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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Amazing! I just cannot get my head around this, I really can't. Simply will not believe this game is real until I get to play it for myself.
  2. Adding The Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes to my list too. Wasn't expecting to see the credits roll on this one yet, as I was just checking out the final stage in single player to familiarise myself with it, before either attempting to find some randoms or hooking up with N-E peeps to properly play through it. But...
  3. Apparently. But if it's out so soon, then why not feature it at all in yesterday's conference? Yeah, there was like a few seconds of footage from it in that montage at the start, but that doesn't count. As a PS4 exclusive I was totally expecting them to at least mention it.
  4. Wow, that was super disappointing. Apart from the segment on Dreams that is. That looks phenomenal! I actually can't believe that's for real. Absolutely gutted there was nothing on the Tomorrow Children though. What the hell is going on with that game? No Rime either.
  5. Having seen the way you play a few games now, that doesn't really surprise me. We can't all be such pros though. You ever play it on Mario Paint? It's been a while since I have, but I'm pretty sure it was way easier than the SMM version.
  6. Awesome update! Hopefully they'll add Star Coins at some point too. Did they really have to make a more challenging version of Gnat Attack though? It's already pretty damn challenging.
  7. Possibly. I also plan to watch that conference, so as long as there's no surprise post-conference download, I'll jump on after that.
  8. Just tried that. So many Rupees! Managed to get 5 new outfits made tonight as a result. It wouldn't be the same without me doing something stupid. But yeah, that was the first time I'd ever played some of those stages/challenge types, so I'll just use that as my excuse. I did find it funny how you decided to carry me about for the majority of one stage, and while Glen-i took on the boss. At least I managed to make myself useful right at the end with the Hookshot. Yeah, the game is so rad when you've got the right setup going. Just a shame that Nintendo implemented such piss-poor online functionality for it though. The fact that friends are completely invisible in the search unless they're currently waiting in a lobby they've created, is just unbelievably stupid! You should always be able to see who's online, what they're currently up to, and be able to message them. Oh well, good job we can arrange games on here, ey?
  9. @Hero\-of\-Time & @Glen\-i, a huge thanks to both of you for the help. Those challenges are pretty tough! Great fun though. Can't wait to make the Rupee outfit! Yeah man, seems luck was on my side today.
  10. Have created a game.
  11. OK, so I really want to get that Rupee outfit made, but still need the Antique Coin and a Royal Ring. Anyone else after these items and up for some games in the Fortress area at around 6pm today?
  12. Yeah, and while those explosions are indeed scripted, it's pure coincidence that my attacks ended up perfectly timed to them! :awesome:Anyway, glad you enjoyed it.
  13. Uncharted 3 is done:
  14. Finished Uncharted 3 last night. Sure enough it did eventually suffer from the same kind of issues I had with Uncharted 2, plus quite possibly some of the worst difficulty spikes I've ever encountered in a video game! Seriously, chapters 12-15... What in the hell? Did they playtest this thing? Even so, I still preferred it to Uncharted 2 overall, and would have enjoyed it more than the first game, if it hadn't of got ridiculous with the difficulty from chapter 12 onward. So yeah, I'd probably rate the games like so, 1 > 3 > 2. But it's real close between 1 and 3. As for the Chloe vs Elena debate that was also close in Uncharted 2, but in 3... well, Chloe looks like she's had a botched face-lift, so yeah, Elena all the way. Anyway, my faith in Uncharted 4 is kinda restored, but I still have the suspicion that it could end up with similar issues. If I've picked up on one thing about Naughty Dog after my time with The Last of Us, and the Uncharted games, it's that while they're incredibly talented when it comes to presentation, they're severely lacking in some fundamental areas of game design. And while Zazz is cool and all, I'd much rather play a game that was also well designed and fun to play from start to finish. I do like how they at least seem to recognise their faults and make fun of them in-game though : To end this post, a couple of GIFs from my gameplay on Uncharted 3. The first one is an epic moment, the second is also pretty epic, but for very different reasons.
  15. I believe you are mistaken, does that look like the Tingle outfit? Definitely not me though, as I haven't even made Zelda's dress yet. BTW, what does happen when all 3 players have the Tri Suit?
  16. I'd be up for a few games too, If there's room.
  17. AKA, Lonk? Anyway, cheers. Was most entertaining.
  18. Nothing now: You must have JavaScript enabled on your device to view Miiverse posts that have been embedded in a website. View post in Miiverse Cheers for the tip though. Annoyed that the Timeless Tunic is one of the outfits that's only obtainable through local multiplayer... Looks pretty cool. Surprised there's no amiibo functionality too, the potential for humorous character based outfits is immense.
  19. There's a free Palico theme up for grabs at the mo. Is the 3DS theme shop ridiculously slow on the New 3DS too? I can't actually believe how sluggish it is on the standard one anyway. The fact that you have to sit through like 3 or 4 different progress bars just to get 1 theme is atrocious!
  20. Must admit I did chuckle when he got stuck at the start of that floor puzzle (after falling off again), and we were just spamming the thumbs up cheer from the other side.
  21. Cheers for the games, that boss fight was so damn close! I still can't make any of the outfits I want... It's like bloody Monster Hunter.
  22. I'm heading online for a bit now, but will completely understand if you'd rather hook up with someone else/randoms/the Doppels from single player mode.
  23. It also uses the Post to Miiverse app, so good news for anyone on an original 3DS.
  24. That was pretty damn funny, yeah. I just saw the pot there and thought, why not? Indeed. Love doing that. I definitely need to get some more outfits made, hopefully will be able to now with some of the items I collected in that session.
  25. @Hero\-of\-Time and @Glen\-i, that was great! Abyss of Agony certainly lived up to its name thanks to me. Sorry for being so thick.
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