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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. That's a good point, didn't think of that. I'm sure quite a lot of fans would still pre-order/buy new games at full price though, even if that was the case. I know for sure that I wouldn't be able to wait for something like MK8 to drop in price.
  2. It seems like loads of people bought multiple games during the pricing error, Nintendo should take a hint and start dropping the price of older games like that on purpose. Surely it's better for them to sell a higher number of titles at a reduced price, than hardly any at full price.
  3. Looks amazing! This is ridiculous though: Seriously, NoA? No doubt our version will be censored as well, IF we even get the game.
  4. Starting to get ever so slightly hyped for this game now... Those new rumours sound cool, but the fact that my Wii U is currently a glorified NES/Gym probably has a lot to do with it too. Really need a new game!!!!
  5. Can't believe TVii is still in the works for Europe. Really thought they would have given up by now.
  6. I should really remember as it wasn't that long ago, but doesn't it make you do a body test the first time you play the trial? Perhaps it's skippable anyway.
  7. It's an awesome game though, even at 50hz. I've seen posts on Miiverse suggesting people don't download it because of that, which is mental.
  8. NES Remix (Wii U) Had a great laugh with this game. Beating it doesn't take too long, but it's all about going back and replaying stages for the rainbow stars/high score! Which is insanely addictive. Have spent almost 30 hours playing it now, quality download game. Here's hoping we get more Remix titles in the future. Resident Evil 5 (PS3) Spotted this for £3, so decided to give it a go. Not as bad as I was expecting it to be, but yeah... clearly not a patch on previous games in the series. I do like Sheva though *cough* Anyway, that's me up to date with Resi again I think, well apart from RE:Giraffe Blowjob but I'm more than happy to wait for that to drop to bargain bucket price too. Little Big Planet (PS3) Another super cheap PS3 purchase, it's actually great being a generation behind. I'd played this quite a bit before owning a PS3, mainly messing with the editor. I love the concept and look of the game, but it's really let down by its controls. The super floaty platforming mechanics are a nightmare, especially on the later stages of story mode! I'm sure I'll spend some more time creating/checking out custom levels though, and the online aspect still appears to be pretty active which is cool.
  9. Don't worry, you'll soon be sending the remains of your GamePad back to the Nintendo service centre.
  10. Have reached the final bonus stage on this now, it's the Champions Road of NES Remix!!
  11. Chill Mokong. A couple of minutes on W1-2 doing the 1-Up trick will see extra lives coming out of your ears! And you don't need to worry about the glitter stars either... It doesn't. I saw it many a time on some of the later stages, but just ignored it. And my profile stars remained as glittery as ever. And apparently even if you do use it, you can just go back and replay the stage without using it to get your shiny stars back!
  12. Just spotted this on HUKD: Mario kart 7 3ds £3 @ morrisons! http://www.hotukdeals.com/deals/mario-kart-7-3ds-3-morrisons-1775257 I'm guessing it won't be easy to find a copy though.
  13. I've been beaten already anyway. As you've no doubt seen on Cyberscore. I would imagine so, yeah. Hopefully NES Remix sells well enough that they do consider a SNES remix though. SMK x F-Zero remix stages would be so awesome... *EDIT* Just improved my Stage 13 record on Balloon Fight!
  14. And now I just had to beat your time... ...close one though. :awesome:
  15. Is 3D Outrun happening yet? They can still do it, right?... If they edit out the Ferrari badge?
  16. It is incredibly slow and painful, yeah. Anyway, I would use my 3 alt characters and buy enough to fill all of their lockers as well as that of my main character, so yeah... a lot of turnips. Just over 70k I think. That was back when there was much more online activity for the stalk market though, trying it now would be seriously risky.
  17. Yay! A new member for the N-E gym. Have you also got a Fit Meter, or are you just doing the free trial?I actually haven't done any exercise on Wii Fit U for a few days now (but still doing the body test) as I'm a bit under the weather at the moment. I think it's completely random/broken, just like most of Nintendo's online services.
  18. Good idea, as you're definitely going to need 'em later on... and then some. You can eventually, yeah.
  19. Copied from my profile, 'cos I'm lazy. Nintendo Systems Owned: NES, SNES, GB, GBP, N64, GBA, GCN, GBASP, NDS, DSLite, Wii, DSi, 3DS, 3DSXL, Wii U Other Systems Owned: C64, PC, DC, PS3 Although I've traditionally just owned Nintendo consoles, I have actually spent a lot of time playing other systems over the years too. Got a Dreamcast purely for Space Channel 5/Part 2 but ended up getting many more games for it over time. And I purchased a PS3 a few months back, mainly for GTA V but also because of the sheer lack of software being released for Wii U. Similarly to the DC though I've been intermittently going through the PS3 back catalogue and picking up other games on the cheap. And I'm happy with that setup at the moment. Nintendo releases will obviously take priority, but when there's nothing I'm interested in currently available, I'll just jump back to the PS3/PC until there is.
  20. I've finally joined the NES Remix party! So good. GB/SNES Remix absolutely must happen.
  21. I managed to get on this morning and successfully purchase/download NES Remix! But yeah, the eShop definitely felt a bit sluggish still.
  22. I know. But I've been playing through Bayonetta and wanted to get that finished before moving on to another game, plus I was saving NES Remix for Christmas day anyway. But yeah, so much for that idea.
  23. Not sure if you've gone back and finished it since, but I completed it the other day and...
  24. Bayonetta (PS3) Awesome game. It didn't blow me away quite as much as The Wonderful 101 ended up doing, but I'm definitely looking forward to the sequel even more now!
  25. I will indeed. But in hindsight I do think it's a bit overpriced. They really should've included those features that were mentioned in the Iwata Asks, like online leaderboards, endless mode, etc... Anyway, good luck getting on the eShop to download anything at the moment. It was down all yesterday by the looks of things, and it's still not working now. I wanted to get NES Remix as a Christmas present to myself. Hopefully this is a sign that loads of people have picked up a Wii U for Christmas and the turnaround has begun. Probably not though.
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