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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Yep, if you've already got a Balance Board all you need to do is buy the Fit Meter. Once you connect it to Wii Fit U, it'll remove the trial limit, and you'll be able to use the software for as long as you like.
  2. When was the last time you transferred over your activity? Having said that, I think the community plaza can have a bit of a delay on it. Sure it'll show up soon. Oh yeah, I never noticed that.
  3. They can be picked up very cheaply (10-15 quid) at places like CeX, second-hand though of course, so you'd want to give it a good clean with bleach... or acid. Or get a silicone cover for it. But yeah, if you can get hold of one I'd definitely recommend it. Wii Fit U is a lot of fun, but more importantly it's a video game that's actually good for your physical health! And there aren't too many of those around.
  4. Will do, amigo. But I can tell you right now that's very unlikely to be the case, and if it's anything like the original KORG DS, then you'll be getting chucked right in at the deep end with no assistance whatsoever. Having said that, my import copy of KORG-DS did include a pretty thick instruction manual, it was all in Japanese of course, so completely useless to me. But yeah, the software itself had no tutorial aspect at all. You got a couple of demo songs and that's it! Don't let the complexity of the software put you off though, it's fun just experimenting with it, even if you don't know exactly what does what. It's still possible to get some nice sounding stuff created through trial and error.
  5. It wasn't, no. But now that I know at least 2 people on my Friend List are playing it, I'm even more envious. There ought to be a law against cluttered release schedules.
  6. 'Tis not cool to bump this thread, ReZourceman. Not without news of a European release. Not... cool... at all.
  7. Not really much else they can do at this point. And anyone who still doesn't get that Wii U is a different system by now, probably shouldn't be playing video games in the first place, as their time would be much better invested in learning to read, or having an eye examination.
  8. Saw someone playing this on my Friend List earlier. Sooooooo jealous. Seriously, is there any point in Nintendo releasing this game so close to Mario 3D World, when it's already finished and could be available right now? Other than to be really annoying of course.
  9. Wasn't this supposed to have the custom community thing like Wii Fit U (and eventually MK8), or did I just imagine that? I know we should be used to Nintendo's quirky online setups by now, but it seems weird if they've gone and given us really basic match making in this, when online is essentially the main focus of the game!
  10. Just saw this on NeoGaf: Brilliant.
  11. They can, it's just bloody pointless that's all. I noticed that @dazzybee had overtaken me on the race around New York this morning, but that lead didn't last very long. Love the animation when you overtake someone on the Fit Meter challenges. My Mii stepped on dazzybee's head, at which point he did a surprised/disappointed expression. Also reached the top of the Pyramid of Khafre earlier! And got a new T-Shirt for my Mii. Now it's on to the Eiffel Tower. There are still a lot of challenges to complete, but I hope they do DLC for it at some point. They should also add a version of Space Walk from Walk with Me, as there's a lot more chance of something like that working with Wii Fit U.
  12. Hehehe! I hear ya, that nursery part is nasty. Just hope that @Mokong X\-C doesn't catch wind of you not getting the game... Whoops.
  13. Do it! Ah, nice and straightforward then.
  14. @dazzybee, stop stalking me!: I doubt it will discount activity from the Fit Meter if you were to wear it whilst playing Wii Fit U, but doing so will only give you inaccurate activity data and is therefore pointless.
  15. Yep, you can export MIDI data. It's also possible to share music over Wi-Fi. Trailer:
  16. Really? (not been keeping track of it obviously ) Double wow then.
  17. 4x speed gif of the N-E Gym: /nando/ has got competition in the Salsa dancing from dazzybee now! Meanwhile, Dcubed is holding the longest Tree Pose ever! Audio Also, check out my rad Kung-Fu outfit.
  18. Wow. I'm pretty sure the majority of Wii U owners have played it already, but that is a great price for that game.
  19. You use calories doing nothing. Albeit not very many, but yeah... the body is always burning calories.
  20. 20 quid is a fucking bargain considering what the retail (DS) version can go for:http://www.amazon.com/gp/offer-listing/B0040EIQM6/ref=dp_olp_all_mbc?ie=UTF8&condition=all And yeah, it's also insanely featured. :awesome:
  21. Yeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssss!!!! Get in! Was starting to worry that they'd cancelled it. Cheers Dcubed. : peace: Gonna be a busy and expensive eShoppin' week for me, what with KORG and Wii Sports Club.
  22. Just wait a few seconds without pressing anything and it should appear on screen again. But driving is light activity. I've been nothing but impressed with the accuracy of the Fit Meter, particularly the altitude aspect. Keep in mind that will be influenced regardless of physical activity, so if you were to go up a building via the stairs or take the lift, the altitude reading will change/be recorded by the Fit Meter regardless. That's why it's cool having the different coloured bars for activity type behind the altitude graph, as you can easily see if someone traversed any changes in altitude by themselves, or if they cheated! Only a certain amount of full detail activity charts can be saved, think it's 20 but not sure. So by locking days you will be able to keep the full detail chart for that particular day. You can add a comment to the data for any reason, like where you walked on that day, or something like that. Hehehe. Make sure you join the community! Glad you're enjoying them.Have you already got a Balance Board? If so you should at least download this for the free trial. Not sure if there's an option to change that (didn't have to input my height again as I transferred my original Wii Fit file), must be in there somewhere though.
  23. You get costumes by setting hi-scores in various activities, or by reaching step/altitude targets with the Fit Meter. I just reached the top of the Statue of Liberty, and got this outfit for doing so: /nando/'s still dancing away. BTW, is my Mii showing up in anyone's Plaza? I know I'm not appearing in Phube's, wondering if that's the case for others too.
  24. The N-E community is getting busier. For those that haven't joined yet, here's a reminder of the code: 8034-1592-9901 Worth joining just to see /nando/'s Mii dancing Salsa: Yeah, the description in the manual is also pretty cryptic.Anyway, I was doing sweet f.a. both times when my Fit Meter decided to play music, so I don't think it was letting me know I'd achieved something. Perhaps it's the "do some exercise" alert.
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