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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Just did my 4th dungeon. This one was interesting... If anyone thinks the game is too easy, or just doesn't want to make it any easier for themselves, then you might want to hold off from doing...
  2. Is it possible to mess with any of the customisation stuff too, or does that require purchasing a pass?
  3. Aaaaaaarrrrrrrgggggghhhhh!!
  4. Tried the Wii U demo this morning. I like how it made a point of telling me that "the save file can carry over to the full game, so try to collect lots of items to take with you!" I'm like "what, from the 1 stage that you're letting me play?" Yeah... there's gonna be so many items.
  5. Just go to sleep (yeah, right now ) best time machine there is.
  6. Pretty sure they are, yeah. I'm guessing this'll go up at midnight.
  7. I reckon, yeah.Here's hoping you get it tomorrow. Amazing, isn't it? BTW, how are you finding it playing in 2D, any difficulty judging depth inside the dungeons? I've found the 3D to be incredibly useful in several situations already, that I imagine would be quite a bit trickier in 2D. Anyway, I just entered...
  8. Primary school? Damn, /nando/ stop making me feel so old! Yeah, I'm thinking you were probably just a bit too young to get into it. But then again... Anyway, I wouldn't let that hold you back from getting this game. Sure it shares a lot of content from ALttP, but it's very much its own game, and a bloody good one from what I've played of it so far. That sucks man, mine was from ShopTo though.Are TheGameCollection also good for receiving games early then?
  9. Wow... This game has almost had me in tears already! As soon as the Triforce started rotating into view with that mesmerizing jingle, it was suddenly 1992 and I was 12 years old all over again. Seriously, anyone that played ALttP back in the day is going to instantly fall in love with ALBW. All of the sights and sounds from the SNES classic are present and correct. It's absolutely magical. And although the new character artwork is a bit iffy (see Link in my sig ) luckily they totally nailed the art style that's used in-game. It's just a perfect adaptation of the 2D sprite based world and characters from ALttP in to 3D. Also, step aside SM3DL, we have a new best S3D game on the 3DS! Looks amazing and I get a feeling it's going to become an integral part of solving puzzles and navigating certain areas in the dungeons too.
  10. My copy just arrived!
  11. Aaaaarrrrgggghhhhh! Why is there suddenly so much activity in the SM3DW thread?! What's going on? *hovers pointer over thread title* No! Just 9 more days... Must... resist...
  12. You should definitely give the demo of W101 a try. Do not try to "get" that game from reviews or videos, it's one of those games that has to be played to be properly understood. Great game though, if you can get into it.
  13. Really?! You bought a Wii U this year just to play those 4 titles?No interest in Nintendo Land, ZombiU, Monster Hunter, The Wonderful 101 or Super Mario 3D World?! Mind you I can't exactly talk, I bought a PS3 just to play GTA V. I'm just surprised that someone would buy a Wii U at the moment, without being into most of its best games.
  14. :eek: Seriously, Dcubed... snap out of it.
  15. Nice one, S.C.G. And yeah, you can start using Wii Fit U right away and then link the Fit Meter any time within the 30 day trial. By the way, don't forget to join the N-E Community: 8034-1592-9901 : peace:
  16. Very good sign. Band Bros. DX/Jam with the Band was awesome, so I really hope this does get a European release at some point.
  17. To say that I'm well and truly on the hype train for Super Mario 3D World would be a serious understatement, I am so excited for that game it's unreal! I'm also still really enjoying KORG M01D, so I decided to combine the two, and had a go at reproducing the Super Mario 3D World theme. It's a bit messy/out of tune in places, but not bad considering I have no musical expertise and am just doing it by ear from the original E3 trailer, which is tricky as it's covered in sound effects. Anyway, here's how it ended up: Would have posted it in the 3D World thread, but I'm avoiding that place completely until I get the game. If someone else wants to drop it in there then feel free. I also had to remix it into a dance track afterwards, couldn't resist. And here's that version: Meow! : peace:
  18. Awesome. Good to know. I probably would have beat it by now, if it weren't for KORG M01D!
  19. More or less. It's nothing special, put it that way. Not sure if it's worth the asking price either, but like I said, got to see what's available post-game before passing judgement there.
  20. I wouldn't say that. It's a fantastic game and still the most active online title for the 3DS.
  21. Yeah, it can be pretty tough, almost old school Mega Man difficulty! Perhaps not, but definitely tougher than your average modern game. The second boss was loads easier than the first though, which is odd. I'm almost at the end of the 3rd (and presumably last) set of stages now, so it doesn't seem like there's much content in JRII. But there's an extra mode that unlocks with collection all of the photos, and hopefully something else for beating all of the stages... Time will tell.
  22. How has there only been a single mention of Mario Kart 7?! I'll correct that now: Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Mario Kart 7 Sound advice all-round otherwise I'd say. Definitely agree with avoiding Sticker Star. The only problem with Project X Zone, is it becomes very repetitive very quickly. It's also waaaaaaay too long, I'm still playing through my copy that I started back at the beginning of July!
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