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My Buttons are Magic!

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Everything posted by My Buttons are Magic!

  1. Just finished How I met your Mother - season 6 (dont like zoey or nora tyvm) Big Bang Theory - whatever one priya is introduced in (dont like her) Recently bought Criminal Minds season 3 below is my dvd boxset collection - if anyone gives me grief about buying and not downloading i shall just ignore you - i like having a collection :P
  2. Im a firm believer in that when you least expect it, its gonna happen. Also being single shouldn't mean that you are a looser! Some people just love being single independence etc and dont like to be tied down... s'all good whatever way Also, with the attractiveness thing, yeh its a condition that someone has to be pleasant to look at :p but if they cant back this up with being funny / nice / a decent human being, being attractive looses its appeal.. i mean you can only look at a pretty face so long before even that gets boring
  3. Turns out the dogs trust have been charging me twice for the last couple of months! (For some reason they put my bank details into my mums old account - same initials ya see!) so Im getting like £15-£20 quid back on thursday
  4. Ive only just finished season 5 on dvd, had a lot of catching up to do :~P watched like 4 seasons in a week!!
  5. i havent seen the episode hes in yet (actually I havent seen any of that season :P) but I LOVE him, When he guest starred in csi, charmed etc (not so much in One Tree Hill but that was cause it was one tree hill xD haha) Have to look out for his show now :p
  6. Gotta love it when you google for the n-europe forums and the 2nd suggestion is "n-europe jordan" :-D if only i could remember what i originally googled the forums for then i would be fine :P
  7. Jess thats bad.... i used to hand mine in way after the deadline and STILL got mine in time. Seriously was the middle of August by the time I handed mine in for final year :/
  8. Thanks all I was nearly homeless last night (long story if you saw my update on facebook you would have seeeeen) until the boy paid for a room in the nearest travelodge I hate derry...
  9. I think its like a necklace / bit of jewelry.. plus she was smoking in the field. seriously how stupid is that!
  10. Ell, i am ASHAMED >:|
  11. I get to spend 9 hours of mine in work and then 2 hours on a train :-(
  12. well dunno if I told ya but i left uni (temporarily) in may on the belief it was a temporary withdrawal. That I would be able to re register in september for january as assessment only (therefore not having to pay the couple of thousand - was told as i would be classed as resit so it would only be like a hundred per module) So when i went to registed yesterday not only was I not classified as assesment only... my account hadnt even be activated again -_- and when I try to register i was getting charged everything (2.5k!) was like noooooooo Was told by my lecturer person that they have to find me a way to stay on the system but not have to pay everything (this was not what I was told in may >.>) They have to monday to fix this then Im gonna ring / visit / glare at them. Cause Im not going back if i have to pay 2,500 when i was told it would be so much less!
  13. Uni messed up and now I might not get back in. made my day fucking perfect
  14. I want to see this so im gonna avoid this thread like the pllllllague till i do :-)
  15. The only thing wrong with myfitness pal (even though i love it) is that sometimes the barcodes are horrifically wrong so you have to manually find your food... it said my turkey pieces were a snickers (etc etc). Or i think its just cause Im from NI is that some of the foods aren't on it so you have to find your closest alternative (seee you irish bread!!)
  16. I actually believe it was Goafer that told me to listen to C&C. (ages and ages ago) Not so much songs but these 3 are the bands Ive been listening to the most recently :-)
  17. We had a mouse invasion in our house a couple of years ago 16 in total I swear I was glad I was only home at weekend at that point (uni woo) Found out there was a hole in the floor that someone (some work guy person) had just put a board over but not like secured it (behind a radiator) and the little buggers were sneaking through. Worst couple of weeks in my life
  18. Hush! :p .. should really change my avatar someday... nah likely not
  19. First of all... LOVE LOVE LOVE the name / avatar. I love Jethro ... actually thats really all I have to say. The most modern cartoon I watch is Whats New Scooby Doo!!
  20. Off to Dublin for 4 nights tomorrow :-) cant wait since I've never been before
  21. I hate extra light mayo!! It just tastes soooo wrong :-(
  22. Going to Dublin next month on holiday ;-) Should be fun as I NEED away.
  23. My knee wont stop being sore Its swollen and painful and just plan aches!! It must not be allowed to do this!! I have an AWESOME tomorrow planned. I am making cookies and going out and seeing a friend I havent seen in ages! Currently lying in bed with a knee bandage on that I think might be cutting off the cirulcation to my lower legs. Oh well ill pretend im wearing a pair of ultra skinny jeans
  24. Ive seen Season 4! Ive a list the length of a very long length of dvds to watch before i can move onto season 5!! Tis getting ridiculous
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