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Everything posted by Glen-i

  1. Yep, totally agree with you @Hero-of-Time. Console elitism is an ugly look for any person. Especially in a case where some 3DS games would have massive downsides with a Switch port. This is also ignoring that some people flat out can't afford a 300 quid console. But screw them, right? Why should they have anything nice if it means I can't play it on a Hi-def screen? People whining about how the 3DS is still trucking along need a right slap in the face.
  2. You know, I'm starting to get a gut feeling that this Smash might have a few more older characters than usual. Mostly because of the ballot. Sure, Bayo already got in through it. But I refuse to believe that the ballot didn't end up influencing the decision to put Ridley and Daisy in Ultimate. Anyway, here's today's pic of the day.
  3. This happens with every Smash except the first one though. We had Pit (and maybe R.O.B) in Brawl and Duck Hunt Duo in 4. A more retro character is pretty much tradition at this point.
  4. You can save on the world map, it's in the menu. Option on the far right.
  5. Xenoblade is 8 years old, man! Apart from Splatoon and ARMS, the only new Ninty series since Smash 4 are courtesy of the eShop really. I'd be very surprised if Pokémon makes a no-show to the newcomer game. Sun/Moon has been out since and Pokémon has hit a bit of a resurgence in popularity due to GO.
  6. Yeah, I had a feeling some of you would want Captain Syrup. Genuine question to those Melee Roy fans, what's the appeal? To me, he's a slower Marth that can never hit with the sweet spot. Smash 4 Roy fixes that by giving him "A" attacks that utilise the base of his blade more. He's a great character for laying on constant pressure. Also has a slightly better, more flexible recovery.
  7. I use Smash 4 Roy so much that the kids who regularly play Smash with me at the community centre have taken to joining me when I shout "BAM!" right when that attack connects. I did it a few times and it kinda stuck. That move is too satisfying when I nail it.
  8. Pokémon has an absolutely humongous amount of characters that could bring something to the table. Leaving it at 8 would be a ton of wasted potential. Not that I except it to break into double digits any time soon. Even just looking at the different types, Smash is still missing Bug, Ghost, Ice, Rock, Ground and Dragon, even I can think of some fun ideas with that. (I just really want Alolan Marowak for the Ghost one) The villain idea is nice in theory, and there are certainly some villains I'd like to see in Smash. But the big question is who can fill these roles and do they actually feel like they're that well known to be given a shot. Sure, you can tout the usual suspects (One of whom is actually in Smash now), K. Rool and the like, but how many people would actually feel like Captain Syrup would be a good second Wario character? You suddenly craving Baby Bowser for that Yoshi villain spot? Guess we also have to have another FE character now as well. And that's before we even get to stuff like Pikmin, who's the villain in that? What about Animal Crossing? (No, Tom Nook doesn't count, we all know that joke) Is Wii Fit Trainer gonna have to have an epic battle with your cholesterol? Actually, I kinda want that last one... More villains in Smash is something I want, but not every series needs it. Hell, I'd argue most series that do need villain reps already have it.
  9. Out of the 21 characters Smash 4 introduced, 3 were from FE. Even if you take them away, that 18 left is still the same amount as new characters introduced in Brawl. (That includes Ike) It wasn't really that big of a deal. 1 new character, a clone that doesn't need as much development time and a DLC addition. The only one I can understand having a gripe about was Corrin. But he's a lot of fun to use and brings something new to the roster, which is all that matters. If you wanna point the finger at which series most likely denied your favourite character a slot in 4, (A dopey belief, slots mean nothing) that'd be the Mario series. Or what about the Mii's? That was three new characters! Pokémon in Brawl was even more. 4 completely new characters! But no-one ever moans about Pokémon in Smash. So I still don't buy that FE gets huge special treatment. It's a very popular series these days, so naturally there's a lot of people who like the characters. My only true issue is that it'd be nice to get a Axe/Spear weilder next. One more thing, Zelda has as many characters as FE in Ultimate now. Spoken like someone who hasn't ever tried Smash 4 Roy. Seriously, he's so much fun!
  10. Fire Emblem is in a weird place compared to the other Smashes. After Fates, we've had a remake, a mobile game and a musou spinoff. Spinoff games (that aren't Mario ones) are lucky to get a piece of music in, so I wouldn't put my money on much of Heroes or Warriors. There's three possibilities now that I can see happening. 1. No new Fire Emblem character. 2. Celica getting in as an echo of Robin. (Maybe she has infinite magic use but each use does a bit of damage to her, just like her game) 3. The Switch FE protagonist Greninja's their way in. You know, for all the stupid griping people have about too much FE in Smash, I think Smash 4 has the most fun reps from it. Robin's got a neat gimmick, Lucina is better than Marth and Corrin's got a really unique moveset. Even Smash 4 Roy is miles better than the Melee one. Gone from my least favourite Melee character to being in my top 10.
  11. My favourite kind of Direct! Defo gonna be at least one new character announcement. My incredibly exaggerated psychicness guesses that it's gonna be a Pokémon. I get the impression it's gonna be similar to that Smash 4 50 facts blowout. Lots of info on modes and neat little tidbits.
  12. Only Online Play and the obvious portability. I'm not even sure it has Colour Master mode either. Rainbow is a great game, but the WiiU has 9-player local play and Colour Master Mode.
  13. Today, I learned that @drahkon doesn't know WHAT AN EFFING KECLEON IS! I demand the mods hold an intervention for this unacceptable drunken behaviour. It's no longer funny!
  14. @RedShell My in game name is still Glen-i. Woo! Consistency! I'm generally available Thursday to Saturday evenings, except for Mario Kart of course. Maybe a bit of Sunday from 5 - 7pm. I'd also be totally up for some 3DS hunts in the near future.
  15. Yeah, woops. Kinda forgot to actually answer the question before going off on a spiel. Yes, I'm getting it. Getting it digital. I want it available all the time.
  16. It can be daunting. There's a lot to take in for a newcomer. You're absolutely gonna suck for quite a while at first. Every action you do has some kind of wind-up to it, even the small little Sword and Shield. There's a hell of a lot of underlying mechanics to the game. And the options available to you can be overwhelming for a newcomer. But if you power through and accept that you're going to die and be an absolute dope more than a few times, there will be that moment when it starts to click for you. Some advice for you or anyone wanting to jump in. - Do not just immediately go online with a bunch of random people. The single player story has a bunch of tutorials on the basics. Definitely do those first. There are a lot unfortunately, but they will help. - Each of the weapons have a variety of different attacks and mechanics to use. The single player section has a quest for each weapon that pits you against the easiest big monster so you can try it out. The only way to find out what weapon you like is to try them. - There's also a pretty well known YouTuber called GaijinHunter. Among the many videos he's done are a set of very nice tutorial videos for each weapon. Once you start playing around, it might be worth checking those out to see how to fully utilise the weapons you like. - And finally, do not be afraid to hit some of us up for help. Especially me. I do not mind helping anyone with anything they might need. Whether it be back-up on a quest or some pointers on how to do things. Monster Hunter is so not an easy game to get into. I should know, I've been there with the Wii one. It is, however, one of my favourite online multiplayer series. It's all so satisfying getting a group together and using teamwork to tackle some of the bigger nasties here. But of all the old-school MH games, Generations is the easiest to get into.
  17. You seem to have the same opinion of 3D Land that I do, @Jonnas Given the choice I'd easily choose 3D World. @Dcubed on the other hand doesn't agree in the slightest.
  18. Note: Pictures above do not include the Random Task scores. The change goes in perfect numerical order... It's a sign! Not sure what exactly though. A lot of change going about the table though. Of particular note is @BowserBasher and @martinist, who only has a 0.1 difference between them! Exciting! Anyway, random task now. I'm afraid 4 people failed the "The Road Least Traveled" task. Those people were @Dcubed, @Gourmet / Esperpento, @Vileplume2000 and @Nintendo FanYou're just far too mainstream! Everyone else passed. Next League Night: 9th August 8pm Room 1: @BowserBasher is host @Glen-i @BowserBasher @viceview51 @martinist @RedShell @Gourmet / Esperpento Sign up Now!
  19. My highlights mostly focus on me (I was Waluigi), except the last one, which is a double screen bonanza.
  20. Well, in this case, it'd lower your average, but keep your attendance intact.
  21. Nah, I got all the end GP results, but because of the disconnections causing at least 2 people to discount their scores for GP2. I need to recalculate everyone's scores. If no-one has it, could I ask you or someone to look through that race on MKTV and tell me where everyone placed?
  22. Yeah, I can totally understand that. @Vileplume2000 your score for GP2 would be 18 after the recalculation. Your current average is 26.7. Do you want to keep it?
  23. Did anyone happen to get the end of race results for Toad's Turnpike there. I got disconnected, so I couldn't get it.
  24. @Dcubed me, @viceview51 and @Vileplume2000 seem to have disconnected...
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