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Everything posted by Nintendork

  1. True enough, it's a huge world- I've just beat the lake Hylia boss and the world is beautiful- Nintendo have an awesome engine set for the next Zelda should they want to use it. I think the comments that this Zelda has done nothing new in terms of gameplay are invalid, because the whole Twilight realm thing is awesome- as well as other items and the fundamental feature- playing with the Wiimote. It would have felt more complete if we had all the history that was in Ocarina and a Link to the Past. I haven't played either of these yet- but both the titles suggest that history play a significant role. Maybe they just wanted to distinguish it from the others a little more? I can't complain- I'm still relishing and trying to ration every bit of gameplay.
  2. Double Dash was a good idea, but poorly executed. I didn't enjoy it, but I think 7.9 is generous on Matt's behalf- EDGE's score is better, if not a little harsh. At least they tried something new with the series. On another thread related note I think Zelda deserved the 9s it got, and I also think all the 10/10s were generous. 8.8 isn't nearly as bad as people made it out to be. For me it is a 9/10 game- which is 0.2 away from GameSpot's score.. and 1.0 away from 1up's. Maybe 1up rounded up from say 9.5 (perfectly reasonable score also)- maybe they were looking for hits- but it's not a 10.0 game. Solely because there is not enough story- even though the story is good and very cinematic, as other people have noted it can dump you in another dungeon as soon as you get out of the first. Where is the history?
  3. Don't be stupid, it's just based on the platform that Apple happened to use until last year. PPC is the type of processor (made by IBM) which were previously used in Macs- Opera probably has the old source code lying about the office that the PPC browser was based on. So wouldn't it be easy to use the PPC Opera source code based around the UNIX kernel that OS X is built upon? Hells yeah. As this is a beta, they've just slapped a GUI over the top of it- it is probably sending out code to web crawlers that this browser is running on a Mac. Try one of those browser/IP lookup scanner things and it will give you more detailed information on browser/model.
  4. Sick of GAME charging up to 60% commision on trade in? Sick of eBay and PayPal surcharges? Sign up for InfiniteContinues They let you swap games, for free- they just hook you up with people who are looking for the games you want rid of. Obviously if someone offers you a trashed copy of Mario 64 in exchange for your crisp copy of Twilight Princess- you can decline. Basically you should value the experience you get from a game, instead of the cash value-- if a game offers you 10 hours fun who cares if it is worth £1 or £50? This site is 100% UK based and free claiming we "intend to stay that way" Reminds you of the school days hey? Obviously as it's a new service you want to be careful because everyone has low feedback- I suggest you Google them or ask for eBay feedback before sending them a £30 game. Tell everyone about the site- because until now we've been forced to use US centric sites like swapgame whichh have a low UK userbase. http://www.infinitecontinues.com/?user=spencesucks if anyone is interested in my list. What is the catch? Well as you are enterring games you are actively seeking, they will take this data and show you adverts for those games at reasonable prices. For instance I listed Animal Crossing and 10 minutes later noticed that there was an Animal Crossing advert for £25.
  5. Just insert your parents drivers license or passport into the slot loading drive (details facing downwards) as you would with a CD. That will register you as able to play 18+ games and buy 18+ rated virtual console titles. Hope that helps.
  6. Jesus fucking christ- shut up.
  7. Browsed around for a while- it's a full browser. What does it need? Real Player support. I won't be paying for it until it does. YouTube is suprisingly well support- flash is pretty good also. BBC Radio Player support would be the killer app for Opera browser- it means you don't have to listen again to the radio at your computer anymore. Set up my favourites to Google, YouTube, Google news and NeoGAF- that's about all I'll use it for.
  8. God Nintendo why don't you just saturate the sports genre so there is nothing left for third parties to do. Sounds like a plan. I know these are mini games, and simplified- and lack brand endorsements- licensed sportsmen and women. But people see value for money in these titles- look how well Super Swing did against Wii Sports in Japan. I want a fully fledged title instead of half assed simplified toss merely existing as a way of justifying the Mii channel (which is the biggest gimmick the Wii has)
  9. Wii ware, I'll give them 500 for it max.
  10. What makes you think that Hylian is compatible with American English? You kids don't read enough as it is.
  11. Come back in 1 year when we can see the Wii sales in comparison to DS sales. The sales of titles against the number of consoles shipped should also be interesting. I don't give a shit how many copies Metroid or Smash ships, I want to see how the 'Blue Ocean' titles do that are directly aimed at non-gamers, this is the key to the Wii not pulling a GameCube or N64. Third party titles are just as important also. It will be the only indication of success in my eyes.
  12. But the laser spins the opposite way NOT.
  13. Since when has this game been in 3D?
  14. Sorry kid, I got outbid. For everything else, there's Mastercard.
  15. Read the thread please.I'm not gonna hold my breath past Friday on this, they want to capitalise on first week sales.. people experimenting- impulse buys the rest. They're not gonna unleash free games until people have bought what they want out of the first batch. My theory is they'll unlock the second wave of VC titles (sub par selection), let people blow their wads of stars on the new purchases that they wouldn't have bought otherwise. Then they will start releasing some other games. (Ocarina)
  16. Not really, if you search you can find a graph proving that prices of flash memory have steadily decreased over the past 10 years. So holding out, is far from missing out. Read write speeds are irrelevant as the bus and the connection cannot supply data that fast.
  17. It's like 480p/576i innit.
  18. NintendoRevo, if you had to have one.. and there is no right or wrong answer on this one: which would you keep and which would you see melted? This means that you will never get to play the other game ever again, so think about longevity too.
  19. That just goes to show how saturated the WWII market has become, I can't tell the difference between them. (I'm not stoopid honest) I think online (console) play is the only arena where the WWII shooter has left to explore, and this version does not have it. Thus it's the same £30 you spent last year. It's had a good innings, but I can't wait until we rest a stone lid on this genre and bury it. I'm yet to play a WWII sim completely, I'm still waiting upon that killer title. Can anyone honestly name a must have (see: Halo, Battlefield) WWII shooter from the past couple of generations?
  20. It was a hypothetical question. To prove the point that Nintendo fanboys are willing to buy the less shit game when presented with 2 fairly shit games. We all know in the blog media world that EA are bastards, and Ubisoft are just as bad. We know it will sell a bunch to idiots who don't read reviews and just fancy shooting some nazis over the holidays. Don't buy into it.
  21. Trim you nails geeks. Why? Because the premium price you pay for a Wiimote didn't ensure that Nintendo went to every effort to make sure it lasts. They've used laminated buttons with silk screened lettering, if you use Wii a lot the laminate will rub off, then the lettering will flake off the buttons. Which buttons are effected? Thankfully only the lower lesser used Wiimote buttons, 1, 2, +, - and home. The d-pad seems to have some kind of matte finish on it. It's not a big deal for most people but I like my products to last a while.. my iBook keyboard is half missing now.
  22. So? Sonic on the 360 looks better than every other Sonic. Does that make it better? Should you go buy it over Sonic Wii/DS just because it looks better? Hell no. Next year prediction: Call of Duty 4, minor improved visuals and control scheme tweaks.. smarter nazis and online play. Paying for the same game again? Priceless.
  23. WTF are you getting hyped over? This looks average. n00bs.
  24. Only when you get a message.
  25. Looks utter crap to me, you can't even crash the planes.. the planes.. they just get stuck, jitter about for 5 seconds then it says game over. Graphics are sub par (the clouds is Mario look more realistic)
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