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Everything posted by DriftKaiser

  1. I'm sure it's post game with Looker who will give you a mission and beast balls to catch them in wild. Haven't reach that far yet.
  2. Just saw a thread on PS4 subreddit that someone managed to put a 4TB harddrive in their PS4 Pro. Future-proofed for next few years!
  3. Woot. A proper space sim that we can play offline/online. Sony need to make their own HOTAS for Ace Combat 7 and this game.
  4. Happy belated birthday!
  5. I'm available tomorrow
  6. Look like they are working on the ground vehicle atm after someone uncovered an interesting folder within the update. I'm excited to build a base at my favourite planet. Have been there for a long time. :/
  7. Beat the First Trial to unlock the SOS battle and use Munchlax's Holdback or find the False Swipe on the first island and use them on Pichu. Now you just need to let it call for helps until a Pikachu turn up. Use Butterfree's compound eye to increase the chances of a wild pikachu to have a lightball from 5% to 20% and use thief to get it.
  8. Just completed my first Grand Final with Pichu, Rowlett, Grubbin and Pikipek. Really love with the animations in the game like the trainers issue orders to their pokemon, etc. Rotom Pokedex is brilliant too. So far, my current team is now Pikachu, Dartix, Trumbeak, Charjabug, Rockruff and Munchlax. Got Mankey and Roggenrola in the PC.
  9. Sure I can do the raid tomorrow
  10. I'm free on Sunday evening. Had a great IB with Melt, Map, Milagi last night. Totally in love with my bladedancer and Grasp of Macok.
  11. Can't imagine what it's like for the Devs.
  12. Count me out of the raid if most of you are gonna do the raid on Thursday.
  13. Sure I'm up for it.
  14. What! @ the spoiler! I guess the next week's challenge is run infront of the death zamboni or something like that lol.
  15. I'm in! How did the main and alt raid went last week?
  16. Don't forget to record the "How to build a human" (Kinda a documentary spin-off of Humans with Gemma Chan) tonight. It's starting at 9pm
  17. I won't be home until 10pm and my section leader gave me an extra shift tomorrow so I can't raiding this week.
  18. Count me out of the raid. Gonna be stuck at the work over the weekend because of the Halloween/Christmas. 😖
  19. So many feelings in the Naruto/Hinata episode. "I don't have anyone, but I never cry." Forward to watch the Sasuke/Sakura tomorrow. Also I found out that they already done an OVA based on "The day Naruto becomes Hokage."
  20. I'm free to do the raid tonight Go to the jukebox and check the wall opposite it. Also if you still have a box of raisin from last year, go to Titan Vanguard then Cryptarch then Amanda then Cayde and finally Eris for Superblack shader.
  21. The best part during the Siege Engine is that remained 3 players ran front of the death zamboni toward the cliff. @Eddage You forgot about the Viking Funeral fusion grenades also stacked with weapon of the light and tether which increases our DPS.
  22. That's adorable way to ask someone to marry them.
  23. @Eddage Do you have Felwinter's memory? If so then you can get 2x melee/grenades and pair it with a void shotgun/No Back Up Plan.
  24. 12pm Saturday is fine too but only can do 1-2 hours of raiding before left for the work. Actually I was only person used the Raze-Lighter in last 3 raids. Dark-Drinker gives more DPS on Aksis according to the Reddit.
  25. What colour(s) do you think it will be? White/Gray/Black?
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