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Everything posted by Jimbob

  1. I've no idea what i'm going to call my new one, would people be interested in a sequel to an older game i've had or a brand new one?.
  2. The people i've spoken to don't seem interested in joining, that is their decision at the end of the day.
  3. The N-Europe Xpert Eleven Second Round Draw Matches (to be played Tuesday 29th October) Hadens Rangers vs Winston Gardens FC bob vs Leeds M.O.T Eights United vs Sixty Fourthers Coloccini FC vs Yellow Submarine A.C Elites vs Silverdale Salmon Recall United vs Cubic County Intergalactico Stars vs Athletico Aqui1a Lylat Wanderers vs DuDs Baggies Footage
  4. The links for the draw are here Stream is here Chat is here Stream will go live 5 minutes before, i'm in the chat room now.
  5. I'm gonna hold my vote off for now, will check the game periodically and see whats what.
  6. My opinion, the blade one sounds more mafia(esq) due to the vicious sounding of it, but who knows really.
  7. 2-0 vs the Lords of Hydra. Not a bad result for me. Reminder, the next round of the cup will be drawn on Saturday 26th October 2013 at 9pm. Putting it out now to give enough notice to all.
  8. Hmm, exactly the same as me. It's too early to go on anything, but maybe ReZ was protected by someone else which causes this to happen. Who knows, i'll be watching and seeing if anyone else says they targetted him as well.
  9. My target last night was ReZourceman, but i couldn't reach him last night as it seems i was approached by a scary man waving a blade at me, so i would assume i was roleblocked. That's all i have to share at this moment in time.
  10. This is going to be tricky, but here goes A Link to the Past Links Awakening The Legend of Zelda The Minish Cap Oracle of Ages Oracle of Seasons Adventure of Link
  11. Vote: No Lynch Let's get this phase out of the way.
  12. From what i've seen with the difference between current and next-gen graphical difference, it's not substantial. Yes it looks nicer, but it's not Xbox to Xbox 360 difference. It makes the current-gen look like an upscaled DVD on a Blu-ray player.
  13. I should be able to pop on around half 6/7pm tonight for a bit whilst i travel back to the City from work. Not fussed on what you wish to trade over for it.
  14. I have one in the box somewhere, caught 2 a while ago. It's yours if you want it. I do plan on levelling up and filling the dex before doing the Elite 4, so catching as many 'Mon now before doing a grind to fill up.
  15. Magnus was Haythem, a Templar as well as yourself. Thought it would be interesting mixing Templars with Assassins. You certainly didn't have a lot of luck with the investigations, i don't think you got 1 result back due to people protecting themselves or you being redirected to a protected player.
  16. I've got my team of 6 sorted, i'm closing in on the 3rd gym now. This could change later on, but this is how it stands now 1. Charizard (Fire) 2. Greninja (Water) 3. Alakasam (Psy) 4. Lucario (Fighting) 5. Nidoking (Poison) 6. Tyrunt (Rock) Nice mix of Pokemon generations and types, i try to have 2 current gen 'mon in my team in any game, one of them is the starter and another is a random type. In this case, it's the Fossel Pokemon i was after. And if anyone is interested, i'm breeding Nidoran's (Female and Male, bloody hard to find them in the wild) and Pichu's. Did 2 Wonder trades today, traded a spare Nidoran i had and got a Snorlax back. Traded another random 'mon and got a female Pikachu in return. Not a bad trade i don't think.
  17. @Esequiel invite sent over.
  18. With my game done and dusted (a great game i might add), i would like to add my name to the list for my next game.
  19. I've had my mafia break, so sign me up please chap.
  20. I'll send over an invite once i get home @Esequiel
  21. Yeah, there were one or two roles that could have been tweaked a little bit. Yours was one of them @Cube, and i apologise for not making things a little clearer. Regarding the Pieces of Eden, i had a mega power lined up for either Peeps, Yvonne or ReZ if they acquired all 3 pieces. Revealing who held a Piece kind of ruined the idea i had in mind, i had hoped for them to remain silent on the whole situation. And to answer the whole swap which resulted in DuD;s death, both Sheikah and Yvonne gave me the same targets in Swap anyone who targetted DuD to Esequiel. I was confused as to what to do, so upon advice from @Sheikah i did what i did. Sheikah did the initial swap, Yvonne simply swapped them back. Hence the DuD lynch.
  22. Votes EEVILMURRAY: The Peeps, Diago, Mr-Paul (3) Majority was 3 Well......... The remaining town had a hunch, they knew whom to go for. And they struck. Once again, they took no prisoners. EEVILMURRAY has been lynched, he was Achilles Davenport A former mentor of the Colonial Brotherhood, a descendant of the Caribbean and British colonies. He also lives in Davenport, where Connor discovered the manor where the old guild used to be based. He was also Connor’s Assassin master, not happy with Connor’s way of thinking. But Connor shared the same belief of restoring the lands, the Davenport Homestead was rebuilt over time with various building including a pub, church and the restoration of the Aquila which Connor took over as captain during his tenature of the homestead. He enlightened the way of the guild to Connor who shared it across the Homestead. You have the following role/power – Roleblock/Protector. You must choose one of these on each night phase. You can either roleblock a target, or protect them from any night action. His alignment, well it had to be Mafia didn't it With the last mafia member deceased, that meant that TOWN WIN!! Remaining players @Mr\-Paul Thanks for playing everyone.
  23. Time for a update of recent purchases i made (gonna be a long post)
  24. An eventful night indeed, A Dr and a President went on the hunt for someone. A native American went to New York for a trip. Claudia, Ezio's sister was wandering around in Rome in search for answers as to why her brother was murdered. She asked around, people gave her different answers. Eventually, someone pointed her in the direction of a local tavern. They said the person with the answer lies within. She went into the tavern, nobody was inside. She went to leave, but was ambushed by 2 hooded figures as she went to leave. They dragged her kicking and screaming upstairs, and tied her to a chair. One of the two figures left, leaving the other alone with her. They drew a knife from under the cloak, and lunged it towards her right into her stomach. Claudia is dead, Esequiel is no longer in the game The sister of Ezio Auditore da Firenze, and a fellow member of the Assassin Order in Italy during the Renaissance era. She escaped along with Ezio and their Mother to Monteriggioni, she became the town chancellor and helped finance the restoration of the town. The city was destroyed in 1500, she became the Madame of the Rosa in Fiore in Rome. She became a member of the Assassin Order after proving she is one mean fighter. She did run the Italian order during Ezio’s journey to Masayif to learn about the origins of the Assassin Order from the Library of Altair. You have the following role/power - You may target a player each night. You will find out who else targeted that player. Or the Power reflector, if you target anyone you will reflect their power back onto your target. One choice per night phase. He was Town As the figure was about to leave, there was one last ounce of strength inside Claudia as she managed to trip up the figure, they fell down the stairs and broke their neck at the bottom. The hood came off, and was revealed as..... Shaun Hastings is dead, Dedede is no longer in the game Former Assassin Guild member, he gave tactical advice to the Assassin Guild over the years. Also giving his knowledge on locations of the Eden and historical locations. He was also part responsible for Animus 2.0, which Desmond learned the skills of Ezio, Connor and Edward. He is a little bit of a coward, avoiding confliction wherever possible. But his skills do get people out of danger. You have the following role/power - Investigator. On odd days, you can gain knowledge on location and whom they targeted. On even nights, you find out what power your target has. An optional power, you can pass on information regarding your investigation to another player. He was Mafia Alive @Mr\-Paul Dead Cube DuD Sheikah ReZourceman Magnus Peterson Yvonne @Dedede @Esequiel With 4 players left, the majority is 3. Day is due to end 11pm Wednesday
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