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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. I worry about what certain people think of me yes, but others not so much. I think about what girls think of me a hell of a lot.
  2. It's hardly like there are many Sword murders, if any. Yet there's tons of knife stabbing, and knives won't get banned. Ridiculous.
  3. If evidence is to be accepted, Evolution is fact. In my opinion this conflicts with the Genesis account of Creation to the point where it should no longer be accepted by anyone. Those that do follow it are just as Dawkins says, ignorant of all the scientific evidence in the thousands of libraries etc. etc. I am by no means saying however that God or some divine spirit does not exist, as I am agnostic and believe the possibility cannot be ruled out (yet).
  4. haha who would have thought that the Wii would have the best backwards compatibility this generation?
  5. Got a new bag for sixth form and a shirt for a total of £65. Can't be bothered to post pictures.
  6. Fuckety fuck fuck. There goes one of my main reasons for wanting a PS3. *Really regrets not getting a PS2 from Asda before they sold out* (although it wasn't my fault)
  7. Gorgeous new screens! http://www.jeux-france.com/news19346_trusty-bell-l-avalanche-d-images.html *stunned by the beauty*
  8. I'd rather they gave us some decent games for christ sake
  9. I fucking hate milkage upgrading of consoles.
  10. ARGH. I feel like I would have got it now but i've had a long day and didn't get home till just recently. I doubt the ASDA in norwich have any left. I want to try and find out but can't find the number in the phone books. Edit: Rang up, all sold out. Grah. The one day I was 100% determined to get a PS2 I failed.
  11. Mixed. Satisfied with myself over a few things, excited about some upcoming stuff, and also dreading the fact that I need to work a hell of a lot harder for my AS exams as they are very close now.
  12. Yar. The days when I had just a Gamecube was amazing(until towards the end of it's life), even if I was a massive fanboy. I seemed to appreciate everything a lot more then, and being my first major console helped a lot. This gen I just had to get a 360 too, and i don't regret it. Having just a Wii for me wouldn't satisfy me enough, because i'd miss out on so much, especially standard gaming and epic games that wouldn't get released on the Wii. Hmm. Today i'm in a 'i'm not going to get a ps3' mood. I change everyday lol.
  13. Wii will almost definately be the best selling console this generation. Whether it'll be the most successful console though is another matter...
  14. lol guys, this announcement will definately NOT be Shenmue III. It won't be anywhere near out (if it ever is) until Yu Suzuki has finished on the crappy Shenmue Online which no-one wants. And come on guys, if it did come out it would not come out on the Wii. erm, no. (unfortunately)
  15. If you haven't already get the Shenmue Orchestra tracks make sure you do. There's 8 in total, and they are beautiful, especially the Morning Fog's Wave. The jpop song you're referring to is Wish, that takes place with Nozomi on the motor right? (The scene in my sig). Beautiful song.
  16. White Knight Story looks incredible I must say. 360 is still looking the best for jRPGs so far ; Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Lost Odysee
  17. Yes I know I know. Many PS2 games I want, which is (although it sounds stupid) the primary reason for me wanting a PS3. I'd get: All Final Fantasys Kingdom Hearts I+II Okami Star Ocean Tales of games etc.
  18. Yeah jRPGs is the main reason, and the fact that i've never owned a PS2 means I haven't experienced all the FFs, and i've always wanted to. I could get a PS2 but i don't see the point as then i'd end up wanting a PS3 anyway. But....argh to get or not to get. I will not get for now anyway...
  19. Me and ThatGuy are like twins No, that's not the biggest budget ever. Shenmue was $70m
  20. As in, what consoles of this generation do you own, and what you plan to own/hope to own. Have: Xbox 360 (few weeks after launch) Wii (launch) I'm constantly up and down about whether to get a PS3. There's many reasons why I want it but there are also things holding me back. If I do get one, it won't be for a while. If Shenmue III were to be announced for PS3 I would 100% get one, but for now, i'll wait and see.
  21. So does having the save simply just open up a 'bonus', nothing more? Would have been good to continue with your characters at the level they are at etc. but then again it's generally a different cast this time.
  22. Yeah get back to it, you won't regret it. You'll join the rest of us in sadness and anger with the wait for III once you complete it though
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