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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Go as Oddjob from the movies, or that of the remake on the Wii?
  2. If the guy wants people to give the people whom travel on the new Titanic, hopefully it's only the good experience. So that's the music, the atmosphere etc. Calling the ship "Titanic 2" isn't exactly going to give people confidence as it's been said. At least if the worst scenario happens, there are enough life jackets and boats to get everyone off.
  3. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    I'll have to check to see if i am still in the club, it said i was last time the servers were online. If the servers are coming on slowly, but surely then that's great news indeed.
  4. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    I tell ya what, i hate how you get penalised for the AI smacking into you whilst doing an overtake, or going around a corner.
  5. Not bad, not bad. Replaying the Donkey Kong County console trilogy was something i wanted to do on the WiiVC, but missed out on. Once i clear a few games from my severe Nintendo backlog (yes it's long, 15 games long), i'll have a look into getting them.
  6. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    I'm hoping they get this sorted pretty quick.
  7. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    @Cookyman, the servers came on long enough to allow me to join the club. Which i have done. Reached level 12 today, only played about 3 hours or so. Boy this is a lot of fun, no idea whom was reviewing the game. This game is easily worth 8/10
  8. Even during the Final Battle, Falco always has time to hunt for food.
  9. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Well, what can i say. Played about 2 hours, did some time trails and challenges. I'm impressed by it, even more so than the 15 or so minutes i played a few weeks ago. Redeemed my pre-order codes, downloaded the free car available on PSN. Still considering the Season pass, but for £19.99 can't go wrong really. @Cookyman, got the invite to join the club. I'll be able to do so, once the Driveclub servers work properly.
  10. A few random pictures from my adventures on Smash.
  11. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    There were quite a few issues with a few games including Driveclub, Destiny and NBA 2K15. Hopefully the issues are sorted for Driveclub this weekend, want to have a good crack at some races with glorious 7.1 Virtual Surround Sound.
  12. Is there anyway to upload the Smash 3DS snapshots to Miiverse?. I'm only asking, as i got a few images i think are worth sharing at least. I'm certainly getting into my stride with this, i'm in the role of doing a few rounds of 2 minute Smash, then doing All Star or another mode for a while. It's certainly making train journeys pass much more quickly, to the point i've nearly missed my stop.
  13. Just putting this here, if anyone picks up NBA 2k15. I need to make you aware, you could be waiting anything up to an hour to play the game (yes you heard that right). So far, i'm watching the Spurs play the Miami Heat (i say watching, i could play it). There is a known issue preventing the game going past the demo, and being unable to access the menus to do anything. Link @Murr
  14. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Mine didn't arrive :-(. But, my pre-order bonus codes arrived :-). It's a shame, they are staring at me.
  15. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    No idea if my copy is at home or not, i'm expecting either the new NBA game, Driveclub, both or neither of them to arrive.
  16. I don't think the social aspect of the PSN is Sony's strong point, that's where at least the PS4 app comes in handy. I don't need to press the PSN button, wait forever to load up the message system then wait forever to reply to a message. I just wait forever via the app, and carry on gaming.
  17. Ah, N64/NGC/NGamer was the king of Nintendo magazines. I know my parents threw out the vast majority of all my magazines i had, but i managed to keep the 2 copies i had a letter and a mention printed in.
  18. That's more clear now, there was me thinking it would be great to use the controller with Brawl (maybe that could work, seeing as it would be plugged into the WiiU ports but you are going into Wii mode to play the game).
  19. This new job of mine is actually becoming beneficial in a number of ways, including my fitness. Climbing 9 flights of stairs to get to my office 3x a week is certainly helping, down a few pounds in weight which is good.
  20. Remind me to not go to your store @Animal. That does remind me of a time a few years ago where i was assaulted by a member of staffs husband, and i walked out and refused to come back until he was banned and she was fired for not stopping him. I need to say, she was the supervisor in the store at the time of the incident and did nothing to stop it. That took about 2 months.
  21. Xpert's down for 9 hours, they are moving servers.
  22. If it works, great news indeed. But like @Mr\-Paul mentioned, some games may not even work with the controls without a patch to make it so.
  23. Basically free, spent my vouchers from work on it earlier. Watching Vigo in all his HD glory.
  24. Well, it was stranger still. Had a gift from work as a thankyou for the hard work, £20 worth of shopping vouchers. Can't fault that.
  25. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    I don't think we'll be waiting for the missing content long according to some sources, probably a few weeks.
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