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Everything posted by Space

  1. I like Sci-fi and liked the original Stargate film, but never watched SG1 as it looked like a cheap ripoff in the ads. How wrong I was when I finally got around to seeing it years later. I've since been watching the latest season and have bought seasons 1 and 2 on DVD. It's a pity RDA left as he was great, but lets face it a show does need to evolve. We don't want the same thing over and over. I liked Farscape but I agree with Rokhed that Bowder can only play 1 character. It's a slightly toned down version in Stargate but the lines they give him are so similar. I must say it was nice to see "The Doctor" from Voyager in a recent episode of Stargate, but it's a pity he just has a small role as he's a great actor.
  2. Merry Xmas everyone, hope you all had a good day.
  3. I can't help you but I had the option of doing a Prolog module in my final year. Fortunately there was other things on offer so I managed to avoid it. We did equally bad things in the 1st and 2nd years though.. Haskell.. Occam.. both totally geeky and pointless.
  4. Hm this looks familiar.. A modem (modulator demodulator) is needed to convert digital data into analogue form to send along the telephone line, and at the other end another modem converts it back to digital. An NIC (Network Interface Card) provides the means of understanding transmitted digital data between computers. This question has a potentially vast answer. I suppose they key things are: network type (ring, star, bus etc), IP address, subnet mask, full/half duplex, and then local things like IRQ (Interrupt Requst) number, which needs to be unique for Windows to identify that piece of hardware. Protocol type is also important, these days TCP/IP is used for pretty much everything. Most of the above, things like DNS settings are also important if you're connecting to the Internet via a LAN. IRQ needs to be unique, if it isn't Windows won't be able to distinguish between the clashing pieces of hardware. These days it's plug and play though so all you need to do is set up the IPs.
  5. My lead has been cut to almost nothing. I've had so many bad weeks in a row, this week topped off because I got rid of Stelios and he ended up scoring. Changes will be made!!
  6. Proof that the Sun is total rubbish.
  7. I have found that as soon as you get to 8kb/s performance starts going down. Also it probably won't make a difference to your download speed. (anyone confirm this?)
  8. I've been playing PDZ since it arrived, it's a Halo beater people! The 360 console and controller are excellent. 10/10 for design.
  9. Congrats Mr_Odwin!
  10. Still waiting for mine, it better come today.
  11. All the best Vince, good luck for the future.
  12. That µTorrent looks good Piro, I'll try it out sometime. ABC is well featured, and easily the best I've tried, but is showing it's age and uses up loads of memory when downloading a lot. Although I use torrent programs it's typically to try music before I buy. There's few other days to really discover new music as the radio never plays things I like. If something I download is good enough to keep I'll aim to buy it. Having the artwork etc is nice and if someone has produced high quality music they deserve to get paid for it. There are two ways to solve this whilst still putting something back into the network: 1) get a torrent client that allows you to set a max total upload setting. 2) install netlimiter, it allows you to limit a program's max upload. Both prevent your connection effectively dying. For either option select 4Kb.
  13. Will have to check this out. I thought the Office was rubbish, but he is quite funny. Extras had its moments and his stand-up stuff is good.
  14. There are so many stupid people around, you can't blame a select few for trying to make money off them.
  15. I agree 100%. At least most of the staff do know about games in general, I'd never expect them to be some kind of authority on gaming. I've never had a problem with any of their staff, my problem is with the company's pricing policy.
  16. GAME hasn't gone downhill as it has never been up a hill in its entire existance. It's stuck at the bottom of a very big hill busy ripping people off. At the top of the hill are the likes of Play.com who actually care about giving people value for money. Unless money is no object you'd have to be mad to buy all of your games on the highstreet.
  17. I don't want to hijack this thread, but is I heart Huckabees a comedy? I remember hearing about it a while back but didn't get around to seeing it. People's opinions were quite mixed to say the least. Worth picking up on DVD?
  18. Nepoleon Dynamite is quite strange.. I liked it but expected a few more laughs. Pedro for president!
  19. Guys, don't ruin a perfectly good thread. Congrats to the new people. deja-vu
  20. Congrats to the new guys, in particular Mr_Odwin deserves the position. I've not been posting here so expected to be removed sooner or later, although I did always check that no trouble was going down each day. That would be nice as some of us have put years into this place, and with the C-E Elites not being around anymore there's nowhere for us to hide.
  21. I'm pretty sure the retailer takes most of the profit. For books it's at least 50%.
  22. You can't compare gameplay or game to play. Play is a discount store, the others largely offer close to RRP prices. This is why Play's service is going to be worse. You sometimes get what you pay for. I buy loads of stuff from play.com. Over the years they've saved me hundreds of pounds. Their delivery isn't quick but their prices are great and generally things have been good. Only one issue.. I bought Fantavision of PS2 (for £5 mind) and it was clearly pre-owned and scratched. I sent it back and they sent me another clearly pre-owned version. They refunded me for the price for the game along with the postage cost though so I got the second one for free. Clearly they had got a very cheap batch, but yes they should have stated it wasn't a new sealed copy. But considering I've bought probably a hundred things from them I've been very happy.
  23. I saw it for the first time yesterday and was pretty impressed. I'm thinking about getting the series 1 DVD, but does it all center around them chasing girls? It'd be nice if it was a bit more varied.
  24. Shame, he was so young too. What do you think the cause was? Drugs has to be up there on the list.. a few have died over the years because of that. Does anyone else remember Texas Tornado?? Edit: for the record, the swearing was quite justified considering what was posted.
  25. It sounds like a good idea if you're young, is there a minimum age? But for anyone old enough they could be earning far more stacking shelves in their local supermarket.
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