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Everything posted by RedShell

  1. Quite a while since I posted in here, been keeping track of what I've played though. Here's my up-to-date gaming diary:
  2. Was indeed a good laugh. Glad to see my hammer "skills" being useful for breaking some crab shells. I like to think that at least a few of those accidental launches are handy for mounting monsters too, right? Yeah, I don't bother with it. We've been getting on fine with the text chat/in-game comedy messages anyway.
  3. RedShell


    Played through this in a single session last night (took just under 2 hours to complete) it's very much Journey 2, but kind of lacks the impact/emotional aspects of that game. Absolutely jaw-dropping presentation though, such a beautiful game and a lot of fun to play. The player movement is really smooth so swimming around feels great. Jumping out of the water and seeing loads of fish following your lead is an exhilarating experience! The final moments are pretty spectacular too. I'm now craving a new Endless Ocean title.
  4. I may pop on for a few hunts later tonight. Have you made any progress since the last time we hunted online? I ended up doing the last couple of urgent quests solo. Well, me + my cats... that is.
  5. Weird. Just refreshed mine again and got new trophy updates from Ganepark32 and Lostmario, both of which are from today. I'm guessing there's always a slight delay to this, but if the latest stuff you're getting is days/weeks ago then something else must be up.
  6. Not sure what the plan is for this week (whether we're starting a new league or carrying on) but we'll need a theme either way, and here it is:
  7. @Hero\-of\-Time, just took a look at the What's New section on mine, seems fine. Has also updated OK since I've been online. Your one still stuck?
  8. Undoubtedly. Not been on my PS4 for a while, but I did notice that section wasn't updating like it used to the last few times I was on.Will have another look later on today.
  9. Wow, so the internet wasn't kidding about this Boomerang Cat. For those that don't know about it, basically it's an assist based Palico with a specific combination of support moves and skills. You need to spend some time scouting and then do a bit of dojo training in order to get the right combo. Anyway, if you can get the correct combination (Big Boomerang + Piercing Boomerang + Boomerang Pro + Attack Up L) this thing is an absolute beast! Pretty damn powerful and practically invincible at the same time, thanks to Emergency Retreat. Apparently it even rivals some of the main hunter weapons for how much damage it can do, and even with my low level cat I can already see how that will be the case. Was hoping there would be a really souped–up cat in the game ever since playing the demo, so I'm well chuffed with this discovery.
  10. I think we should carry on with the current league until the end of September, and then go with @Pestneb's idea of dividing the league into sections, but using @nekunando's (January-March, April-June, July-September and October-December) schedule.Giving us 4 MK league champions a year. Or, just Will winning it 4 times. As for improvements/modifications to the way scores are done, I'll leave that to the rest of you, seeing as my maths skills are terrible.
  11. Well, the post-highlight moment is definitely sorted. @Dcubed should know what I mean. Classic league night.
  12. Just a bit yeah. Anyway, hopefully I'll be a bit less rubbish after MK (not likely ) as I really wasn't with it earlier.
  13. New trailer: And the best news of all, Akiyama is back!:
  14. @Glen\-i & Co., are you going to be hunting after the MK League tonight? I may pop on for a couple of pre-MK hunts too, at around 6. Loved that moment yesterday when I used the hammer spin on Glen-i at the end of a quest, and launched him with pinpoint precision (completely by accident ) toward a Jaggi, which he then KO'd with an aerial attack! Some of the best MH moments often happen right at the end of a quest, such a shame Capcom still obscure the freeze-frame shot with all the item/rewards stuff. Seriously, some of those pics are fantastic. It's such a shame they can't be viewed properly, or better yet saved somewhere. A MH scrapbook feature that automatically collected all of those shots (for viewing/posting to Miiverse) would be amazing.
  15. What more do you need? Let's just imagine there are a few more buttons around the back of the controller.
  16. I was attempting a mock-up the other day, based off the new NX rumors, but it ended up just being another "normal" controller. Figured I'd share it on here anyway. Can't remember now (think it was in one of the Iwata Asks) but I recall something where Nintendo were experimenting with a user customisable controller which featured interchangeable parts. So yeah, here's my take on that idea. First up is the Standard layout: Dual Analog (FPS) layout: Traditional (2D/Fighter) layout: And finally, the I need more buttons! layout: Something like that would obviously be too expensive and complicated for Nintendo to utilise, but it made for a fun Photoshop session.
  17. [tweet]758318959481401345[/tweet]
  18. This week's theme:
  19. Weird. You wanna make a room, and I'll try joining you instead?
  20. Room's been open for a while, join away!
  21. The time has come. And yes, I did think it was pretty great. Can see why you hated it so much though. Anyway, now that I've actually "completed" the game, I also have to say that you do indeed have a point about the game's difficulty too. None of the 4 new monsters gave me much trouble at all, and in fact I took them all out on the first attempt and in around 10 minutes each! This was all while using a crappy low rank bone armour set and bog standard hammer. Funnily enough though, when I took on some of the Monsters that I've fought hundreds of times before in previous games (especially Lagi for some reason) I had a pretty hard time. I still reckon some of the online/event stuff is going to be really tough though (for me at least), if that mental Arzuros from yesterday is any indication. I'm up for a few hunts right now if you're still about.
  22. Hehehe! We were so stitched up on that first attempt though, I mean it was inside the damn trap and full of tranqs when it died! Anyway, cracking session. I loved the x4 cat quests we did, and that gather 20 fur fail was something else. Definitely up for a rematch against that weird Arzuros too. We were destroying it at one point (like when he was KO'd in the pitfall) but he could pretty much one hit kill me, and well, poor Dcubed didn't stand a chance. May pop on for a few more tonight, but if not I'll catch you all again very soon! : peace:
  23. Love it! :awesome:
  24. I don't mind helping out either. If you don't mind the odd accidental bash over the head with a gigantic hammer. Or some crazy red cat running around all over the place. Think most of us are still only HR2 anyway, so you're not far behind at all.
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