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Everything posted by Shorty

  1. Ok cool! Initial proposal then Wrath of the Machine: Heroic Mode Saturday 22/10 12:00 1. Shorty 2. Sheikah 3. Eddage 4. Zell 5. space 6. space Remaining priority to the team that cracked NM together: @Map @DriftKaiser Edit: if signing up, please also mention your availability on Sunday and whether you could start even earlier Saturday (eg 11am, because we might have to split across the days)
  2. Our pleasure mate, you picked up every part of it very quickly, we flew through it. Definitely helped upping our LL a bit. I'm ready for Heroic difficulty! Saturday afternoon would be my perfect timeslot, or an early start Sunday.
  3. Not tonight, 3pm unless I'm misreading.
  4. Is anyone else unreasonably disappointed that the statue has "Sonic Mania" splashed on it. I wonder if that's a sticker you can just peel off... without it, it would be the perfect Sonic statue to remember the Mega Drive era. Even though I've stopped putting up figures and collectibles, that's one I'd happily display.
  5. I like any strike unless the boss matches the burn >.> The new strike with void burn is insane, the boss can take you out in a split second. Which wouldn't be so bad if randos didn't constantly prioritise rezing you over surviving.
  6. Well, don't click that then whatever you do!
  7. English footage and an interview with the English protagonist VA are up on Youtube, I'll let you find them here: https://www.youtube.com/user/AtlusUSA/videos Getting the email about these prompted me to check gaf to see how P5 has gone down. Seen quotes like this. The only real negatives are some people saying the endgame is comparatively (to its own strong start) weak and it feels like they're holding out for a P4G type re-release with a new ending.
  8. I really struggle to fault anything with the PS4 in general, except for the light bars and general poor battery life on the controller, and the thumbsticks which I had to cover. Also I'm a bit annoyed by the fact you can't customise "customise" in the new quick menu :p Otherwise I'm still constantly in awe of how astonishingly fast and reliable it is. Yeah downloads and PSN connections hit the odd speedbump, but they're nothing compared to how often it runs seamlessly. I can't say it's the best console I've ever had, because nostalgia for Nintendo's bestest games give the top spot for that to N64 and GC, but it's an incredibly complete system.
  9. Huh, never even knew that. And the new DS4 solves that? They were £35 not long ago on the GAME site, should've got one.
  10. That's a weird one, not had that. Does it only happen when the microphone is attached in the first place? Perhaps it's some issue with signal interference.... And what do you mean by the ability to plug the new DS4 directly into the PS4? How's that different to now?
  11. A nightstalker would be good @MilaGi! Depends if people are playing the same classes as usual, but chaining two shadowshots on the big bad is handy.
  12. I really, really like it. The areas I've reached so far have so much to explore and do. It's a great game in terms of building on what they had already, plus you get all the extra content included. The only real negative I can find about it so far is that some of the scripted action sequences are a bit samey but they still feel like watching a cool chase scene or something.
  13. Now that I can do
  14. Hcappy Bcirthday Dcaft! Oh I'm sorry I thought we were just randomly putting C's into words. Was that not a thing we were doing? :P Edit well now you just made me look... daft
  15. Damn can't do tonight really wanted another run at raid gear too.
  16. I didn't mean literally nobody had one! I'm talking about it breaking into the mainstream, you guys are two keen gamers on a gaming forum, I've never heard anyone talking about the Gear in the wild.
  17. I think, probably, this is a completely different animal though. By all accounts PSVR games look more polished and feel more complete than their PC counterparts. Games are charting, which I didn't expect, the headset must be selling very well. I imagine there'll be a buzz around this, lots of non-gamers picking it up unlike Vive which is an expensive piece of kit with a much smaller suitable crowd. There was Gear, sure, but I literally don't know anyone who's ever cared about that, since you can only get the experiences for that which can be loaded on a mobile. My point is, this is making it mainstream which could see the higher ups making a push, and lots of third parties jumping on opportunities. Even if it's just new VR features on existing games, like Tomb Raider, or short, half-price experiences like Batman, there could be people looking to capitalize on this asap.
  18. It's a shame I didn't have the foresight to buy some move controllers and a camera second-hand. Now everyone is capitalizing on the popularity of PS VR and they're expensive af on eBay :p
  19. That's Robot Rescue right? I've been hearing really great things about that. At first I thought PS VR could be another Move/Kinect, but PS VR games are charting well in the UK (2 in the top 10, 8 total in the top 40) and reception has been great. I really want one, but knowing I need a camera and move controllers and software to get the most out of it is putting me off a lot.
  20. Anyone watched Re: Zero? I recommend it Also decided to rewatch Naruto using a fan cut that skips out all the filler. Despite cutting out a lot, I forgot how shit the beginning is. Apart from beating Mizuki, it's pretty much unwatchable until the bridge arc starts. Stuff with Konohamaru and meeting Team 7... seems very much targeted at kids (I know the whole series isn't exactly for my age anymore but still, there used to be some appeal).
  21. Don't know if you guys are aware but pretty sure if you play a game or use a service with online features, your downloads will be throttled so as not to affect service. Also speeds are obviously affected by the number of people doing that download at the moment, so on new games and patches it's unsurprising that it would be slow. That said, since PSN used to be free and now gets £30-40/yr per customer you'd think they'd be able to make it a bit more stable.
  22. No worries, we still got through pretty quick Despite a few daft mistakes (*cough* @Zell) ha. Are powerline adapters an option if your wifi signal is intermittent?
  23. Raid reminder 1pm @Map @Zell @Sheikah @DriftKaiser @Eddage
  24. Well I got wrecked with it a few times on trials, feels OP, it's a burst fire sidearm I think.
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