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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. I'm willing to bet they would get on.
  2. It won't be much. Just what they've delivered on but in a better sense. So the Wiimote will be redesigned, the memory (flash memory) will be bigger or maybe actual HD, etc. Nothing special... but something I would be willing to wait for.
  3. That's quite worrying.
  4. Ah bugger I didn't explain that my FF7 was for the PC did I? Well... yeah it is. Ah so emulator it is... Unless I get a cheap PS2.
  5. That's pretty damn amazing. The only thing that gives it away is the hair.
  6. Is that on PC? Because I don't own any Sony consoles...
  7. This annoys me. It's true that this is the case in the UK at the moment. But it's still racism. More importantly though we shouldn't start to discriminate against those who can get away with racism on this basis.
  8. Man I love Final Fantasy. I spent 40 quid on ebay last year for FFVII in its original box in mint condition. I don't even spend 40 quid on games that are new; that's how much I love it. I also have the two Final Fantasy films. However, even though I love FF7 and the films to death.... I haven't played any other Final Fantasy games.... I've heard to many bad things about the series since FF7.
  9. I personally think racism is where you truly dislike someone and discriminate them in some form purely based on their ethnic background, religion, etc.
  10. I kind of laughed a bit in my head. But not out loud.
  11. Because it's one of the most commonly used instruments in Western music.
  12. Ditch MSN for Mac and get Adium. The best messenger software for Mac in my opinion.
  13. For your first guitar don't worry about it's quality. I payed 130 quid for my first bass, amp, case, books and tuner. The bass was rubbish. But buying a crap one is safer than buying a decent brand's low budget instrument to then not like it much. As for learning to play guitar... I can't be bothered to go into loads of detail right now I'll post again soon. Link us to the product page.
  14. Ah it was great. Although I used to just shout and the retarded people on the show. *man inside* "Oh no it's a mathematical problem!" *people outside* "What is it?!" *man inside* "If the number 4 was walking down the street and met another number 4, what would they equal?" *people outside* "Erm...." *man inside* "Erm.... *silence* *man inside* "Want me to say it again?"
  15. Props to your loving of the QoTSA. That's all I had to say.... erm... isn't sod's law when like.... you get run over and stuff.
  16. Ah, ok good. Basically I was wondering how many of us Mac users had been brain washed by their propaganda; but thankfully we're all quite realistic here. I'm sure that in the next 3 years Mac's will still be quite safe - after that though Mac OS may become a target for some of the smarter hackers and programmers.
  17. iPod bashing?! Well I never... lol. iPods are alright, but they aren't worth the amount you have to pay for them.
  18. Ah poo. Lose a lot of stuff?
  19. Yeah John beat me to it. It will be your jack most probably.
  20. The only game that I've seen that I really, really want is Zelda... and I keep thinking, "But I don't want to buy a Wii for a Gamecube game." Don't get me wrong, I will buy a Wii because I know there are some games I really want that will come out.
  21. Ok then: viruses. And... Macs? What does everyone think?
  22. Ok, no one seems to help. If you want to talk about Mac why don't you post in the Mac thread? What I would do my friend is this: Type in msconfig.exe in your run command and then when it loads up go to the Startup tab; once on here uncheck everything. Restart your computer and then see if you're able to install an anti-virus program. If you are, then get the anti-virus program to do a full system check at the booting stage. However, there is a good chance you will not be able to open msnconfig.exe because quite a lot of virus disable these sort of things. In that case you can either try to fight the virus battle by getting anti-virus programs to try and work on your PC, with their fancy boot discs or what not. Or, you can do what I would do and just install XP again with a nice format.
  23. Yeah they're alright. I have their Wet From Birth. You need to be in the right mood to listen to them or else they're just plain annoying, though.
  24. I do like Oasis and all.... but his voice is terrible.... he's lost what was left of his voice on live performances. I always thought Noel was a better singer, anyway.
  25. I did try a few weeks ago and placed an order at Play3K. I canceled because I realised I don't want a Wii until some games I want come out. I was buying a Wii to get a Wii. When you should buy a Wii to get Wii games.
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