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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Yep. Kudos to you for that though.Shame the Mii idea didn't work out. Anyway, that was an absolutely mental GP3! Expect very entertaining highlights. : peace:
  2. And so the 3DS gets it's very own Rocket League! Had a quick go, it's actually pretty good. Not Rocket League good, but still fun.
  3. Good hunting last night everyone! I really love being a cat in a group of 3 hunters, makes me feel a bit more useful. Being able to instantly locate the target monster for the rest of the team is cool, and that new support move I used yesterday is pretty sweet too (the horn which makes all of the annoying smaller monsters in the area bugger off! ) Been doing quite a bit of offline hunting as well, and found a great use for the burrow ability in Prowler Mode (other than regenerating red health and sneaking around). Yeah, took on a Najarala in one of the village quests, and whenever he surrounded me I just dug into the ground! His paralysis and constriction moves became completely useless! Then it's simply a case of moving underground a bit and popping out again on the other side. Anyway, up to 5* village quests now, and have taken on Rathalos. That unlocked the Rath-of-Meow skill which enables use of the Meownzer tank! You get to control it for a reasonably long time and it's a lot of fun to use, but unfortunately it requires 5 points of the support gauge, which takes ages to build up. Have to say though, this is probably my favourite Monster Hunter game so far. While the silly/quirky stuff clearly isn't to everyone's taste, I personally can't get enough of it. And to be honest I think the developers have done a pretty good job of introducing this kind of stuff to the series, without necessarily forcing it on players that prefer the more traditional aspects of MH. I'll be online for an hour or so after MK too!
  4. Wow! Those last couple of hunts. Crazy stuff! :awesome: @Vileplume2000 there's a space for you to join now.
  5. And I'll join between 5 and 6, if Deathjam isn't about.
  6. Try saying it sarcastically next time, see if that works. Those 2 occasions where you were sprinting back to carve had me in stitches! Especially the first one, where I saw your character run in from the right-hand side of my screen at the very second the "quest complete" sign popped up.As I mentioned afterwards, it would've made a great GIF. Anyway, be sure to let me know when you're hunting online next, if there's space for me to join.
  7. This week's theme:
  8. Quality session with @Glen\-i & @Dcubed just now. HR 2 GET! For me at least. Cheers guys!
  9. I'm planning to go online at 5pm for a couple of hours. That's the longest I can play this game continuously before I start going blind/developing arthritis. Goddamn it the next MH game better be on a bloody home console.
  10. Highlight #26 is done and on its way to Dcubed for YouTubeification. In the meantime here's a GIF featuring a very skillful (or lucky ) forward banana throw/instant karma moment: Next theme will be posted tomorrow. : peace:
  11. Cheers to you @Glen\-i & @Ugh first aid, that was great fun. Your custom messages are highly entertaining. Looking forward to hunting with you lot again. : peace:
  12. They still could've been usable on Wii/Wii U if they were USB though, no? I just hate the setup of having to plug controllers into the Wii Remote, always annoyed me with the Classic Controller. And they never did release that damn clip which was supposed to hold the Wii Remote to the back of the CC. True. Still would've been nice to have official NES controllers for PC, without the need for adapters. Also would've made them forward compatible with NX (I assume it's going to have USB ports ) without the need for a Wii Remote.
  13. Only thing I'm not so keen on is the controllers using the Wii Remote style connector. Would've been rad if they were USB...
  14. *raises paw*
  15. Verrrrrry laggy session this time. Gutted about that D/C. At that exact moment I'd just chucked a fireball which bounced off a pipe and hit me in the face! Oh well.
  16. That is adorable. And yeah, "mini SNES" next please.
  17. Great vid analysing MK8's OST:
  18. Great vid analysing MK8's OST:
  19. This week's theme: Frantic Mode x3 to maximize death stare moments!
  20. This week's theme: Frantic Mode x3 to maximize death stare moments!
  21. Hehehe! Didn't think you would be. It's blatantly the first thing I'll be looking to do once I get the game though. Just hope there's some decent gear available for them, as the one in the demo was seriously weak. The thought of a cat equipped with G Rank weapons/armour that's able to stand a good chance solo against any monster in the game is just too entertaining. Yeah, better than nowt.
  22. Hehehe! Didn't think you would be. It's blatantly the first thing I'll be looking to do once I get the game though. Just hope there's some decent gear available for them, as the one in the demo was seriously weak. The thought of a cat equipped with G Rank weapons/armour that's able to stand a good chance solo against any monster in the game is just too entertaining. Yeah, better than nowt.
  23. Liking the sound of that. Can you play as a Feylne right away? Also, did you get any bonus items from having a MH4U save on your 3DS?
  24. Liking the sound of that. Can you play as a Feylne right away? Also, did you get any bonus items from having a MH4U save on your 3DS?
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