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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. In that case lets hope it fixes my lazy eye. Yeah realistic that. But in all fairness, videogames are no worse for your eyes than people make out, especially considering practically everyone watches TV and yet you don't get such stories on that.
  2. Was crappy in Norfolk and ended up raining instead lol
  3. I think i just generally don't enjoy wRPGs.
  4. I used to watch it constantly, but stopped when I was sure that i'd seen them all. Legendary.
  5. Totally expected this, and I can do nothing but laugh Glad i'm not a proper England fan like I use to be.
  6. I want to be excited about Mass Effect but just can't
  7. Joined at Cube-Europe. Not sure when or why exactly. Was first called Hyrule but changed my name to Stocka shortly after.
  8. Exactly, the Wii is a great console for multiplayer fun, as I have discovered, but i'm getting tired of party game after party game and a massive lack of epics. Wii needs some RPG loving, and this is going to be immense. Non fire emblem players buy PoR, I got it a few months ago and my oh my i don't regret it. I reckon this'll be the best selling FE game worldwide yet.
  9. Where's this 'big monday announcement' then?
  10. I watched it and bloody loved it, so glad I stayed up. What an epic sport.
  11. Didn't know Mega64 had done a Dead Rising video till now Pretty funny. Still not a whisker as good as the RE4 one though
  12. I'm currently reading the second part of the two part fantasy series by David Eddings; The Belgariad and The Mallorean. (I'm on the 3rd in The Mallorean, which is Demon Lord of Karanda) AMAZING. Anyone who likes fantasy will adore the series, so go buy! The first one if called Pawn of Prophecy.
  13. Mega 64 >>>>> Pure Pwnage
  14. Apparently 1 billion are to be watching, wow. I really feel like getting into a new sport (to watch) as the only ones I really watch with interest are Football, Boxing and occasionally Tennis.
  15. I'm staying up to watch it, and it will be the first time I watch American Football. You guys reckon it's a good time to start (trying) to get into it?
  16. Bongo Blast looks like the perfect ingredients for a horrible game
  17. Ahh that was the problem. Thanks very much guys!
  18. Done all that, still will not work
  19. It will. Otherwise you're saying it's going to be release in Europe more than a year after the japan release? Yeah right, this isn't Animal Crossing. It's looking likely that Blue Dragon will come out around June in US and October/November Europe. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=155903
  20. I'm an Arsenal fan and have been to many many matches, Highbury, Emirates and away. This includes massive matches like three FA Cup finals and the Champions League final in Paris. I had a season ticket this season and went as much as possible (don't actually live in London) and I have one this season along with my father but as I don't see him anymore because of a lot of crap I haven't gone for a while.
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