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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Lollipops!! There are so many mentioned in here already that i would have mentioned if not done already, which include Lord Zed, Darth Vader, Demon Headmaster and Vigo just to name a few. Here are some i quite like
  2. I've been to Austria - Stayed there for one night on the way to Italy Belgium - Traveled through it England - Lived there for 5-6 years France - Several Holidays with the Family/School Germany - Lived there for 3 1/2 years Greece - Numerous Family Holidays Italy - A Family Holiday Netherlands - Traveled through. Also have caught Ferry's back to England from here Scotland - Holiday with Mates Spain - Numerous Family Holidays Switzerland - Accidentally went there/Got Lost Turkey - Family Holiday/Day Trip Wales - Current Living Location
  3. He delivered it earlier on, i now have a chance to play the game in full now. I too am wondering what this "Free DLC" will be. We can't complain can we, it is free no matter what it is.
  4. Having an ok day so far. Arkham Asylum and Prototype arrived today, so shall be going on them both later on i believe. Just waiting for the Challenge Map to download and i shall be away.
  5. Nice response from Eidos. Still, should hopefully be playing this later on today once dopey the postie shows up.
  6. I've had many a situation like that before, and i believe it is still occurring now between myself and another female. She loves me, and i don't love her.
  7. It's been interesting this weekend. Don't ask me why but i kept wooping all the way home last night, may be due to the huge quantity of alcohol i consumed that night.
  8. Played the demo for this yesterday, thought it was pretty good. As soon as i raise the funds i shall make this a purchase.
  9. Jimbob

    Oh Hai

    Welcome aboard.
  10. I swear there is the occurrence of me only getting phone-calls from a certain female when she wants something i.e. a favour. I'm getting sick of these calls all the time, yesterdays call was to ask me to lend her some money so she could go out. Typical. Anywho, it's been pretty average today. Had a Vega's online battle 3 on 3, and my mate kept killing me off. I wouldn't have minded too much if he wasn't on my team. I also played a demo of Arkham Asylum today, and i am making this a purchase next time i am in town.
  11. I have the exact problem as you Moogle. I can honestly suggest purchasing a new one. I have cleaned mine and i still have the problem which occurs now and again, but with the addition of non-highlighting text and not clicking anything, then double clicking it.
  12. Not a good thing to be fair. Still, at least you will be immune from Swine Flu. Days been good, managed to finally link my Hotmail account to Mozilla Thunderbird. Now i can finally get rid of the Windows Live Mail program.
  13. Happy Birthday Domstercool.
  14. It's all these "Alcopops" that are cheaply available in pubs/clubs and shops. Teenage women can easily convince people that they are older than they are, my sister is one of these who made several shop assistants believe she was 19 whilst she was really 15.
  15. At the present moment in time, the shower room downstairs is out of action for up to 2 weeks. Which means no showers and only 1 fully functional toilet. Good news, the bathroom is available. Bad news, it's suitable for smaller people (people no taller than 5:6)
  16. Sounds like a good idea, i won't be partaking though. Good luck, i hope to see some lovely Youtube videos soon.
  17. Phillips Condoms - Sense and Simplicity
  18. Had myself a lovely Curry Lunch today up in Brecon, n/r Mid-Wales. Went up there as VIP's courtesy of my Dad and his military background. Was a brilliant day to be fair, only problem was that i had a bit too much to drink the night before and was feeling it all the way there.
  19. 5-0 win yesterday, much needed i believe.
  20. I started playing games when i was 3 or 4. First game i played was Tetris on the Gameboy followed by Super Mario Land
  21. I believe this Project Natal will most likely be used for party-style games for the family. MS seem to want to "acquire" Nintys base of family non-gamers. Thats what i think anyway, i'm probably wrong. I can see a re-packed 360 with the standard control-pad and a natal bar with it as well. Obviously, MS and Sony just want in on Ninty's market of non-gamers as well as the market they already control, the hard-core gamers.
  22. If only that was entered, it would have received a vote from me.
  23. Consider that an offer i cannot refuse. Just got back in from a quick pint out, much needed to be fair. I just found Road Wars on Sky3, which i shall be watching before Interceptor and Father Ted. Then Bed really.
  24. I'd purchase the Triforce ones. They look like you could get away with them as normal, yet fashionable cuff-links compared to the Final Fantasy ones, which look tacky, horrible and terrible.
  25. And if that were on the voting cards, that would definitely get my vote. Great designs, well done to those who have submitted them. I shall commence my voting at some point over the weekend.
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