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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Saw 3 Sick and messed up, was entertaining at the time. 5/10 haha that's weird Letty...
  2. That would be INCREDIBLE. Best possible outcome, please happen.
  3. Looks pretty good on the 1up Show.
  4. Rewrite is without a doubt my favourite of their songs.
  5. Asian Kung Fu Generation ftw. When you say 'got' do you mean downloaded or bought?
  6. Got myself an Evisu cap for £21, (RRP = £60)
  7. It'll replace how you use the control stick on Path of Radiance to select units, select option, etc. Think how you select on Advance Wars if you know that. You should definately buy Path of Radiance, I bought it fairly recently after having passed on it for some reason when it came out, and now I could probably say it's one of my favourite GC games/RPGs.
  8. YES! Pointer controlling lives!
  9. Hot Fuzz For the kind of film it is, awesome. Entertaining and funnier than I thought it would be. Not a classic, but a great film nonetheless. 6/10
  10. Saw it earlier, was entertaining, great laugh. Much better than Shaun of the Dead imo.
  11. der der der dun der der dun, der der der dun duer der dur dun. dun dur der der dun dun dur dur dur....GALLAS! (he's back from injury )
  12. There can never be enough good films, as we all know there are far too many bad ones. EDIT: Just watched the trailer for the first time, doesn't appeal to me that much really but i'll probably end up watching it.
  13. Holy shit this thread has gone BOOM neogaf style
  14. It is not incredibly accurate, and no site like it will ever be, but still, it's not 'ass'. It's the mean score of thousands of people, which is more accurate than any reviewers are going to be. Although there are many positions I strongly disagree with, it is still very respectable on a general scale.
  15. Did anyone else watch 'The Verdict'? I watched it just now, not expecting much, and got really into it. Was pretty interesting.
  16. Bloody hell! At imdb the current average vote is 9.0 :shock: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0416449/ For those of you who know the site well will be aware that the average scores are generally very strict, and there are only three other films to have got at least 9.0. The highest any film has ever got is The Shawshank Redemption (9.2). Okay, so there are only just over 1000 votes for it so far which is tiny compared to the others but this is still mighty impressive.
  17. Shaolin Soccer with the wiimote. You heard it here first guys.
  18. I wish I could go again, I miss the Emirates so much
  19. I don't know what to expect really but i'll probably be seeing it. I think Shaun of the Dead is well overrated
  20. What a crazy crazy game. I didn't really enjoy it that much though suprisingly, i just wanted it to end and get it out the way!
  21. So it doesn't even let you use it as a pointer? That's a little disappointing.
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