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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Where i live isn't too bad. Live in an area where everyone knows each other, but doesn't do a lot if someone in the area needs something/assistance. Sort of "We know you are there, but we don't much care".
  2. Isn't all this a bit too soon, i mean the Toby Maguire Spidy movies arn't even 10 years old yet. I think they should find something else to re-boot instead, something not seen for a long time.
  3. Jimbob


    My personal favourite cake is this Can't get enough of it.
  4. Nothing to add either, sorry dudes
  5. I try and eat healthy, but it always comes at a fail. 5 days of the 7, i always have Orange Juice (for the Vitamin C). Breakfast mostly consists of Shredded Wheat, but it does go to a Bacon Roll from time to time. Lunch, well i try for a Sandwich but it has gone down the road to a Pot Noodle/Burger as well. Hey, a Sub-way goes in there as well somewhere. Tea is what-ever is cooked up, it is mostly healthy stuff though. I do eat too much junk-food/snacks, and drink way too much Pepsi when it should be water.
  6. If so, don't let Rez anywhere near it. Otherwise, it will all be full of "Nien"
  7. It could be absolutly anywhere!!! Such an awesome show, why oh why did they cancel it.
  8. The early Boyards in the UK were the version i posted, then later series began with the version Smeagol posted. I only know this because i've seen some of the really early UK ones on Channel 5
  9. I forgot what to do??
  10. I hate you :mad: Note: The above is a joke, i don't really hate ya :awesome: Too much nostalgia in one flippin day, i don't think my brain can cope no more. This game scared the bejebus out of me, thats when i had the guts to play it mind.
  11. Some more nostalgia. And this one, even though it is fairly modern was ruined when they changed it.
  12. This thread needs re-naming to the nostalgia thread or something along them lines. We could be here for years. Anyway, there are more i've found. And they return to cartoon form
  13. This is indeed a good opener for another great show i watched, still not as good as Fun House though. And, it's also about this
  14. I don't think there has been a better designed "Limited Edition" console than the Poke64.
  15. Have looked, and i decided Vote: No Lynch
  16. I get the common cold once, maybe twice a year if that. Usually lasts 3 days or so, then i'm better. Don't suffer from hayfever or anything either, which is a relief. I have started to have Orange juice daily, which apparantly reduces how often you get a cold but not the duration.
  17. Dead already Rez, not cool.
  18. I have a huge list of top performances, so long in fact that i randomly picked 3 out of the hat. And here we are. Tom Hanks in Castaway Al Pacino in Scarface Charlie Sheen in Platoon I could honestly keep going, but as this is limited to 3 there we go.
  19. @ Danny, liking the cheery, yet simple "bye" at the end.
  20. I've stopped giving thanks, only because i know for a fact that i will run out in this thread alone. I'm in agreeance with everyone who said Fun House rocks/awesome. It sure was one of the best shows for kids i've ever seen, and from last year when they showed the re-runs on Challenge as well. The twins made it worth watching even more, probably the only reason i watched it more now than ever before. I'm not sure if i can remember any other cartoon intros that havn't already been mentioned here that i've seen, because they all seem to be here. From Ghostbusters to Inspector Gadget, they are all here. And if we are going down the non-cartoon road as well, who can forget this classic Anyway, have found some i watched. Enjoy!!!
  21. You'll be surprised to hear that i am actually English, but from living in Wales for a long time i have picked up the accent, as those who met me at the meet will tell ya, to be fair. I was expecting nuts, but hey. And more surprising is, that i am actually sober right now as well to be fair!!
  22. Depends really. Many of you know that i say "To Be Fair" when i am online, mostly at the end of posts. I also seem to quote a few Red Dwarf as well, mostly "Smeg" if i get something wrong and don't wish to swear. Other things i say include Wick Owned (mostly when i win at something) Sweet Mate There are others, but they only slip out occasionally and i can't usually remember them after a night out.
  23. I sometimes visit the profile, only sometimes.
  24. I tend to shave every other day face-wise, only because there doesn't seem to be stubble/hair the day after. As for the beard, it gets a trim abour once a month or so. There is some tidying done as well, but thats as and when.
  25. I'll give it a go dude, have posted where needed.

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