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Everything posted by Zombie_Fan

  1. I love that movie. Both part two and three have their own charm. GO ANGELA!!!
  2. The only thing I like about that movie are the girls. 3/10 Night of the Living Dead
  3. Pretty good band 6/10. Dead Kennedys
  4. 1. Gp32x 2. Amazon 3. Gonintendo
  5. My brothers and I almost started a huge wild fire. That was really scary.
  6. 1. I like horror movies 2. I like bad girls 3. I have high blood pressure 4. I like looking at my self in mirrors 5. I have a hard time saying the word love
  7. Dead Kennedys The Misfits (with Glenn Danzig) The Cramps TSOL (True Sounds of Liberty) Concrete Blonde
  8. Jackie was my first love. I was with her for almost two years. After I moved to New Mexico I never saw her again. I do use her name in most of my movie scripts.
  9. The Simpsons are not as good as they use to be. Family Guy is ok Futurama has a nice level of comedy with out going over the top. South Park has its moments. American Dad I don't really care for it. I vote for For Futurama
  10. I am the one and only Dustin M. Spencer (A.K.A. "The Zombie King").
  11. Happy Birthday!!!!!!!! Lay back, and take it easy. Here is my present. I hope you like it. The 80's horror classic...Night of the Creeps! http://youtube.com/watch?v=BD5rBuwQkoY
  12. Code Red taste good, but not as good as Mountain Dew.
  13. I just found out what happen. I have very little experience with girl friends, so I can't really help you with your problem. I do have something I want to say to you. Some day you will find a girl that truly loves you, but until that day comes, their are people on these forums that love you, and Im one of them. Please excuse any bad grammar. It is currently 4:00 AM, and I am very tired.
  14. George A. Romero's dead series Back to the Future Trillogy Friday the 13th 1-4 Pulp Fiction The Return of the Living Dead Evil Dead Trillogy Conan the Barbarian The list can go on forever.
  15. Super Metroid is the best game on the snes. That's my opinion and Im sticking to it.
  16. Your funeral sounds like a blast. When you die, can I be invited?
  17. I hate all of the James Bond movies. They all seem the same to me. James kills the bad guys, saves the world, then he bangs a hot chick. He gets more a$$ then a toilet seat.
  18. NES: Mega Man 2 SNES: Super Metroid Playstation: Final Fantasy 7 Nintendo 64: Zelda: Ocarina of Time Playstation 2: GTA: San Andreas Gamecube: F-Zero GX Xbox 360: The Elder Scrolls IV oblivion Wii: Zelda: Twilight Princess PC: Diablo Gamepark 32: Doom 2 GP2X: Quake DS: Mario Kart DS
  19. I want to go back to my home town "San Manuel" witch is located in Arizona. I have San Manuel listed as my location, but thats not true. I live in crappy New Mexico .
  20. Nice signature, you can never go wrong with Link. I don't really know you. Nice to meet you.
  21. Little kids that act like brats, Rap bands, and Jocks.
  22. Buy some junk food, and some horror movies.
  23. Because I could not stop for Death By Emily Dickinson Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality. We slowly drove, he knew no haste, And I had put away My labor, and my leisure too, For his civility. We passed the school, where children strove At recess, in the ring; We passed the fields of gazing grain, We passed the setting sun. Or rather, be passed us; The dews grew quivering and chill, For only gossamer my gown, My tippet only tulle. We paused before house that seemed A swelling of the ground; The roof was scarcely visible, The cornice but a mound. Since then 'tis centuries, and yet each Feels shorter than the day I first surmised the horses' heads Were toward eternity The poem focuses on the concept of life after death. This poem’s setting mirrors the circumstances by which death approaches, and death appears kind and compassionate. It is through the promise of immortality that fear is removed, and death not only becomes acceptable, but welcomed as well. Sorry for the long read. I really like this poem. I don't fear death. The only thing I fear about death is how painful it might be.
  24. It works pretty good. Im listening to The Misfits, and Van Halen:).
  25. That seems like a stupid reason to ban something, but what do I know. Can you buy energy drinks in Europe?
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