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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Tomorrow I'm going out in the evening but free in the morning and afternoon.
  2. So should we aim to at least get a start late tonight when Drift gets back?
  3. I guess we're not starting at 2pm then?
  4. I'm glad to hear it :p Have you considered making use of the voice control?
  5. I'm so glad I don't care about something like a games console operating system and/or the number of 1cm thumb movements required to put it to sleep. I feel like life would be so much more stressful if I did :p
  6. Going to unstick this thread so before it sinks just want to say one more time that the meet is a highlight in my Summer, had a great time, and I hope no matter how quiet this place gets that I see plenty of you again next year. Leave a space in your calendar! Disown people/family members you think might be getting married in advance!
  7. This honestly feels like the craziest console deal I've seen in my life. Almost wish I wanted/needed one :p And people who pick one up this month and sign up to a PS+ trial will shortly have Resident Evil and Transformers to play, too.
  8. Could everyone start earlier?
  9. Double-featured it at the cinema yesterday with Kubo and the Two Strings and Don't Breathe. Wish I'd watched the former second to cleanse my mind of the rubbish of the latter. No idea why it's been so well rated as it was just not scary or exciting at all. Kubo on the other hand was wonderful, masterfully created and ultimately very charming.
  10. If it was anyone else I'd be convincing you to get one but... :p Did you try out any of those XBLA games?
  11. I definitely found it very clunky too. A mix of the 30fps, a closer field of view, generally slower movement. But I think another part of it is probably that the weapons we picked and got used to have probably been changed/nerfed or we don't remember the setups we felt comfortable with. I'm also finding my Hunter feels really weak, not sure if some missions are actually more difficult but I'm definitely struggling to solo a few normal missions.... That said I'll play all night tonight and tomorrow, plus Saturday morning, I do want to raid.
  12. Just got back in the country last night and I won't be able to play properly til Thurs. However I will be on and grinding my face off on Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sun :-) would love to join the raid.
  13. Weird thing to be annoyed by, that doesn't bother me in the slightest and I haven't even played Shovel Knight. It's not like the kind of game where you're left thinking "the immersion of this believable universe has been shattered"
  14. Yeah it's available now, came out on the 16th!
  15. If there's a raid spot going for next week, put me down.
  16. A nice positive outlook welcome back.
  17. So invite her out to lunch in a few days and hug her at the start, fixed!
  18. Thanks for updating the list HoT that and Tomb Raider will be my must-haves coming up. Depending on the reception I'll probably pick up FFXV too. Persona 5 early next year is probably my most anticipated game of all time though. I hope some of you pick up Xcom 2, it's a brilliant turn based strategy game that I loved on PC earlier this year.
  19. Dishonored 2!
  20. My help to buy bonus was deducted off my solicitors fees. I don't think you can use it as part of your deposit since that determines the terms and rate of your mortgage and that has to be a more concrete source of funds. Definitely check with the conveyancer as it is them that apply on your behalf and they have to have it all sorted in good time before completion. This site is the one they use to apply and has the most straightforward info IMO https://www.helptobuyisaadmin.org.uk/conveyancers/the-scheme
  21. Don't do us any favours by telling us what it's called like :p
  22. Start at 9 then we might be able to continue tomorrow night? I didn't want to hijack your setup but wanted to make sure it actually happened (don't think the last few attempts have) That possible for you @Zell? Anyone else? @Sheikah @Deathjam @MilaGi @DriftKaiser @Daft
  23. People associate pi with learning programming because it's something that can be provided to students at a budget, and expanded to be used in an actual physical capacity (like a smart mirror or a robot or something). But if you just want to learn code from scratch I would just start on whatever you're comfortable using.
  24. @Map @Eddage @Zell around tonight for the HM raid? Say 7.30? Anyone else?
  25. On the plus side, you can buy the P5 console bundle when you eventually have the disposable cash? I'd take your time, get it when it's the best option at a comfortable price. You're still going to be playing it way before any of us
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