii remote, and HD rumble. I'm salivating at the thought. Would kickstart. I have some other ideas I'd like to see, but they require drawings / mockups.
  10. Nendoroid Corrin has been up for pre-order for a while: Of if you prefer figmas: Nendoroid Link Breath of the wild version has been up for pre-order since a few days: Comes in a regular and a DX version. DX version has the horse and hoodie, and a few other extras.
  11. Not all of us are living in the future like you do . There are still plenty physical games to be found (like this game on PS3 ), I just can't find this game.
  12. I didn't back it because I didn't have any money for it at the time, otherwise I'd have backed the shit out of it. I'll get a Switch retail copy regardless, just like the good ol' days.
  13. Has anyone seen retail copies of the PC version? Can't find them online.
  14. LA Noir? Might get that actually, it's been on my Steam wishlist for ages. Never gotten it because I used to see physical copies for pretty cheap, then had my mind set on those, but then they disappeared.
  15. Starting tomorrow I'll be living in cinemas for the next 10 days. This has the side effect of virtually reducing the wait for my Switch with 10 days, since I'll have nothing else on my mind but film. I've also come around to the idea of the Switch as a portable device. It was never a consideration before pre-ordering, but while I have the option, I may make use of it anyway. A month after the Switch arrives, I'll have my next big film festival, and I can see myself using it during downtime between films, though it depends on which games I have at that point, and if I have a good case / bag for it by then.
  16. The salesman ♥♥♥♥♥ Iranian revenge drama. Was hoping for something more exciting, but it wasn't, so I'll leave it at that. I also bought 35 film tickets for the International Film Festival Rotterdam, it's that time of the year again. Still have some gaps left in my schedule, so total will be more most likely. Fo those interested, here's my list, but I'll go over each one of them when I've actually seen them.
  17. If not restricted to Nintendo games, than you can add at the very least: Life is strange Her story Soma Oxenfree King's story is actually pretty good story & dialogue-wise.
  18. Thought I'd be a gentleman and fix Bob's post. What a waste of time.
  19. This looks good:
  20. Depends on the game.. If the battles are actually fun, I don't mind grinding. Are the actual battles fun?
  21. Of the current known 2017 line-up, I'm getting: Zelda: breath of the wild It's pre-ordered. Shovel knight: treasure trove Absolutely love the look of this, but always wanted to play this on a Nintendo console, so didn't bother buying it on Steam. Super Mario Odyssee I personally actually feel it's a step back from Galaxy for some reason, still it looks fun nonetheless. Yooka-Laylee The Banjo-Kazooie 3 I never had or will get.. This will do nicely. Maybe's: I am Setsuna Need to do some more research, reviews haven't been fantastic I believe. Sonic mania Depends on how much I want an oldskool Sonic. One or both of the Wipe-out / Extreme G / F-Zero type racers Need to see some more of them. Disgaea 5 To fill the gap until Fire Emblem arrives? Wonderboy and/or Monsterboy Look like fun, but not sure how many of those oldskool type games / remakes I want to get. Rime Edit: forgot Rime. Trailer for the PS looked great, but need to see more gameplay. Some other games may upgrade to maybes after I see more of them, but that's it for now. like I mentioned in my previous post, I'm not getting that many games anyway, so the lack of interesting games isn't a problem for me personally, I need to get some PC games as well. I want to hear comments on Disgaea from people who have played it and who like Fire Emblem. I'm liking the character designs, but the maps look terrible. Watch some gameplay, battles look like they will provide my strategy RPG fix, but there seems to be a lot of unnecessary stuff between battles. But I just had a quick look. Should I get Disgaea if I like Fire Emblem? Edit: also, I hope you can use Japanese voices and/or turn them off completely. English voices are shit.
  22. It's my personal (but not realistic) Oscar favourite, and one of my favourite films of 2016. Visually not nearly as impressive as Kubo, but I actually didn't like the story of Kubo that much.. This is funny and (bitter)sweet, and just excellent. But I guess you'll have to wait. Maybe one of the original Japanese Ghibli blu-rays? They have awesome covers and they all have subtitles. Want to get them myself one day.
  23. https://www.amazon.fr/VIE-COURGETTE-Blu-ray-Gaspard-Schlatter/dp/B01LM1DUMU/ref=sr_1_1_twi_blu_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1485295585&sr=8-1&keywords=ma+vie+de+courgette Edit: Doesn't seem to have subtitles. Dunno if that's a problem. Edit 2: Oh and it's not out yet.. 22-02
  24. He's specifically asking for Nintendo games (I'm assuming "Ninty" is short for Nintendo, and he's using Fire Emblem as an example). Looking through my collection, on Wii I also like Fragile Dreams and Another Code (never played the DS game, but I assume that's good too). I also loved Tales of Symphonia, though not everyone seems to like the game for its story. Regarding Fire Emblem though, I liked the story for path of radiance / radiant dawn, but it never was the main selling point for me.
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