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Everything posted by Din

  1. I'm too lazy!
  2. Not more bloody secrets. Is it gonna be a sex simulator or something?
  3. They need to get shorter versions of this and use it as an advert. It really shows off the wide range of games the Wiimote can be used for.
  4. Don't really want to see any remakes.
  5. This is a nice idea from Nintendo and I was hoping they would do something like this. I hope I get picked but I doubt I will! Been a member since 04/05/02, registered 41 products, stars earned: 15,415.
  6. Wanted the white one anyway so it doesn't bother me.
  7. I actually enjoyed the single player. Well I had to really as I only know 1 other person with a GBA. Really annoying how you had to know people with GBAs and link cables to actually get the best out of the game. Two player was fun but my mate didn't like it for some reason... Don't understand why he didn't like as he is into Zelda.
  8. I'm still subscribed to it. I always enjoyed reading it when it was n64/NGC magazine and still enjoy it now. They still make me laugh. It's annoying how I've been a subscriber for ages now and I've never recieved any free gift (like a Wavebird).
  9. It's Nintendo of Europe what do you expect?!!
  10. I still think the classic controller should have been bundled with the Wii console.
  11. Fable was a big dissapointment to me. I didn't think it was that great at all. I did enjoy it but it was too short and too easy. Doesn't come any where near OoT IMO. What my doing to pass the time? I'm playing Banjo Kazooie on the N64. So I'm trying to complete that. I'll probably go back to some of the GameCube games I never finished (if I can be arsed). So I'm not really doing much to pass the time. It seems to be flying by fast enough anyway. Can't believe how fast this year has gone.
  12. How much is this controller going to be? And are people going to want to buy another controller that can only control certain games? If I had an Xbox 360 I wouldn't buy this anyway. The whole point in me wanting an Xbox 360 is so I can have different games that wouldn't be possible on Wii (more traditional games).
  13. Well that sucks if it's true. I wanted Excite Truck
  14. I too have booked that Friday off work and the following Monday. So I've got plenty of time to play! It's sad really:o First NES games: Super Mario Bros. First SNES game: Super Mario World. First N64 game: Super Mario 64. First GameCube game: Super Monkey Ball. So... ...first game I will play? Well after setting the console (made Mii) Most likely Wii Sports so I can get to grips with the controller and see what it's all about. Plus my mate is getting his Wii at the same time so he will possibly come to my house and we will play some multiplayer. Then it will be Zelda, Zelda, Zelda and some more Zelda!
  15. What I don't understand is the fact that he admits Nintendo make a profit on selling their consoles yet he says that the Wii may be Nintendos last home console. Why would they leave when their making a profit? Makes no sense to me anyway.
  16. I don't think there's anything wrong with the spine. DS games are just about the same (plain white, DS logo and game title). I've got two European games with artwork: Phoenix Wright and Bomberman.
  17. Looks like it will be fun with a few mates for a while. It's just supposed to be a fun simple game to show people what the Wii remote can do and how easy it is to use. I'm sure someone will bring out a realistic tennis sim sometime. One where you actually control the player with the nunchuck.
  18. What not make every game Nintendo decide to bring to the VC available in all regions? Is it because we're committing the heinous crime of living in Europe?
  19. I've just bought Banjo-Kazooie for the N64 off eBay. What an awesome game! I used to have it when it first came out but I sold it for some strange reason. I might have to buy Banjo-Tooie (or whatever it's called) when I've finished this one. I played LttP the other month (GBA version). Now that game just makes me smile like an idiot the whole time I play it. I love everything about it. The graphics, the music, the brilliant gameplay! So many good memories playing that back in the good old days of the SNES.
  20. I haven't worked out how much everything is going to cost (not even sure what I want to get with it yet). If I don't have enough, which will probably be most likely because of xmas, then it can go on the credit card. Worry about it later he he.
  21. Crikey I've never watched a TV show about video games since Cybernet! remember that used to be on very late (ITV?).
  22. So plenty of Wii untis available for xmas. It's nice to see them getting enough Wii consoles ready for launch instead of having a little amount available at the start.
  23. Res Steel box art looks awesome. I love it! I Like the Zelda one also.
  24. Preordered my Wii today at Game. The phoned me on Sat to tell me they had begun to take preorderes but I couldn't get there so I had to send my mother today. They didn't ask my mam if I wanted to preorder any games yet. Now for the long wait until December!!!
  25. Going to go to my local Game tomorrow to register my interest in the Wii so they can tell me when they're taking pre orders.
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