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Everything posted by Sméagol

  1. So.. Is there any interest in actually doing this again this year, and not have it be the fiasco that was the Summer event?
  2. I have never looked into it, but from your description it would seem like it's something I'd like. But I have no 3DS, so..
  3. Apparently this is the opening scene for The Nightflyers. Looks good. Will be cancelled within 3 seasons.
  4. How the fuck do they already have pirated copies.. I hope Nintendo Cease and Desists them to death.
  5. Yeah, it was the exact same for me. I initially had no interest in the game, because of the artstyle, but I love Metroidvanias en I kept hearing how fantastic people found it, that I ultimately gave it a go despite the graphics. And.. Seeing the game in motion, and seeing various setpieces.. I fell in love with the game, including the artstyle.
  6. Calling the police because you're robbing them.
  7. I'm suspecting save it is the more popular choice..
  8. Ah yeah I was going to choose that. I'll join in 10 minutes or so. It ends earlier than normal doesn't it?
  9. I intended to go out.. But I have a change of plans. Might as well get some Splatfest in later (but before it ends), anyone else?
  10. You're bob.
  11. What's funny is there actually is a physics system in place.. Your Pokéballs bounce in every direction when you miss. Anyway, took a break after Sylph co, I was done for that day. But yesterday I continued my adventures. First of all, I tried to hunt some shiny Vulpixes.. It did give me a shitload of candies, and quite a few levels for my Pokémon. Too many in fact, as I realized I messed up my Weepinbell. I didn't realize earlier he needed a stone to evolve, I was wondering why it took so long. I'm missing out on a powerful move. I mean, I googled the details, and it seems I can rectify that, but that'll take a while. Before messing up my combo though, I got bored, and tried to see what I could get from trades with strangers. Added some tips for that in the trading thread. Someone wanted to trade a Golem, but I had nothing in return (caught a few spares by now though). Did manage to receive an Alola Grimer for my alola Vulpix. And I traded my Hitmonlee for a Hitmonchan. I don't intend to use either. But my Pokédex continues to grow. Then I fucked up the combo. No shiny. I'll give up on them for now, until endgame. Then did the Saffron Gym, then took the Bicycle Pokémon road to Fuchsia city. Caught a few wild Eevees finally. That's where I left it. Need to do the Gym, but the city has few other things going on for it, as I have no use for the Go Parks.
  12. Updated the OP.. Forgot about the "choose one of these two" Pokémon. Also added some tips to trade with strangers. In fact I traded my Hitmonlee for a Hitmonchan with a stranger, so score! I don't intend to use either. But I added the Kabuto on my wishlist, seeing as I have the other fossil. I also have tons of (Alola) Vulpixes now. I'm giving them away, don't even need anything particular in return if you don't have anything missing in my Pokédex.
  13. @Magnus is clearly asking for a name change. I suggest "Magnus P.I." Then I'll pick his avatar.
  14. While that's a given, it's interesting to see if it will do better or worse than Let's go. At this point, I have no idea and would not want to bet.
  15. I haven't played those games, so I don't know how they look, but that still 800 Pokémon to optimise for HD. More polygons, better animations (I hope), plus balancing for new pokemon, along with with any updates they may get for the new game to account for any new mechanics. That's not stuff they did 6 years ago.
  16. I have been thinking a bit about the future of this and the core game.. Since this game is often described as a bridge game (although I'm not sure if it's ever described as such by official channels), but after playing it, I'm not sure if it actually works as a bridge game. I love the game, but it's clear this was meant as a placeholder, something to tide fans over until the release of the core game. Optimising 800 Pokémon for a new 3D core game, and the first on a console, must be daunting, so they just made a simple game for this year with the original pokémon that were ready. But going from 150 to 800 and a plethora of advanced mechanics.. I'm not sure if the casual Go audience can handle that, it may even be too much for people like me who are at least somewhat aware of the stuff they're missing. For these reasons, I can actually see them updating Let's go by making new generations of Pokémon available. In fact, I can actually imagine them not shipping the core game with all Pokémon initially, and update them periodically as soon as they become available. I'm not sure what you more you could do with the game. Since it's a remake, new story content doesn't make sense. I could see them adding more advanced features from the core series, just to make it more appropriate as a bridge title. As it stands, I suspect the typical Lets Go audience would be better off with a Lets go 2 instead of next year's core game.
  17. I also can't get enough of hearing "You got 2 great balls!".
  18. I found the vulpix trader, so I have a few alolan Vulpixes available. Also 2 spare charmanders. And a spare caught Kadabra which I'm not using myself (I'll train an Abra from the ground up).
  19. No trial left?
  20. Good luck with this one: https://www.amazon.co.jp/b/ref=as_li_ss_tl?node=6154987051&linkCode=ll2&tag=nineverything-22&linkId=3388ff367a21e35e3ba3efdf25185364&language=ja_JP
  21. Apparently there's some sort of welcome pack if you download (and I assume play) before 04-12-2018. I can't download it yet, it will have to wait until I have more space. It's not like I have nothing to play at the moment..
  22. While I didn't notice this / forgot, I've read the communication option becomes available after your first fight with @Glen-i, I mean your rival.
  23. Thanks to @Hero-of-Time & @markderoos for the trades! I think I have all of the non-evolved normal ones, I mostly want a meltan and the two Alolan exclusives now, and the evolution trades when I'm ready. For now I'll stock up on my exclusives.
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