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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Where abouts in Cornwall mate??
  2. Agreed, it is too much effort for what could be a losing effort. I don't sell as often as i used to, because last several times i've been ripped off by the buyer themselves.
  3. N-Europe could melt, all these new threads and topics.
  4. Not including the N-Europe meet, which is this Saturday. Do the members of N-Europe have anything planned for travel for the remainder of this year. This is coming off my little trip to the castle earlier, spontanious i know. And it didn't cost me a penny (got a little "Museum Pass" which allows me access to any museum and/or castle in Monmouthshire for free. All good.
  5. I seriously laughed, and i'm not joking either mate. Brilliant!!!!. I think we need to stop with the "I just bought a Fanta" threads, and think of something better.
  6. Or a bandana, would be interesting.
  7. Barry Scott vs Mr Sheen Let battle commence!!!!.
  8. Happy Birthday, have a great one.
  9. Could be, after he discovered England played poor in the WC.
  10. Sorry, my apologies Fanta, it's a good beverage. Apparantly it is for that Friday Feeling (according to adverts), i've yet to experience that from Fanta.
  11. Happy Birthday King, have a great one.
  12. No no no. You cannot be serious This is the way forward, stop going backwards the lot of yas.
  13. After a tad think, it could work in general. Only time will tell. Heck, even this thread now is getting a convo going.
  14. I'm sort of in agreeance with Happenstance, i don't see the need for locking the "Rate" threads and the HWYD thread. They do make up, probably a lot of everyones convo's here, well they do mine anyway. Perhaps locking them and creating a new one of each may help with non-deterring new members but hey, i'm no mod.
  15. Weather forcasters cannot make ye minds up. MSN, Met Office and BBC say Sun. I shall see for myself when i get to London on Friday. @Rummy. No problem dude, let us know as such. Drop us a PM.
  16. Bring a coat, there may be some rain about. Well, thats what BBC are saying anyway.
  17. Not bad that Murray, well done. Latest snap of me, quite drunk at the time.
  18. I'm using Windows 7 Premium, Firefox is 3.6.6 (with the add-ons Real-Player, Speed Dial, Search Helper, Java Console, Download Status and Kaspersky). Theme i'm using at the moment is "Full Width". @Dan. I blitzed the cache only yesterday. Had to re-login (theme re-set to "Normal", couldn't change it).
  19. The reasons why i stopped shopping at Gamestation. Plus, they are crap.
  20. I've had to resort to using Chrome at the moment, because i'm having a few techical issues with N-Europe on Firefox. I'm not sure if it is this site or Firefox being a donut, but i am unable to change themes, use any HTML (inc image tags, Youtube (heck every button expect "Post Reply" and going in and out of threads/topics). And i'm getting "br/" at the end of each line when i quote things, and i can't multi-quote no more. Any help would be much appreciated. (Wasn't sure where to post this, as i'm not sure if it is the site or my browser).
  21. It seems to have solved itself, somehow. Cheers for the advice though.
  22. Rez, why man. Why!!!. It was going well, Comedy Rainbow was improving. I mean it as well. But this slid back down the scale. I probably only had a slight chuckle, and that was half-hearted as well. I'm not taking the mickey or anything, but that wasn't good. I'm not breaking it down as i normally would, as the only savable part was the blend of Murray into the episode. The rest was either predictable or plain awefull. Sorry dude, i really am Perhaps this picture will help you forgive me.
  23. I'm going to be in London on the Friday afternoon, and i'll probably be bored as such. So if ya wanna meet up, i'm all for that.
  24. No problem, seems a better idea to me. You've got my number anyway, so if you get a tad lost getting to the hotel, you know what to do.
  25. Somehow, Rez is going to trust me with directions. You know what it'l be like, i'll still be searching for it by Saturday and probably walk right past you guys. (Joking, i know where the hotel is. Dead easy, all i need to do is cross Hyde Park from Paddington station and turn right). I'm staying Friday and Saturday nights in the hotel, shall be leaving first thing Sunday morning (got a train at 11am to catch). So shall not be attending the Frozen Yoghurt session. Sorry dudes, but Saturday is the main day where all the fun shall be had for me. I suggest Rez that you head to the hotel, drop the stuff off (i think they got pre-storage, if not it can go in my room for storage). Do you really want to carry clothes around Hyde Park, people may think your nuts (not that it makes much difference really). I'm all for snackage after the meet and arcading if possible.
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