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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Red Dead is popular online, you can get anything between 6 and 16 online at a time per room. GoW 2 is still going strong as well, mind you.
  2. I just go, no need for distractions. Maximum concentration at all times is in order for me.
  3. Indeed, a bond which shall never be broken. I was talking to Rez about a winter meet at the summer meet, don't think much came from it.
  4. Just got back from a night of drinks, all good.
  5. Well if it wasn't for my train at 11:30am, i would have been there enjoying the yoghurt as well my friend. Still, a panini and a bag of peanuts sufficed on the journey home. Only pity was that my seat was near a Nun, who prayed part of the journey home and my Creative ran out of juice. Take note all Rainbow lovers, this is what happens if i get hold of you. I'll make it my mission to take them out, and i started with Scoop. (Note: This was all in the name of entertainment. No creatures were harmed in the making of this photo)
  6. It's all 3D these days, which doesn't make me enjoy any movie more. All i say for this movie is, don't bugger it up. I grew up watching Turtles, it was great to watch. I don't want my child-hood destroyed with a crap re-make.
  7. If they want to build a mosque near ground zero, they can. Just watch the Americans attack the Muslims, because i think that will happen because America is still feeling the 9/11 tragedy today.
  8. Unlucky on 1st place in the Xpert league buddy.

  9. 2-0 win for Recall, and the title and promotion. All in the same day, could it be a better day for the boys of Recall United. I know for sure i'm playing a youth side for my last game, give them some play-time i think. Edit; I was trying to think of a victory song all day, i think i found it here.
  10. If there is a list of areas where the "Toilet Guy's" are, then add Newport, Cardiff and Chepstow to the list. All 3 have these guys, and the Chepstow one seemed to be stoned last time i was there.
  11. Can't really beat a Cadbury Twirl, all that chocolate. And it does stick to your mouth as well.
  12. Jimbob

    Fable III

    UK gamers now have access to the Fable III villager maker, according to Lionhead (confirmed at the Gamecon venue i believe). Should be interesting, even has 2 other pieces of pre-order stuff for both the Limited and Standard editions, being a Tatoo and a new Weapon (large hammer of sorts). Anyone else see the Gamecon piece on Fable yesterday??, even though it was only 10 minutes it was informative i thought.
  13. Oh yeah, forgot about that one. They even soap your hands for you, and expect anything between 50p and £1 for a tip.
  14. I'm not a fan of night-clubs, in all honesty i try my hardest to avoid going into one. If i happen to be out in an area where there is one. You queue to get into the club, with most bouncers letting the "fit" girls in without letting them queue like the rest of us, a bit sexist i think. Costs £5+ to get into the club, but thats after you've passed the I'D check at the door. Then it costs £3 or something for them to store your coat, they give you a ticket which you need to get the coat back (most of the time, people lose it anyway). So before you even get in the club, you've spent £10 or more. Drinks prices are extortionate, i mean it is near £3 for a bottle of VK or something which is smaller than the ones you get in a pub. Rounds can be cheaper, but not by much. I would have thought that drinks would be cheap being that many people coming in. But i see they need to make as much money as possible, and quickly. Taxi's cost twice as much, and food as well on the way home costs more. (because they rip you off your change, thinking you are drunk). Everytime i did go into one, it took 30+ minutes to get served (reasonings similar to Murr's). Except 1 or two additions being that because it is so busy, you order and don't get your drinks for another 5 minutes because they are dealing with Mr or Mrs "i'm the world, listen to me". Then it takes you a further 10 minutes to get back to where you left your friends, by then the drinks would have evaporated because it is so flippin hot inside from the sheer number of people inside. Then it takes 20 minutes to get to the bar to get more drinks. Music is complete turd, all clubby, very loud and bassey (so you can't hear yourself) which i hate. Makes no sense at all, all beaty and very very repetitive. It is basically crap. I could go into a story where i walked home because i was that annoyed with the peeps i went with, because they abandoned me in the club and did their own thing. Think my firiend left me one time i went out clubbing and decided to go and meet new guys for one night stands. I went to meet new females, and they said "your girlfriend won't be happy". It seemed she told them i was going out with her, so preventing me from "pulling" that night. And any night i went clubbing really, she really p***ed me off, as i wasn't enjoying my nights at all. I wonder why people go clubbing, it is crap. And i don't see why you have to go clubbing to "pull" either. I'd rather find a pub, stay there all night and have a good night with reasonably priced drinks and see how the night goes. Rant over.
  15. Haha, yeah i tend to play that whilst in work as well. I like to keep the weeds down, and the trees cut-back. Will help your ranch later. It is demoralising once the application has been sent as well, the worst part is hearing nothing even after sending/calling to check on progress.
  16. Looking back at that Sheila's Wheels ad, if women really drove like that then no wonder they pay more for the insurance.
  17. Yeah, i can see it being "take a left at the Ice-berg and continue South"
  18. Another b**ch really I am effectively out of work now (by that, i mean i get paid and do nothing except surf the net). Some of you may think "awesome, wish i had that job". Well it isn't as good as you think. Once you've done a few hours of net surfin, the rest of the day drags by. I don't like being employed when my job doesn't exist no more. It isn't nice at all. And to make matters worse, there seems to be no employers willing to take me on. I've had 3 rejection letters, 4 or 5 rejection e-mails and 1 rejection phone-call. There is 1 plus side to this, at least they are contacting me back. If you can't get into Lidl (yes, i am that desperate for work) then where else really. I don't want another 6-7 months of being bored, job-less and un-able to do anything. I think someone has it against me personally.
  19. @ Serebii. The dentist i have has been the one i've seen since i came back from Germany when i was 9, so he's a pretty nice chap and all that. He was the one that took the tooth out that was causing cleaning problems, and would have caused a lot more problems in a few years time (which would have resulted in more fillings and extractions).
  20. From the sounds of it, i'm not looking forward to them stars either. I have been doing a few comets, most of them appearing so far are those pesky "Prankster" comets. Some of them are easy(ish), and some are annoying. Only done about 6 or so comets so far.
  21. You know, i've never had this happen to me at all. Probably because i am on the NHS. If i am in pain at all, i just go into the dentist and 9/10 the problem is found and it is sorted within a few days.
  22. I stand corrected, quite brilliant. 10/10
  23. Sent an e-mail with my answer
  24. It's funny really, the stalemate voting last night was between myself and Dannyboy. Would i have been that insane and vote for myself to be lynched?.

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