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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Yeah, I figured they'd use that as a way to set it apart from all of the other YT apps. Mind you, is there even that much 3D content on YouTube?
  2. Loving the extra lives mini-game:
  3. If anyone has played Super Mario 3D World but still thinks the Wii U is last gen, they're an absolute donut. Anyway... Everyone remember this? That was at E3 back in 2004. I think a lot of cynical people believe that was just Iwata downplaying the importance of hardware due to the lower specs of the Wii, but in reality it makes so much sense, and it's a shame that many other developers don't realise it. Sure, there are certain things that naturally require a lot of horsepower, like photorealism and anything with a shit-load of stuff going on. But ultimately there's not much that can't be realised on the Wii U, unfortunately though it requires a bit more work to get results, and it seems the majority of devs don't share Nintendo's philosophy, they just want more and more power to make their lives easier. The funny thing is, if they followed Nintendo's example they'd actually save themselves a lot of money and I also believe we'd see much more creativity as a result too. This emerging trend of practically every game needing to be a huge production and look super realistic is one that I reckon will eventually damage the industry. It's anti-videogame in my opinion. Putting the emphasis on presentation or story, over that of gameplay and innovation is a mistake. So yeah, as far as the 3rd party situation is concerned I'm not too fussed anymore. If I really want to play a certain 3rd party title I'll just play it on another system/PC. I don't think there's anything else Nintendo can or should do in order to entice 3rd parties to Wii U either, they should simply continue to focus on creating their own fantastic games and follow their own path. Yeah, they'll be carrying the system by themselves, but let's face it, that's basically been the situation for a long time now.
  4. I've not had that happen on mine, no. But I turned the volume off on my one after 1 day. Anyway, you can check if it's the sound setting by pressing the middle button 4 times and then the left arrow button.
  5. Guess we'll just have to agree to disagree then. I feel bad for all the peeps that have been let down by GAME. How they still get any customers is a complete and utter mystery.
  6. I played this for several hours yesterday and reached the end of World 5, have I been rushing? Not unless you consider thoroughly exploring levels, replaying many stages just to see what Ghost Miis are up to or listen to the music, watching Cat Mario's idle animation (where he washes his face like an actual cat ), oh and simply observing the title screen to see all of the different demo animations... rushing. Yeah, to be honest I used to be more of the mindset that you should "make games last", but now it's completely the opposite. At the end of the day, if you're playing the game how you would play it anyway, it makes no difference whether you do it in one big sitting, or space it out over time. The experience is exactly the same. In fact (although not so relevant for SM3DW ) with a story driven game I'd say playing through it with as few breaks as possible is highly beneficial, to better keep track of what's going on. You wouldn't watch a film and then halfway through it go "oh I'll stop watching this now and watch the rest tomorrow" just to make it "last longer". Anyway, people should be able to enjoy their games however they like. And as long as those that play through before others use spoiler tags when describing the game, I have no problem with it whatsoever. : peace:
  7. God damn the wait for Nintendo to move into HD was so worth it. This game is unbelievably beautiful. Such a ridiculous level of polish, so many little details... I mean it basically looks like the renders they used for advertising back in the day, it's like the artwork of Mario 64 come to life! Wow, it's been a long time since I've seen that actually. In fact, the visuals in SM3DW are even better. Anyone with a Wii U, that doesn't (or isn't planning to) get this game deserves such a slap. Seriously, if the majority of Wii U owners don't pick this up then I just don't know what to think any more. Stamps can only be used in posts made from within the game itself. If you just go into Miiverse (even if you're in the SM3DW community) you won't be able to use them. As for Mii Ghosts, the option to enable them appears in World 2.
  8. Mine arrived today from ShopTo. Just played through the first world, it's so much fun! Visually incredible too! We all know this game is a looker, but it's even more spectacular than in the screenshots and online vids. One level in particular has the best lighting/shadows I've ever seen in a videogame!! Also, the Ghost Miis feature is awesome! :awesome: Not the online Multiplayer that everyone (myself included) would have liked, but bloody entertaining all the same. It really does feel like you're playing with other players. Seeing 3 other Miis running about the stage while you play is great. I saw one guys Mii smack into a wall while trying to do a jump, and couldn't help but crack up! Now I'm worried about what my Mii is going to be up to on other people's games, as I've been making loads of silly mistakes and dying a lot. Everyone needs to play this game! : peace:
  9. I'm not so sure it'll be that straightforward.
  10. *Receives shipping text*
  11. If this comes out close to MK8 it can do one. Bloody stupid, wouldn't put it past Nintendo though.
  12. Probably for the best. It's one of those you can't unsee it things.
  13. Found the remaining Maiamais, so that's everything collected!
  14. Oh my word, Nintendo are obsessed!
  15. Indeed...
  16. *tiptoes into thread* ... Is it safe in here? Oh man, just 2 days to go. I'm so hyped. :bouncy: Shame about the fixed run button thing, sure I'll get used to it though, just like with 3D Land.
  17. You get those in...
  18. Found the 2 heart pieces I was missing. Only 10 Maiamais left to find now and that's everything done. Wonder If I can get...
  19. Ah, ok. Good to know, cheers.
  20. Just completed it. AMAZING GAME! My final stats: Total Rupees found: 20207 Times defeated: 00003 Why does this counter have so many digits? Total Time Played: 19:45
  21. Saw an ad for this earlier, it's gonna be on Channel 4 this Saturday at 9pm. I imagine it'll be similar to Gameswipe, which was pretty damn amusing: so yeah, should be worth a watch. : peace:
  22. Hmm... The mystery continues then. Let me know if you ever unlock another one. Great stuff. I've retired my Walk with Me Activity Meter since getting the Fit Meter. Do you still upload your steps for the Space Walk? Just think of it as a pedometer on steroids. So yeah, not only does it count your steps, it also differentiates between light activity/walking/running/ascending/descending. The screen on the Fit Meter displays calories burnt, steps taken, altitude, time and ambient temperature. It's an awesome little gadget. Hehehe! Now this is what I like to see. Good luck to the both of you.
  23. Yeah, I had a massive smile on my face when I first heard that too, lovely touch. Hehehe.
  24. Anyone know if it's possible to get all of the Mii outfits from the dancing games? I've got the Salsa one, but despite scoring over 100 points on advanced for the other dances, I don't have any of the other costumes. @VsPhoenix, I know that you've got the Salsa one too, any idea? Also, you must walk a lot. You're well out in the lead on the overall steps progress. And consequently the only Mii head that I've not been able to trample. Apart from in the overall altitude progress.
  25. 15 hours played and I'm about to take on...
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