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Everything posted by Stocka

  1. Wow that's ace! I would love to have that standee.
  2. THIERRY HENRY! T!! THIERRY HENRY! T!!THIERRY HENRY! T!!THIERRY HENRY! Man what an ending, haven't celebrated that much when i'm not at the stadium in ages. Was jumping around everywhere and my mum wasn't amused Fantastic. The top 4 is so bloody interesting and exciting now.
  3. It looks like the only place I can do Japanese with Philosphy is the University of Leeds and it says you need an A level in a foreign language for it :(
  4. I mainly wanted to know as I suddenly thought today about what i'm really considering doing. Philosophy & Japanese. I'm pleased to see it possible but it unfortunately looks like you have to have done a foreign language for A Level for practically all of them. Do you have to do combined for a degree or can you do two seperate by the way? I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to university/degrees and such and being half way through my AS year am really starting to think it's necessary to research more.
  5. Looks like that is it. Thanks very much. You can lock/delete this thread now if you wish.
  6. At the end of year 11 I was given the address of this website that lists every degree, and every uni you can do it in England. Nearly a year on I have lost this site (thought I had it in my favourites but no) and am wondering if any of you know of it, or at least another site that does.
  7. Wiimote=pointer + a for select, and then to scroll through selections and stuff you could use the control stick. Would be comfortable. I'll be happy with just the wiimote though, I think it should just have the pointing option, this is the Wii afterall and it's not like FE needs classic controls.
  8. "Let me tell you something you already know. The world ain't all sunshine and rainbows. It is a very mean and nasty place and it will beat you to your knees and keep you there permanently if you let it. You, me, or nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain't how hard you hit; it's about how hard you can get hit, and keep moving forward. How much you can take, and keep moving forward." What a bloody quote
  9. I hope for nunchuck/wiimote combo control, i don't see why not.
  10. I have the feeling that it's going to be a classic. I predict a last minute winner, or a big turn around.
  11. Rocky Balboa 9/10 See it's thread for reasons etc.
  12. And what makes it even more special is when you understand his background, i've read lots about it in interviews and stuff and it just makes you say wow. I think he was expelled from 13 schools(!) after having a terrible family life and upbringing. Lots happened and he decided to write a script etc. and it all got on from there. He's such an inspiration, he's a message to all those out there that however hard things look, you should never give up, and he represents this through both his background and in the films.
  13. Just got back. Man, I feel so emotional I think the film has hit me more than it will most others, because of the rollercoaster i've been riding over my teenage years with the memories of watching the films,training and boxing etc. it's hard to explain but let's just say the film really got to my heart. It was EXCELLENT. The introduction and build up are fantastic, I loved it instantly and felt like I was going back in time. Firstly can I just say Sylvester Stallone is an AMAZING man, anyone who doesn't see this, well you don't have my respect. It had all the ingredients what made the original so special, the 'back to its roots' scenery/culture, the 'underdog' feeling, the music, everything. And the reflecting back on the past made the whole experience feel a lot more, close, I felt bonded with Rocky, more than ever. The actual fight, wow. Excellently done. I was slightly worried about what to expect but it really really rocked. The evenness made it possibly the most enjoyable fight to watch, and the flashbacks, like when you see Adrian's face, it just floods back everything from the series that makes you love them. I was so sad at the end, and still am. It's just the feeling that it's all ended, and at the end after the credits I didn't want to leave, my friends didn't understand. Well, I have one thing to say Sylvester Stallone, thank you.
  14. Yeah WKS is an RPG, and when I look at it I can't help but feel "if only Zelda looked like this". http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VB9YeFLAwUo
  15. Yeah this news saddened me http://uk.pc.ign.com/articles/754/754661p1.html
  16. Feyenood thrown out by Uefa! http://home.skysports.com/list.aspx?hlid=442764&CPID=6&clid=198&lid=2&title=Feyenoord+thrown+out+by+Uefa I feel sorry for the club, the players in particular. They should just get banned from having any fans attend the games or something. It'd be so funny if it means Tottenham go out of it, although I doubt that.
  17. There's nothing to compare, The Wii/DS online seems to be exactly the same. Unfortunately.
  18. Yeah, it's a pain knowing that I won't be buying another 360 game till after the summer, the 360 games I mainly want are Halo 3, Blue Dragon and Assasin's Creed. They'll most likely come all at once, just as Mario Galaxy and so do too. Bloody holidays. Back to PS3 discussion, i won't be buying one because there's no system sellers on it for me. That and it's expensive, I am satisfied with Wii60, it's not really necessary for me to have one, and I generally hate Sony. I must say though, if I was to buy a PS3 for one game that we know is coming out it'd be White Knight Story, that looks unbelieveable.
  19. I shall be getting some noodles from a noodle bar in the city tonight before I go and see Rocky Balboa Yumma
  20. Good for them. It's not like there's anything wrong with them for wanting the console just to play the next game in their favourite series. I'd buy a PS3 JUST for Shenmue III if it happened. And surely most people here are the same with Nintendo games, especially Zelda, surely that's the reason you buy the console anyway? Yes, ignorant people that only play certain games in order to look 'cool'. They're my most hated.
  21. Good to hear that Hero, I'm off to see it tonight at 8.30 and have got my ticket prepaid I'm going with about 5/6 others, but only a couple have seen the rockys, and i'll be the biggest fan. Very excited
  22. That looks horrible. Anyway pasta wins for me. I only want pizza occassionally where as pasta I can eat most of the time, and enjoy it a hell of a lot more too.
  23. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=155756 He is totally right.
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