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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. Yes it does (no it doesn't sorry) Damn, avenge me.
  2. It's a bit funny to be honest as to why they do this, it's kind of a tease for gamers to now stare at a game they can't play for 3 1/2 weeks. Unless they get a current gen version that is.
  3. And now that will be a long 3 1/2 weeks wait for the console. Makes me wonder really, why release this early?
  4. It had to be done, well for me anyway. Will i do it again, f**k no. In the last 4 hours, my stomachs been up and down. Just had the worst feeling of up and down now. Eating that chilli was worse than i could imagine.
  5. It was until 2012, then the Trinidad took the title with a reading of 2.2 million on the heat scale.
  6. As it's been seen, i ate the Naga Buit (aka the Ghost Chilli) a few months back. That was hot, very hot indeed. A few months later, i try the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion the hottest in the world. Here's the video.
  7. Shopto have Call of Duty Ghost in stock for dispatch for PS4 Link here
  8. Just reading some of these comments.
  9. My donations have been made as usual, best of luck everyone. Edit: Having some issues getting to the donate page, it keeps firing errors.
  10. Slightly bumping the topic, but here's some examples on my end. Shortened down, but you'll get the jist. "Good afternoon, you are through to James. How can i help" "Hello, i need a new boiler" "Ok, this is Tax Credits and we don't do boilers". "I was told by British Gas that you do" By now, i'm trying not to laugh "So to clarify sir, you were told by British Gas who specialise in Boilers and Gas to call Tax Credits for a Boiler" "Yes" "I'll let you think about that, thanks for your call"
  11. Well, i wonder how many times i can be called the following in 1 week. (Censored as best i can, and spoiler-tagged for those who don't want to see).
  12. See, idiots ruin peoples fun. Not that it bothered me too much, i stopped using Letterbox a while ago and many friends certainly have as well. Used to get constant letters arriving weekly, but hardly get any now. Still, i hope this brings Miiverse 1 step closer to the 3DS. Which reminds me.........
  13. My target last night was Magnus Peterson. I can confirm he was targeted by Mr-Paul.
  14. Can do a Semi-Final draw over the weekend if that sounds good to everone.
  15. Change vote: Dedede
  16. I'm happy to vote however this goes, from what i've seen i'm a little wary of Magnus and Dedede anyway. My vote remains on Magnus atm, but i'm happy to change it if it means reaching majority.
  17. £15 p/m for the season.
  18. It doesn't bother me, as long as it's cheaper than Xbox Live i don't mind. Xbox Live is a extortionate rip-off, can't even watch Netflix or NBA League Pass without already paying whatever the rate is for Live.
  19. I'll go with that Vote: Magnus Peterson
  20. Blockbuster were always going to lose out, unless things changed quick. GAME is adapting, which i can see with my own eyes. Argos is adapting and HMV seems to be showing signs of that. It's bad about 2,000 possible job losses, but with a company losing money all the time i think it's about time Blockbuster closed it's doors for the last time. Take it behind the shed and put it out of it's misery.
  21. Sorry for the delay peeps, i got stuck watching a show on obsessive cleaning. Anyway, here is the draw as promised. N-Europe Quarter-Final Draw Matches Hadens Rangers vs Eights United Intergalactico Stars vs bob Cubic County vs Lylat Warriors AC Elites vs Yellow Submarine Footage
  22. Yeah, the original thread was last posted in January, thought it was a little too far gone. Story After being saved earlier in the year, Blockbusters is poised to go into administration once again, putting 2,000 jobs on the line once more. Do you think it is time to say goodbye to Blockbusters considering the likes of Netflix, LoveFILM etc are readily available for £5-£8 a month. Thoughts everyone.
  23. Damn, lost 2-0 to Cube. Oh well, next round of the draw Tonight @ 9pm
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