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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Is anyone else's Fit Meter sporadically playing a little tune when it's on standby? Mine has done it twice today, have now turned off the volume. Also, I see @lostmario got a new outfit for his Mii, very nice.
  2. I'm not actually certain that's how it works (only have the N-E community I made on mine at the moment) I mean there are a list of different communities on there and the option to search for others is still available after having made/joined one. Weird. Your Mii appears in my Plaza. Anyway, I continue to be amazed with the Fit Meter. The altitude feature is flawless! Took it for a test this morning involving lots of walking up and downhill, the graph I got when I transferred the data to Wii Fit U was super accurate. Love how it also knows when you're walking or running. The little step tasks (similar to what was in Walk with Me on DS) are cool too. I'm currently halfway up the Statue of Liberty.
  3. At last, some peeps in the N-E Community! : You can compare scores!: They're learning. It's taking them a long time, but Nintendo are finally learning.
  4. That'd be a neat trick, seeing I haven't designed any banners for N-Europe for about 2 years now.
  5. It's the orange window in the training menu, click on that and you should be able to enter the community code in there. Tell me about it! I had one go and almost died.
  6. Yeah, ShopTo all the way. Although funnily enough I have used The Game Collection once or twice (was a long time ago though) and do recall them being very good. You can't go wrong with either of them by the looks of things. GAME on the other hand are completely useless and should be avoided at all cost. Unless of course you enjoy getting ripped off, getting your games late, or receiving pre-owned titles when you ordered new.
  7. Think you can only be registered to one at a time, yeah. Not exactly sure what or how much the communities keep track of though.
  8. Made a community, get joining people!: : peace:
  9. Well, finally got this installed and ready to go. My Fit Meter also arrived today! :awesome: Great little gadget, it even monitors ambient temperature! As for the Wii Fit U software itself, so far so good. But what's this?... Noooooooooooooo!!!! The Juggling game from Wii Fit Plus is not included! So disappointing. Hopefully it is in there and just needs to be unlocked. Anyway, the new activities are great fun, especially the dancing ones. Although I really don't buy them requiring 2 Wii Remote Plus. Reckon they could have worked fine with standard Wii Remotes, so it just feels like a cheeky way for Nintendo to try and sell more pluses. Yeah, that is really annoying.
  10. Yeah, I've been loving it. Wish I got one sooner. Probably won't be on it as much as I have been recently, now that Nintendo are finally starting to get their shit together with Wii U. But it's great having it available to fill all of those annoying gaps in Nintendo's schedule. Will also be keeping a very close eye on the PS4, and depending on how things pan out with Wii U, will likely be adding one of those to my set-up at some point as well.
  11. Bloody hell, took 2 hours to download! I can download a similar amount of data from Steam or the PlayStation Store in under 40 minutes. Now the install is going at snail's pace too... Glad I don't download very much from the eShop.
  12. Das ist wahr. Oh well, at least I can mess around on Google translate during the wait. :p And... it's up. You were spot on Dcubed, again.
  13. Ich sehe. Aber ich denke immer noch, es ist lächerlich, dass Nintendo nicht bekommen diese bereit für Mitternacht.
  14. I used to love Letterbox, it's actually one of the top played titles on my 3DS! But people gradually stopped using it, and when Miiverse came out that was the final nail in the coffin. Was still a nice little app though, so it's a shame if they get rid of it. Mind you, once (if) Miiverse is available on 3DS, I doubt many will be too bothered.
  15. That vas 27 minuten ago, ya?
  16. Hmm... This is still unavailable to download on eShop. It just says Release: 01/11/2013. You'd think being based in Germany would improve efficiency.
  17. So was the XL charging cradle just for the US then?
  18. What, sell over 3 million copies? :wink:
  19. Fair play, but you can do that anyway with 3DS/Vita. Also, I don't really think this particular use of the GamePad (in golf) is gimmicky, it's surely going to create one of the best video game representations of the sport ever! I mean, being able to just look down and see the lie of the ball, more importantly having to target the ball accurately to actually hit it, or alter your shot type depending on how you hit it... that's pretty damn significant I reckon. Nothing against the old-school, press a button to swing gameplay style of golf games (Hell, I bought Everybody's Golf for PS3 just yesterday ) but anything that can make the experience more interesting or bring a new style of play into the mix can only be a good thing.
  20. The way the GamePad is utilised in golf is shaping up to be one the best uses of the device so far. I remember that being one of the most impressive things in the Wii U reveal trailer too, it's just a shame that it's taking them so long to get this idea out there. And the question now is can/will they create many other experiences that feature genuinely useful unique viewpoints such as that. :awesome: Let's hope so. I really think that the off-TV feature has actually been a hurdle for Nintendo in terms of using the GamePad in creative ways like this. I'd much prefer they focus on producing games that take full advantage of the additional screen, rather than omitting interesting gameplay concepts just so something can also be played exclusively on the GamePad.
  21. That's a relief. The way this thread suddenly stopped in 2010 and everyone disappeared, was a bit too much like the story of Tokyo Jungle! Yeah, I'm getting that vibe already. It's definitely a game catered to those that don't mind/enjoy replaying the same content and challenging themselves in order to get a higher score.Luckily that's very much my cup of tea, so I shall be playing this for ages. It is indeed annoying. An essential game mechanic though in order to stop players from just gathering food and then waiting in tall grass for the years to easily pass by.
  22. Mega bump! Did anyone ever get this game? I downloaded it today, and am already absolutely hooked! Fun fact: GTA V was the game that tipped me over the edge to buy a PS3, but this game was secretly on my radar ever since I saw a preview of it on NHK World back in early 2012. I remember thinking how awesome this looked back then, and it turns out that feeling wasn't wrong as the game is amazing! It might look like 6th or even 5th generation game, but the rough visuals only add to its charm I reckon. And much more importantly it's just so much fun to play, not to mention ridiculously addictive. Can't wait to unlock more animals and try to improve my survival duration/score. It's brilliant when you get really far into a game and loads of huge and very dangerous animals start roaming the map, you know that one fuck up means game over and all the way back to the beginning... it's so damn tense, I love it! So yeah, anyone else play it? Judging by this thread it would appear not, but perhaps there was a second thread I missed.
  23. Yeah, that's the one. Been playing as Kasumi, got most of the initial ones done, but that last combo ( ) is ridiculous. Don't think my reflexes are sharp enough for that kind of thing anymore... Cheers for that link though, good to see the timings on that vid. I'll keep trying.
  24. I'll certainly give it a go, but I think the one for doing all the combos is a bit too tricky for me to get. So I'm now trying that one in reverse to see if I can do the most complicated combos first, save myself the aggravation of doing all the simple ones and then getting stuck with just the last few. If only that trophy was for taking pervy pictures in spectator mode instead, I'd have completed it ages ago!
  25. 2 minutes?! More like 2 seconds. Seriously though, I can complete every Level 3 mini-game in under 20 seconds. My best times: Sp. Atk = 11 sec HP = 14.6 sec Attack = 8.8 sec Sp. Def = 16.3 sec Speed = 18.6 sec Defense = 17.9 sec Add x2 bags and L reward bags into the mix and you can potentially get +36 from a single game! The old fashioned way of Pokérus/Power items may be more efficient, but I've had enough of that method from the previous games. Super Training all the way for me now.
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