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Everything posted by Din

  1. Looks very cool. I like the use of the grapple beam to grab shields away from the Space Pirates.
  2. Wow it looks fantastic! The control looks like it will add to the game and make it much more fun. I want to play this so bad after watching that video!
  3. Hope we get some hands on reports for this game. I'm very curious as to how it will play. It looks like great fun though.
  4. I knew I was getting an N64 for Xmas 'cos I went with my parents to buy the thing. I even got to play it before Xmas because I said I wanted to make sure it worked! Made waiting for it even longer after I had played it though Hope that date is true. I really want a DS Lite bad even though I don't need one!
  5. What's wrong with the graphics? I personally don't care if there not that much better because Prime looked brilliant on the GameCube.
  6. Wario Ware Touched was class on the DS. Everyone of my mates who have played it loved it. This will be a game I have to get just so I can show my mates what the Wii can do and it's gonna rock!
  7. Man, this is awesome news! Duck Hunt rules. I tried to play it the other day but my NES doesn't work any more:cry:.
  8. I'm sure we will find out if it can work. Smash Bros. should show is how a fighting game will work (when it's revealed that is). As for platform games I'm sure Super Mario Galaxy will show us how platformers are going to be controlled. I wish they had demonstrated that game though as I'm very curious as to how it works! Yes I do!
  9. It better f**king come out over here.
  10. OK some of the Wii sports games looked a bit shallow but games like Red Steel, Metroid Prime 3? I think that after playing an FPS with this new crontroller going back to standard control pads will seem like a big step backwards. The FHC will give you so much more control and freedom and I certainly don't think it's gimmicky. I'm bloody glad Nintendo have decided to take a risk and give us new innovative ways to play because I have been getting bored of playing games lately. Everything's the same but better looking. I'm looking forward to seeing how developers come up with new and exciting ways to play games.
  11. This game is looking great. I'm sure it will have the humor of Paper Mario. The game looks like it was probably inspired by the Bowser platform levels in Paper Mario The Thousand Year Door. Looks like another great MArio platform game! A Must buy for me!!!
  12. Super Paper Mario looks brilliant! The controller looks alright. It's just a SNES pad with analogue sticks.
  13. Noooooooo! I hate the bastard. He took me ages to kill on Prime!
  14. Looks like Metroid Prime 3 Corruption will be brilliant. Using the FHC controller on this game will be great. Echoes was good but not as good as Prime. Echoes still rocked though.
  15. Yes, which is great news! I forgot about the controller shell! I wish they had given us more info on this. Wonder what the 27 playable games are? And they said there would be more in video form as well. I'm still holding out for a few surprises!
  16. I was expecting a launch date and a price. I don't see why they need to keep that a secret. Super Mario Galaxy looks cool but I would have liked to know how you actually play the thing. Zelda looks awesome. Just frickin awesome. Metroid Prime 3 corruption looks great. Can't wait to here hands on reports. Nice to know there is rumble and also a motion sensor in the analog attactment. THe speaker in the controller is also interesting. It will be cool to see how developers use these features. THe sports games look pretty cool for multiplayer games. They look like they will be loads of fun with a few mates. I was expecting you to actually have full control over your charater with the analog attachment though. Overall a pretty good showing by Nintendo.
  17. Go Miyamoto!!
  18. I'm gonna eat my tea and watch the confrence. It just means I'll have to run down staris and pcik up my tea (Chili tonight!). I don't want to miss much. Hope it doesn't start too late although from what I can remember they never start on time.
  19. What's with this music? Ha ha! Well we've waited bloody ages for this moment to come and it's nearly upon us! I wonder what this other secret is going to be? Can't wait to see what Wii games they show.
  20. I can't actually beleive that they say it's a fantastic innovation. Shameless bastards.
  21. Din

    New EGM

    True. Your arm would probably be killing you after playing for a long time (Metroid Prime Hunters kills your hands!).
  22. Din

    New EGM

    Well that's dissapointing. What's the point in this new controller if were just going to press a button?
  23. What hell is Sven thinking? 4 strikers? Rooney isn't likely to play, Owen isn't fit, Crouch isn't exaclty great and Theo Walcott? Why take a 17 year old lad who hasn't played in the top flight (I don't think). He is very inexperienced and it just seems like a silly decsion to take him. Will it be worth the risk? The less said bout Owen Hargreaves & Jermaine Jenas the better. I never liked Jenas when he played for Newcastle.
  24. Yeah I think it was a month before the actual UK release date. Well worth the stars in my opinion. Well it's the only decent thing I have got with my stars and I've got loads of them.
  25. According to my VIP account it says it was 1000 stars. Well that included Mario 64 DS, a Touch Me T-Shirt and two demos (Wario WAre Touched & Metroid Prime Hunters). Not sure if it was cheaper than it was in the shop but we got it early!
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