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Everything posted by DriftKaiser

  1. Happy Birthday @Daft and Luke. Hope both ya have a good birthday!
  2. Look like Sony is working on a second version of PSVR with QoL changes already.
  3. Gotham season 3 is finally on Netflix after channel 5 won't airing it this year for unknown reasons.
  4. I'm gonna replace my Z3C with the Xperia XZ1 Compact later this month or next month. It's starting to lost the battery charge way faster than it should be. 😖
  5. I like the duo behind the pirate theme park. I was impressed by how they made a smooth cylinder out of lego for that wave ride. I think the mother and son team won't get through to next stage next week since they struggled with the technic bricks and their flower park is so boring unlike other people's builds.
  6. Apparently Sony and Microsoft are having a "talk" about the crossplay to unite gamers. I think it's maybe not this gen but next gen since they will able to work about the multiplayer aspects between their future consoles.
  7. The new additional features and improved features are looking great. Ooh the portal is a Stargate now lol. 7th Chevron locked!
  8. Look like Channel 4 got a LEGO version of Great Britain's Bake Off.
  9. I think I just made Valda System my home system after spent 3 weeks there. My Python FSD range just got increased to 25.5LL unladen and 24.5LL laden and a new 7A power which made the re-buy price more expensive. :|
  10. Could be FB don't allow the hotlink image anymore? It said I don't have the authorization to view it. Will have a go at NMS after the new update landed.
  11. Love the concept of Dusk Form alot however the design is not that great tbh. I kinda want it to be more like halfway transforms into Midnight (Werewolf) from Midday (wolf) rather than re-use the Midday design and slapped midnight mane on it!
  12. Just saw that video from Game Informer with GameFreak about the Pokemon on Switch. I'm very excited about how they will figure the balance between portable and docked mode for their upcoming games.
  13. Netflix just brought MillarWorld. No idea If they are making a TV show or film out. Would be amazing to see Wanted get a sequel or a reboot or adapted into a TV show
  14. That's so trippy 😂
  15. If you haven't enabled the 2FA on your PS account, please do it right now. Stork almost lost his!
  16. Happy Birthday! Hopefully you will get that Articuno in the PokémonGO soon!
  17. All the previous comments are quite silly. Don't like the new price? You can always get the discounted price during the Black Friday/Prime Day instead. Don't like the PS Plus games they offered? No one is making you to download them and you can add them to your library instead of filling your HDD. Nothing is ever 100% secured and everything on the Internet are always constantly under attacking. Remember the NHS ransomware! Nintendo Switch online service won't be free anymore and you will still need a paid subscription to play your FIFA online and there are nothing to stop them from raise the price as well. Welcome to the 21th century Capitalism! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  18. Don't you need Assassin Creed Black Flag to play the Freedom Cry?
  19. The problem for me is that the data from this study between 1973 and present is not enough to make an accurate conclusion cos Homo Sapiens have been roaming around the world for over 300,000+ years. Also we need to remember that the human lifespans have been extended further thanks to the medical advancements we made since 18th century thus it could have played a role in the decrease of the male fertility as well. It could be anything from the environment or our ever-changing lifestyles or the stuffs we consumed/injected into our bodies or we are evolving to be more efficient with our jizz. Just my 2 cents.
  20. Got the permit to visit the Sol System. Also I need to improve the relationship with the engineers if I want to double the FSD range in my black python. Got 13 millions CR atm but I need like 100+ CR for the military grade armour and 7a power plant. 😞 However I absolutely love that my ship can carry over 192 units at once! A huge upgrade from my cobra MK3 which only can carry 40 units.
  21. I'm using Tumblr to hotlink the images for last 5 years now. Can't believe that Photobucket changed their term without warning people in advance and charge a lot of money for it. Won't be surprised if Photobucket lost a lot of regulars/visitors straightaway!
  22. That useless section leader just made a right cock up with the rota again. Instead of working with other 3 colleagues for 6 hours like we does every Saturday, it's just me on tonight and they want me to working 4 comps, two pallets from yesterday's deliveries, splitting the tonight's deliveries and doing the paper returns/CSD returns myself! 😑 Also that useless section leader won't stay until 10pm to help me with the workload and she constantly asking me to do simple things which she can doing herself.
  23. You can use this Site to help you find which system got the stuffs you want to get for the missions.
  24. Never fill your cargo full otherwise you will attracts alot of bandits trying to intercept you. Got three NPCS tried to stop me straightaway in a row! Found a great part of the galaxy where I can making over a million CR per a hour with just three systems. Gonna stay there for a week or so until I can buy a Python with 6A FSD.
  25. Unlucky number! Hopefully people will eventually realise the gender/age/colour don't matter if it's the same Doctor always helping other people/lifeforms.
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