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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. l'arc en ciel - Driver's High http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pi1SPpZF4Hs
  2. Famitsu have given it: 8 / 8 / 8 / 9 - (33/40) Anyone know what they gave PoR?
  3. I'm happy, now all my norwich supporting friends will go to the Chelsea game and be humiliated
  4. I've started watching Scrubs and I love it, always puts me in a good mood
  5. None. New games please. There's not many on the Wii, and yet it's 'new generation' or whatever crappy line Nintendo decided to use
  6. From what i've played of it I don't like Crackdown. I seem to be in the minority. I really want a new 360 game, but they're all out after the summer dammit.
  7. Football programmes. And I guess games and DVDs, I like to build up my collection and keep my games for collection puposes. This doesn't mean I buy games/dvds I don't like however, i'm not a collector in that way.
  8. Although i'll buy it and most likely love it part of me still wishes it was a proper PM RPG
  9. Xbox Live will automatically make the experience more enjoyable too.
  10. Got myself a stylish pair of Evisu Jeans RRP = £180. I got in perfect condition for £49
  11. Or you could just buy a 360
  12. Just because you're a nerd doesn't make me one.
  13. Oh yay another year and another one. The earth is literally shaking with my anticipation right now.
  14. I want epic games and RPGs. I'm fed up of party game after party game after port after party game.
  15. The only reason i've wanted a PS3 is because I haven't ever had a PS2 and would like to play the FFs in particular. I don't need a PS3 though(+ i'd feel greedy to get it too), and am rather satisfied with the Wii60 combo. However if Shenmue III were to come out on PS3 it'd be a different story.
  16. Pissed (off) There was two possible things that were meant to happen tonight and in the end none could. Grr.
  17. Thanks, I also love it. Redshell deserves the compliments though as he made it :awesome:
  18. Either because they were bloody hard or took ages or whatever. Golden Sun: The Lost Age I frequently was either lost/had no idea where to go next. It was pretty long too and required a lot of time dedicated to it. The final boss took me ages too. Zelda: A Link to the Past I found it frustratingly hard. Zelda: Majora's Mask The save/time system put many people off and prevented them from completing it, and I too went through a period where I left it for a while, but I managed to get back and stick to it and complete it.
  19. Def Jam Icon = strong contender for worst game i have ever played
  20. Shouldn't this just be renamed to the console war thread or something?
  21. Going 1-0 down at the Emirates is starting to feel like standard now
  22. Picture of Mario looks horribly cut and pasted on, blue is a little too dark, logo doesn't sim to fit in with it. Font of name is nice though. 4/10
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