Wow! The first build and current build are similar yet so different. Saw some breathtaking pictures/amazing videos floating on the internet. I can't believe that we will play this game like really SOON.
Amazon just shipped my copy and it probably arrive at my house on Wednesday. Can't wait to see bizarre creatures and awesome view we will encounter in our adventures.
No way! The next update after the Day one update will have the ability to build a base. So excited!
Love the new features surrounds around the feeding creature. Now I want to find Lord Nibbler so bad!
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I'm gonna use Tumblr to upload my images/videos. Saw some cool/bizzare looking ships that people just shared with on Reddit.
Sean just dropped a tweet that PC got delayed until 13th August to add PC related options. Also he asked reviewers wait until the update became live before review the game.
Sean just dropped a tweet that they just finished the first update after spent a month working on it. It got alot of features, balancing and contents. Can't wait to see what they are!