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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. CDKeys is somewhere selling PS+ subs for £35 at the moment. I'm considering going that way, unless i see a good deal somewhere.
  2. Marussia F1 team have folded Tis a sad day for the sport, but it's not all doom and gloom for them. They hope to come back next year as Manor F1.
  3. If this is true, who really owns the WWE. The McMahon's or the Murdocks?
  4. That's too clean for a game which is meant to be the darkest Zelda in the series.
  5. Binding of Isaac is cross-buy?. Sweet, something else to play on the Vita to and from work.
  6. It's finally confirmed, i'm happy with that. As soon as it's available to pre-order i shall be putting my order down, as it's my favourite Zelda game so far in the series. Hopefully the same team that did Ocarina of Time on the 3DS are behind the Majora's Mask remake.
  7. That is impressive, but i'm still waiting for it to go cheaper. I can't warrent paying £50+ for a game which is virtually the same as last year with a few extras and prettier looks.
  8. That's a good deal for the Xbox One @Animal, in fact that's a very good deal indeed.
  9. Never had an issue so far with the PS4 HDD size, still rocking over 200gb free space. I only install the games i'm playing, so i've got (at the moment) Dust NBA 2K15 Driveclub The Last of Us All my saves are backed up on the Cloud, and i actually ran out of space. Turns out it wasn't just the saves that were being "backed up". Noticed a few screenshots and videos up as well as extra content. May eventually get an upgraded HDD, but not just yet. As for PS+ games themselves, i've "bought" the free games but not downloaded them until i play them
  10. Welcome back, and nice going on the game. Shall give it a go myself later.
  11. In further to the issues with Orange, i was advised by a few people to pursue the matter further and put in a complaint to the regulators. Basically said the same as i said here, and sent in the letters i got. Had an email today from EE/Orange, the wording could have been slightly more professional. But they have decided to reduce my existing contract down and offer £200 compensation as a "gesture of good will".
  12. Knew it, Sky are cheeky buggers to be fair.
  13. Wow, that is impressive. Luckily I've yet to buy First Light, so I'll be holding on for it until January. Injustice in December will tide me over nicely.
  14. What a bunch of morons. It's down to 2, maybe 3 things i believe 1 - Sky (or another broadcaster) has put a big, last minute offer for exclusive rights to the Network that not even the WWE could resist 2 - Server Issues, they couldn't handle the sign-ups they've had already or 3 - They are planning on cancelling the Network quietly. On a slightly funny side, i saw this on Twitter.
  15. @EEVILMURRAY. Nice, Murdered: Soul Suspect is something worth playing. It needed a few more things to make it better, but it's still decent enough as it stands Myself with purchases so far this month. £14 £32 (used a £5 giftcard, normal price was £37) And courtesy of GAME's Virtual Loyalty shares i cashed in (got £153 worth of Loyalty points), pre-ordered and paid for out of the points Still got about £30 worth of points left, so probably will slap it on either the Far Cry season pass or towards my PS+ subscription for another year.
  16. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    Yeah, i've had a few issues with the face-offs. Had one with an average speed of over 1,000mph, which certainly isn't possible with any car. And of course the counter to that are the drift scores, which are usually never higher than 1 or 2.
  17. US GP tomorrow, lights out at 8pm GMT. In some quite interesting news, we could see Force India and Sauber pit their cars after the first lap in protest over what's happening with Caterham and Marussia http://www1.skysports.com/f1/news/12433/9545069/force-india-could-pull-out-of-the-us-gp-in-protest-against-sports-governance I fully support both teams if they did this, and i would like to see more teams do this.
  18. Jimbob

    Drive Club

    That sucks for people wanting to try it before you buy. But, if this gives Sony the chance to get the issues completely ironed out then that's cool. I can see the PS+ edition coming with the weather pack either later this month or beginning of next.
  19. They used to have 6 month commitments in place, 6 months at $9.99. Recently, they had $12.99 month by month deals until now. Which it's now $9.99 a month rolling contracts. I don't think you can buy more than 1 month at a time anymore.
  20. Reading it myself, i'm assuming it's coming for PS4 because it says "including". I would be assuming there it's every platform, including the named ones.
  21. Actually, that's a very good deal. And one that i would consider swapping from the US to the UK version for.
  22. First time Nintendo change the release date to earlier, November is going to literally rip every last penny out of purses, wallets and bank accounts.
  23. If that's the case, then that's good. But even if Sky don't get the Network (probably find they are throwing money at the WWE, whom probably need it), i can see them impacting what the Network in the UK will be like e.g no live PPV's as Sky Sports have them. And if it's exactly the same, i'll keep the US Network as it's £3 cheaper.
  24. That's a bad decision by the pub @martinist. Them CD jukeboxes always had faults, dodgy CD's which skipped songs and buttons which wouldn't work in general.
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