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Everything posted by Wesley

  1. Oh yeah I didn't say: Well done!
  2. Why will it become standard?
  3. Blimey even threads that aren't about Apple or Windows take only a few posts for it to be mentioned.
  4. Mario Kart 64 with online would be fine for me.
  5. Well those rumors did say that at the press summit there was footage of Mario Kart.
  6. This looks very, very impressive. It's this kind of technology that makes me wish I'd just gone to Uni now to do social computing courses...
  7. He does already.
  8. Okay I have a problem! Front Row. I downloaded codecs to let me watch .avi files on Quick Time. It does this fine and works perfectly. But, when I go to watch these movies using the Front Row it then just freezes for a split second and fades to the desktop. Anyone know how to fix this?
  9. Doing press ups properly requires a straight back which means that you strain your stomach; thus strengthening your stomach.
  10. Haha, Jeff Buckley is an American singer-songwriter who's work is quite influential within the music community. Only had one album yet made a very big impact. You'll most probably of heard his version of Hallelujah.
  11. Yeah I love it when bands try out different directions. Take a listen to End of a Hollywood Bedtime Story; their first album you should like that.
  12. A music forum with strict rules and banned access to it for people who can't get along with sharing their opinions with people. I actually think they'd be less arguing in an actual music forum because the wide range of threads that would be created. The main reason for arguing in the current music thread is because people with such different tastes and opinions are having to share one thread.
  13. The Dears are my favourite band I think some people should take a listen; especially if you like The Smiths.
  14. Well if you're admitting you need someone to define the borders between the two then I think it may be a sad reflection on you. But if you're looking for some Buckley advice, try "What Will You Say".
  15. When everyone says about the updating... they don't mean the time taken when you start listening to a song and when it is scrobbled do you? Because this is a default lengthy time to ensure people don't just listen to 10 seconds and then skip to build up a high listening rate for each artist, etc. I don't know why people did this anyway... quite freaky...
  16. There's a difference between not giving respect to someone (which is completely fine and you don't have to) and giving disrespect to someone for little or no reason. This is especially worsened by the fact that it's in a topic about giving respect to the man.
  17. Metal albums have the worst art ever. Tool gets the award for shittiest art work ever.
  18. This is a hard one... These are very good but I dunno what my favourite is:
  19. Pfft GCSE. :p
  20. Nothing Compares to You is one of the best songs ever...
  21. Far too many... far, far too many. Pretty much most Joy Division songs... Erm, but this one will do for the thread:
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