I'm free all day tomorrow. I managed to get my hunter up to 367 with rare warlock gears. Got the Felwinter's artifact which should work very well with Stormcaller's ability.
Map and me got the quest after we beat the ROI storyline and we picked up an anomaly off a patrol in the plagueland. Gonna need a splicer key to get an access to the tank at the Warren zone and it should triggered the quest.
Picked something useful for you lots! Artifact of Skorri + Alchemist's Robe + Taloc scout rifle so I can recharge everyone's super faster when my super is full lol and recharge my melee/grenades/health with your orbs.
You can get 350+ LL Rare gears (not engrams) from 320 LL Omnigul strike and Devil's Lair via the map not Heroic Playlist. I'm now 350 at the moment and I still have a vault full of exotic engrams haha.
So the new raid will start at 5pm tomorrow.
Had a great game with Mpryer today. Yet decrypt my exotic engrams cos I want to save until I'm done with the quests so I can level up my LL beyond 350.
Hope everyone will have a good game session tomorrow. All rare class item from Y1 and Y2 are now legendary so you can be frabjous again with makeshift scarf
Skip the Sela mission in Romulan Espiode arc cos it crashed the game all the time when you attempting do an away team.
Meanwhile I'm now a Captain and got myself an intrepid class starship.
Didn't Chinese leak mentioned something about a pokemon's offspring inherit the type from other pokemon? Could Type:Null be that pokemon!
Can't believe we are getting Pokemon Snap feature in the main games.