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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. I dunno. I don't know her.
  2. I was quite disappointed at the first post. I was hoping for some really unfortunate event or something; but it was all cute and happy. Damn this place.
  3. Oh blimey. I was thinking when I posted it, "Man I'm tired I bet a made some mistake in there." Hehe.
  4. Blimey so many gramma Nazis. Yes, I know I missed the R off the end. I just wanted to make a few of you grammar Nazi's crap yourselves in anger.
  5. This is how it should of been.
  6. I agree with him.
  7. Because I think most of you would.
  8. That's great cock talk from you guys, really. But I do agree with a lot of things just said in the first post. It's one of the reasons why I canceled my Wii order.
  9. You'd all be fine if Reggie came out and said, "We beat [so and so]"
  10. ..cow? From... a milk advert.
  11. If no one feels like reading all of that... just read this. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/business/6337275.stm
  12. Yeah I've got some pretty decent bargains from Gamestation, too. But that does sound out of order. I'd just take it back.
  13. Just like... don't drink and say you're healthy and you do yoga.
  14. Get a knife and kill the whole world.
  15. I wish I was perfectly healthy and without physical problems.
  16. ...what the hell is Heroclix?
  17. Triple JD and Coke.
  18. I'd like to go into a prison and kill each and everyone of the rapists.
  19. I'm really looking forward to the new Boot Camp. Apparently Apple have really got to grips with it and something like Parallels is being done.
  20. Oh good. See I do it quite a lot but it's just so I can like... laugh with myself.
  21. Seriously man, I'm so sorry to hear about this.
  22. Does anyone else like scream and laugh really loud when they're on their own for no reason?
  23. And that's why we're not finning the dog.
  24. I bought my 'cube on the day it was released and I haven't spent any of my stars yet. I wish Nintendo would do this stupid Wii points thing so I could use them.
  25. One half of my mind says nasty things to the other half of my mind.
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