HMV are a rip off when it comes to older albums. I've went in looking for albums before only to find that some of them were £17+!!!
Ah, I've never been into HMV for a while now so I haven't seen the new prices.
Damn you all! Getting your Wii on Sunday you lucky bastards!!!!!! Just think of us while you're playing, waiting another 3 weeks before we can get our hands on the bloody thing.
Majoras Mask is awesome but I still prefer Ocarina of Time a tiny bit more. That's probably down to the fact it was released first and it took the whole "wow" factor away from MM. Running out onto Hyrule field for the first time was a holy shit moment because I hadn't seen such a large area in a game before!
I really enjoyed Wind Waker but I don't think it is as good as Oot and MM.
Well NGamer said Zelda was so good it made them cry! They gave Wind Waker 97 (NGC mag) but reduced it to 92 (NGamer). So I reckon if it is that good (and I believe it will be!) it should score around 97%. But I'm just guessing here!!
I'm not gonna read any reviews for TP, I'll just look at the scores it gets. I don't want to know anything more about the game than I all ready know.
I don't care what reviews Red Steel gets I will still be buying it on launch day. I still think it looks good and hopefully it will be fun to play. Reviews may say it's rubbish but that doesn't mean you can't get some enjoyment out of it.
Yeah, Wii Sports scored what I expected. I think it will be something I play on launch day, then it will just be used when my mates are around my house (could be fun with drink!). Doubt I will really play it that much by myself.
Never really been a massive racing game fan (apart from Mario Kart obviously!) but I want to play Excite Truck when it come out over here. Depending on what kind of reviews the other racing games get I might ask for one of them for christmas (Downhill Jam or something).
I've booked the Friay and Monday off work but I doubt I will have all weekend to play Zelda. My mates birthday is that weekend (so Friday & possibly Sat night out drinking) plus I've just looked at Newcastle's fixture list and I will be going to Blackburn on the Sat...grrr!!!!
They look nice!
I'll just stick with the composite cable because I have no room for a RGB scart at the back of my tv (they're been used and I can't be bothered to keep switching them everytime I want to watch a DVD/play a game etc.).
Ah well it doesn't affect me, I don't have a HDTV or LCD TV and have no plans on buying one in the near future (I only got my widescreen TV this year!!!).
Is composite the cable that plugs into the white, red and yellow bits?